GREG Quotes

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mmkay. i'll post a quote!

"So what's the pot up to?"
"We don't bet on cases."
"Oh, of course you don't. So who's winning?"
"I am." [Nick and Warrick together]
-- Greg Sanders, Nick Stokes and Warrick Brown (Anonymous)

ha ha. cool.
Sara: " I think sports are physical by definition"
Greg: " Well, sex is physical is that a sport?"
Sara: " Not to me"
DAVID HODGES: Good thing you didn't have to take a spelling test to work the

(David picks up the jar and shows the label to Greg.)

DAVID HODGES: "Funtain" water?

GREG: My people are Norwegian. That's how we spell it. So, is the "funtain" water in her lungs?

DAVID HODGES: All bodies of water contain unicellular algae.

GREG: Called diatoms. They're unique, like fingerprints. Diatoms from one body of water don't match those from any other.

DAVID HODGES: Well, you're roughly right. Here, take a look.

(He moves aside and lets Greg look through the scope.)


(There are two sets of diatoms.)

DAVID HODGES: The diatoms on the left are from the water found in your victim's
lungs and the diatoms on the right are from the fountain. Not a match.

GREG: Not even close. Which means she didn't drown there.

DAVID HODGES: I'll throw you a bone.

(Hodges turns around to get something from the counter.)

GREG: She blew you off, didn't she?

(Hodges turns back with a test tube.)

DAVID HODGES: The water from the fountain is heavily chlorinated. No, she didn't blow me off. I didn't ask her out. But this sample, found in your vic's lungs, contains polymethylhexalene biguanide ... and anyway, I heard she blew you off first. It's a chlorine alternative. It's less irritating.

GREG: Vanessa Keaton died in a pool.

DAVID HODGES: Or a spa ... and by the way, that's spelled S-P-A in any
really? i thought Hodges was pretty funny. i did like that episode though. well..any episode with Greg in it has to be at least somewhat good. ^^
*Walks in looks around, "shrug" Pushes wall back over, dusts off hands and looks at handy work* "There back on topic. ;)
Probably been mentioned 2 dozen times already, but personally I think it can stand another dozen or so mentions...

My favorite Greg line:
"For the record, I really like having a penis" :lol:
i loved it when he said that

greg: im like a sponge i absorb information
grissom: i thought that was my line
greg: yeah, and i absorb it
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