GREG Quotes

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Greg: “I am the man.”
Warrick: “Why? What did you do? Let me guess. You ran a DNA profile on the blood from the dead guy's knuckles and you got a match.”
Greg: “No.”
Grissom: “You ran a DNA profile and something very distinctive popped up?”
Greg: “Not quite.”
Warrick: “You made it out of bed and you dressed yourself?”

That cracks me up for some reason!

Wich eppy is that from?

(back to topic)
Greg Sanders: Well, I ran the samples on COfiler(TM) and Profiler Plus (TM). Then I compared each specimen against the types obtained from the dried semen that you found
on the victim's mattress ...
Gil Grissom: Are we paying you by the word?

That Greg sure is funny^^
i nearly wet myself at this one
Greg Sanders: This is some kind of CSI hazing. Make me appreciate blood and semen more

hehe wot was the episode of this one agen? an wots the full quote like the bits grissom says to him an stuff? :confused:
how about...Greg: For the rcord, I like hving a penis.

ha ha. ^^ ts just so funny in ialogue, and all by itself. my sister has been fed up with me for a while too...heh...
Greg to grissom

*som man reaider sow ligger man*

*you know things could get loud in here*

*it's not my right foot I'm concerned about!!*

*yeah, it's probably fatal*

and the best one
*you infected me with mildew*

all are from 3,3 let the sellar beweare
yea, i saw that one. ha ha. i think that's one of those rare times when Greg gets mad. And i think the only time when he does and it's hilarious.
GRISSOM: Bud is starting to look like a pretty bad cat. Trace from his
(GRISSOM looks at the print results.)
GRISSOM: Well, identical to the trace we found in Rocky Raccoon's vomit.
Ipecac and civet oil.
GREG: Well, that's what you get for eating ...

This is from Fur and Loathing
yay! *go greg!*

i got another one, it's from homebodies i believe (4x03 i think)
*after warrick asked greg to do the "mummy"'s fingerprints, greg brings them to grissom.*
GRISSOM: warrick's work is getting sloppy
GREG: yeah, somebody oughta talk to that guy!

LOL that cracked me up for some reason...
Episode: "Slaves of Las Vegas"
Time Counter: 10:27

Nick: "What up, Einstein?"

(Nick leans over Greg shoulder)

Nick: "Ooh, you got anything there?"

(Greg is aggiated, turns partly.)

Greg: "You think Einstein had people hovering over his shoulders all the time?"

(Nick shakes his head no)

Greg: "If he did, do you think that we'd be walking around with E=mc2 T-Shirts?"

(Nick starts to lean over Greg shoulder again)

Greg: "Would you step back?!?! Just give me some breathing room? Maybe I'll tell you something about the silver sliver that Grisson found on Sandbox Girl's back.

Nick: "It's all yours."

(Nick still trying to look over Greg's shoulder but this time from a little bit farther away, Greg checking over his shoulder to see where Nick is, as he runs the evidence)

Greg: "Let's see what the library has to say. Tempered steel with aluminum coating. "

Nick: "Maybe she was chained up."

Greg: "If she was, she was wearing something pretty funky."

Nick: "She was in the raw."

Greg: "Yeah, in a manner of speaking. Remember that sparkly stuff that Grissom got off her body?"

Nick: "Yeah"

Greg: "I broke it down -- tree sap, ammonia and water."

Nick: "Sounds like frat house gravy."

Greg: "Liquid latex"

Nick: "Never heard of it."

Greg: "Really? It's all the craze right now, man. Girls paint it on guys. Guys paint it on girls. You can paint it on yourself if you want, if that's what you're into. You can't get a date."

Nick: "I got it."

Greg: "Like I would know."

Nick: "Sure, sure. I got it, man."
Episode: "Feeling The Heat"
Time Counter: 20:35

Greg: "Heard you guys narrowed your search area to 44 square miles. That could take, like, months.

Nick: "And I'm sure you're here to shed some light on the situation."

(Greg shrugs as he walks into the room.)

Greg: "Your case is a boy-girl thing, right?"

(Nick and Sara answer simoutantously)
Nick: "Right"
Sara: "MmHm"

Greg: "Body was washed up near Windmill Cove? These two coves to the north -- Cottonwood Island, Tequila--huge make-out spots, but nearly impossible to get to by land."

Sara: "And how would you know that, Greg?"

Greg: "A gentleman never tells. Anyway, I thought that would be a good place to start. If you guys need an extra set of hands...."

Nick: "Uh, no. No. I think we got it, boss."

(Greg mouths 'call me' to Sara, as he make a telephone with his hand)
Episode 3/04: A Little Murder

Nick: “Hey, Greg.”

Greg: “Hey.”

Nick: “Get anything off the rope?”

Greg: “Yeah, a few brown hairs around the knot. Only one with a skin tag, though. And those fibers that Sara found on the body?”

Nick: “Yeah?”

Greg: “Polyester upholstery. Cheap rugs and tacky furniture.”

(Grissom walks into the lab and looks at the samples on Greg’s table.)

Grissom: “I need these hairs.”

Greg: “Uh, uh, no DNA tags on those.”

Grissom: “Doesn't matter.”

Greg: (grumbling) “You know, I hate it when he does that. I like to make a presentation, you know?”

Nick: “So, present.”

Greg: “Eh, forget it. Scope's interesting.”

(Nick looks into the scope. Scope View shows skin cells.)

Nick: “All right, fresh epithelials.”

Greg: “Yeah, I found them on the rope near the anchor point. A minuscule sample, but useable.”

Nick: “How long for DNA?”

Greg: “Well, give me something to compare it to. Get me the fiancée's blood.”

Nick: “Well, I can't just give you her blood. That takes a court order.”

Greg: “I'm open 24 hours.”
Shyone092481 you could have removed the spaces inbetween the lines, and then put all three in one quote posting one after another like that, is considered over posting to the point of spamming (See board rules). ;)
From season one, episode Table Stakes:

GREG: match, boom, match, boom!
CATHERINE: You want to take that thing off your head, Greg? It's evidence.
GREG: Cool your jets, Cath. I already got all the evidence out of it. Now... it's all woman! Did you ever wear one of these when you were dancing?
CATHERINE: I wore nothin' but skin.
GREG: OoOh! ;)

Then Grissom shows up and stares at him with this priceless WTF? look on his face. XD Gotta love it!
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