"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Can't Watch

Oooh, as long as Billy Petersen is one of the cast that is commentating because I'd love his reaction to the whole episode, might make me feel better about my own personal doubts about how much Gris cares about Nick.

Doubts? :) That rescue scene, I thikn would be the most "raw" emotion I think I'll ever see Gil show.....for someone who holds his feelings in, that hand on my hand part made me shed a tear.

Re: Can't Watch

I totally wanted to bawl and very nearly did during that scene at the nursery, Grissom was just the best! As you can tell I'm literally speechless with the whole episode and I'll recover by tomorrow ;), I promise!

I do have a question though, but what happened to the webcam? when they took off the lid it wasn't there, so ahh you guys have any ideas, because I'm utterly lost.
Re: Can't Watch

I personally can't wait for the Season 5 DVD to come out. And this ep better be one that they do commentary for.

I have all the other seasons on DVD and it seems like they never have commentary on the eps where I really want'em too. :mad:

I would love it if QT came in to take part...and George Eads, too!! I would love to know what was going through his head during the filming....he had to go to a very scary place to be able to emote the way he did. Poor woobie!
Re: Can't Watch

I'm glad you got to see it Hales , and enjoyed it after being so hopelessly spoiled by the rest of us. :D
When I first watched it, I wished I'd never seen the coffin scenes beforehand. But the entire rescue sequence and the "Pancho" scene took me by surprise, and I was bawling like a baby by the end of it.

I always figured the bad guy used some sort of very tiny fiberglass lens, which is why Nick didn't see it and we probably wouldn't have been able to, either. But not seeing the webcam was the last thing on my mind then. :lol:
Re: Can't Watch

After watching GE's interview on the CSI site, and watching some of the clips from GD again, I wonder when the rest of the cast saw the scenes in the coffin for the first time and what their reactions were. GE mentioned that he and QT had agreed that his buried scenes would be filmed with just the two of them and a small film crew.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Just discovered an interview on the CBS website with Eads (who I find is quite a charming guy and pretty smart) and he talked about how and Taratino did the scenes in the coffin one on one. Eads remarked how they finally got into Nick's character a little more.

Which kind of points into a discussion..I think Nick has been an undermined character all these years. They spent some time with him for the first two seasons and then the focus became on Grissom and Sarah and Warrick. I think it's a shame because Nick is an interesting character. I'm not criticizing the other characters, but if they spend one more season on those three alone..I'm out of there..I want more Nick in the show because he's undiscovered territory. Last year when they fired Eads and Fox I was ticked off and wrote to CBS (something I never, ever do in my life) and complained how they took away two characters that represented Gen Xers and left the show with two boomers, and left one Xer I dont care for, and then a Gen Yer (Greg).so I wasn't going to watch.

I'm bored with the other characters now. I love them, but it's time for Nick to shine..

So slam me all you want guys..that's how I feel and I'm entitled to it..I'm Grissomed and Sarah out mostly because nothing has been done to put them together..I'm Catherined out because I'm tired of the "Single Mom..Bitch"character..I'm a single mom and believe me I don't carry a chip on my shoulder. I'm in my mid 30s, but don't have Sarah's pessism. Nick is my fave because he is optimisitc, spiritual and kind-hearted(and I'm ot going to pull his heart out of his chest). Nick is forgiving of other people's ill will towards him as am I. I don't carry grudges and I would have also said to Kelly Gordon, "Don't take it with you."

Nick brings a human element to the show which has been lacking over the years with Catherine's "woe is me", Sarah's "I love Grissom,but he doesn't want me." And Warrick's gambling problem. Grissom has turned into Shrek..I"m surprised he doesn't yell at Sarah (donkey)"Get of my swamp!!!"

Greg used to entertain me..but he's too serious..he was comical relief.

Thank you for letting me get this off my chest..folks..I promise to not take up too much more time..
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

^^^ A thoughtful post and well expressed.

I agree with you except on one eensy weensy point. We really didn't get to see much of Warrick, especially this past season and I would argue he needs more screentime as well. And since he is currently working the swing shift with Nick, they should be able to flesh out these two guys' friendship a little more, particularly after Tarentino laid some long overdue groundwork in that area in the finale.

As for the rest of the characters, we've seen enough. I want to see all of them move on already. Obviously I enjoy watching them or I never would have become such a fan of the show, but I'm really over the whole "poor me" stuff with Sara, the whole Sara/Grissom relationship potential, the Catherine's restlessness/constant need to get laid scenarios (Hey- what mature adult doesn't ? :lol: ) and the overall focus on Greg instead of the original core CSI's.

Please, don't misunderstand me- I love them all. Seriously. Catherine is my idol. But I want some equality in the screentime/development of characters that has often been sorely lacking the last couple seasons. That's all! ;)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

^^^ A thoughtful post and well expressed.

I agree with you except on one eensy weensy point. We really didn't get to see much of Warrick, especially this past season and I would argue he needs more screentime as well. And since he is currently working the swing shift with Nick, they should be able to flesh out these two guys' friendship a little more, particularly after Tarentino laid some long overdue groundwork in that area in the finale.

As for the rest of the characters, we've seen enough. I want to see all of them move on already. Obviously I enjoy watching them or I never would have become such a fan of the show, but I'm really over the whole "poor me" stuff with Sara, the whole Sara/Grissom relationship potential, the Catherine's restlessness/constant need to get laid scenarios (Hey- what mature adult doesn't ? :lol: ) and the overall focus on Greg instead of the original core CSI's.

Please, don't misunderstand me- I love them all. Seriously. Catherine is my idol. But I want some equality in the screentime/development of characters that has often been sorely lacking the last couple seasons. That's all! ;)

I was going to pick apart your post BABA but then decided not too. I agree with you 100%! (However I have to question your integrity to Nick though........ I thought Nick was your idol, not Catherine. :D
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

No, see I want to have Nick. I want to be Catherine! :D
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Which kind of points into a discussion..I think Nick has been an undermined character all these years. They spent some time with him for the first two seasons and then the focus became on Grissom and Sarah and Warrick.

and Warrick???

Are we watching the same CSI? :confused: I don't think they've focused on Warrick much at all!! I've been waiting to see that for a long time.

Other than that.......Amen sistah! I agree. :)

I'd also like to see them do more with Greg. As zany as he is.........there has to be SOMETHING to know about him more in depth.

I'm really hoping they will focus more on the aftermath of Nick's trauma and go somewhere with it.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

No, see I want to have Nick. I want to be Catherine! :D

:lol: OH Well thats different than isn't it? I want to be Sara, love her snarkiness...... :D
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

HAH! Nice one. :D

Ahh, the little "in" jokes... :lol:
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

No, see I want to have Nick. I want to be Catherine! :D

Hmmm, see in my world, if YOU were Catherine, then you could HAVE Nick.

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Yeah, but the trick is to make that my world! :lol:

Ah, it's good to have a healthy fantasy life, if nothing else. :)