GREG Quotes

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GREG: So, are you going to say, "the game's afoot"?
GRISSOM: I didn't know you were a Conan Doyle fan, Greg.
GREG: I'm not. I saw a Sherlock Holmes movie once by mistake.
i nearly wet myself at this one
Greg Sanders: This is some kind of CSI hazing. Make me appreciate blood and semen more

hehe wot was the episode of this one agen? an wots the full quote like the bits grissom says to him an stuff? :confused:

The Episode Is Called Down The Drain Season 5 I Remeber Cuz I Watched It Today :p

Heres The Restt :)

(Greg walks into the lab.)

GREG: What are you doing?

GRISSOM: Good. You're here. Fill this up for me, will ya?

(Grissom tosses him a specimen cup.)

GREG: With what?

GRISSOM: It's a urine specimen cup, Greg. What do you think?

(Greg looks at it, scoffs and shrugs.)

GREG: Okay.

(He turns and leaves Grissom.)

(Grissom takes out a dead fetus and weighs it: 2.862 pounds. He notes it on
the log and places it aside. He takes out a second dead fetus and weighs that
also. He places it in the control container.)

(Greg returns. He puts the filled specimen container on the counter.)

GRISSOM: That took a long time. You may need a prostate exam.

GREG: My prostate is just fine. I'm not a soda fountain.

GRISSOM: Hopefully you are, 'cause I need a number two as quickly as possible.

(Grissom takes out a larger plastic container and hands it to Greg.)

GREG: (skeptically) What is this all about?

GRISSOM: The victim's body was found in a sewer. Ambient temperature 80
degrees. The corrosive chemicals caused the body to decompose faster than
normal. I want to find out how much faster. (He plops the dead pig fetus in
the container with the mixture.) Today.

(He pours Greg's sample into the mixture as well.)

(Greg turns away - with the container in his hand.)

GREG: This is some kind of CSI hazing. Make me appreciate blood and semen
Greg: 'Nurse hu?"
Sara: "Multiple hairs, multiple doners"
Greg: "Ah a little nurses gone wild"

From Butterfield
oh yer!! thanx!! durin this bit..

GRISSOM: Hopefully you are, 'cause I need a number two as quickly as possible.

(Grissom takes out a larger plastic container and hands it to Greg.)

the luk on gregs face is next to priceless!! heheeee :p
lol i know!!!! i also liked the part when sara was like: you finally lost ur virginity
Sara: You're First Auotpsy, how was it?
Greg: Fine, How Was Youre Reaction
Sara: I puked
Greg: I Didnt Puke
Sara: Waita Go Tough Guy ;)
Greg : I'm just like a spongue , I absorb information. * talks about the evidence *
Grissom : I thought that was my line.
Greg : Yeah , and I absorbed it.

Wich episode is that one from?? :)

And btw, I can't stop saying Whatevo hahaha :p
Also I've started to say Leggo my Greggo almost everyday ;P

I'm goin' to get that engrave on my iPod actually! The "I'm like a sponge: I just absorb information." part!
lol! kwl!!
Oh my GOD i saw this quote for the first time last night!

Nick Stokes: Hey, Greg
Greg Sanders: [looking through the microscope] Shh! I might be looking at the mother of my children here.
Nick Stokes: Somebody's been putting in way too much overtime.
Greg Sanders: No, man, this is serious. I had a date last night and this girl has the most impossible green eyes. Just... BAM! Shoulder-length blonde hair, intelligent, and she smells so good.
Nick Stokes: Cute toes?
Greg Sanders: Oh, ideal!
Nick Stokes: Mmm.
Greg Sanders: And none are longer than the big toe.
Nick Stokes: Mmm.
Greg Sanders: Both feet. But, you know, what I need to know is what's on the inside?
Nick Stokes: Oh, what's in her heart?
Greg Sanders: No... her DNA. And let me tell you, this girl has got some fine epithelials.
Nick Stokes: [laughing] Dude, you're sick. Man, you've officially lost it!
Greg Sanders: No, no. There is this guy in Louisville. He charges 300 clams to test your spouse's underwear for foreign DNA. Now, that guy is sick. I'm just a romantic.
Nick Stokes: But whatever happened to getting to know someone over coffee, letting the relationship evolve? Romantic is sending flowers, not bogarting her skin cells.
Greg Sanders: Ahh, that's boring.

I was with my mate watchin it an she was in TEARS laughing that much! :lol:
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