"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Can't Watch

Baba - I was thinking the same thing - how did they know which end to brush away the dirt, the only thing I could think of is Katherine found the camera thingy at one end so maybe they assumed his head was at that end.

You know, that's a pretty valid explanation. Just goes to show nothing in this ep is without reason or purpose. :cool:

And Baba 's pic is from "Nesting Dolls" I believe?
It's such a gorgeous pic of Nick, is it not? :D
Re: Can't Watch

Yep, everything said above is true... about the remote link above Nick's head, and my avatar being from Nesting Dolls. :)
Re: Can't Watch

Many of you are commenting on Nick's dad calling him Poncho. I just re-watched the show the other night. During the scene where Nick is taping a message to his parents, his says "Cisco and Mom." I found that very touching. Most of you are probably too young to remember, but in the late 50's there was a show called The Cisco Kid. Cisco's sidekick was Poncho. I had to join today just to add my two cents to the conversation.

I have enjoyed reading your posts very much and hope to add something now and then. Thanks for the enjoyment.
Re: Can't Watch

Welcome Readonly and hope to see you around! :D

If it were not for this forum, I never would've found out about the deal with "Pancho and Cisco". How sweet is that? Kudos to QT for the nice touch!
Re: Can't Watch

I've read alot of comments on Grissom's reaction or non reaction - but I think he didn't want to let himself think too deep or he'd breakdown and he wouldn't be able to do what he had to do to find Nick ---At the very end - after the ambulance drove off - he breathed a sigh of relief and the asked for his guys back. I think the whole time he didn't want to "breathe" or let his guard down until it was over - kinda keep himself removed from the whole thing until it was over and Nick was ok.
Re: Can't Watch

You know we all ought to ask Billy Petersen his version of his character especially regarding Nick, but I'd say he'd consider Grissom as the guy who hides his emotions really well, too well because people state that's he emotionless most of the time, except with Sara *shrug*

Since I won't see this episode until "Later This Year" *sobs quietly* I can't rightly say how Grissom reacted to the drama of Nicky being buried alive, hence my gazillion and one questions about his reaction to you guys that have seen it, since I'm not a very patient person *hangs head*

Which brings the question of: has anyone whose seen this episode about five times or more, ever seen whether Grissom has tears in his eyes? I've seen a screen cap or two that show that Grissom has watery eyes *shrug* what's your opinion?
Re: Can't Watch

No, I wouldn't say he got teary... There were a couple times when his eyes light up when he watches Nick do a few smart things to help save his own life (or at least prolong it). Maybe those are the caps you saw?
Re: Can't Watch

You know we all ought to ask Billy Petersen his version of his character especially regarding Nick, but I'd say he'd consider Grissom as the guy who hides his emotions really well, too well because people state that's he emotionless most of the time, except with Sara *shrug*

Since I won't see this episode until "Later This Year" *sobs quietly* I can't rightly say how Grissom reacted to the drama of Nicky being buried alive, hence my gazillion and one questions about his reaction to you guys that have seen it, since I'm not a very patient person *hangs head*

Which brings the question of: has anyone whose seen this episode about five times or more, ever seen whether Grissom has tears in his eyes? I've seen a screen cap or two that show that Grissom has watery eyes *shrug* what's your opinion?

I remember reading somewhere that Billy Petersen had stated in an interview that Grissom thinks of Nick like a son or beloved pupil.

I have searched high and low for that little interview tidbit and have never been able to find it.

I would give my eye teeth to hear Billy's thoughts on the subject. *sigh*
Re: Can't Watch

No, I wouldn't say he got teary... There were a couple times when his eyes light up when he watches Nick do a few smart things to help save his own life (or at least prolong it). Maybe those are the caps you saw?
There on Erica's screen caps, one of them that I can really remember is when he discovers fake evidence in the 'fake crime scene' and a couple of others were when they were trying to get Nick out of his hell hole.

One cap makes me choke up though, and its seeing Grissom looking at Nick through the webcam, all I can describe it as he's thinking "who the hell did that to you" or something, very cute.
Re: Can't Watch

On another viewing of Grave Danger during the rescue scene I noticed something for the first time!

I was watching the 4 people digging to get Nick out. Everyone one of our gang held back, except for Warrick. However, I noticed that one of teh guys was balding, and was wearing a tan trenchcoat type thing.

First time I thought it was Brass, but after several viewings I knew Brass was one of the ones standing aiide. All the rescure people and cops had dark brown/green jackets easy to pick out.

So, was it Conrand Ecklie??

I mean he's there, you see him in the end. He's balding and was the only other person waering a tan colored trenchcaot.

I mean I could maybe see him help dig, but if it was well..man, my opnion of him improved a little even more than earlier in the eppy.

Re: Can't Watch

Yeah, I also noticed that when Catherine yelled to step away from the hole, there were explosives, Brass moved back without hesitating (while Warrick didn't want to leave). I was sort of disappointed that he didn't pull a Warrick and question leaving Nick alone. :( Usually I love Brass.
Re: Can't Watch

After repeated viewings of Grave Danger and reading people's thoughts on character reaction's to Nick's situation, I think they all acted completely in character. People were hoping that Grissom would get emotional or shed tears or something, but that's not Grissom. It wouldn't have made sense. He knew that he needed to keep it together in order to save Nick. He couldn't allow himself the luxuory of tears or cartharsis. As the leader, he had to stay strong. Warrick's anger and guilt was completely perfect. Sara's silent grief was wonderful. Catherine was completely Catherine - from getting the money and consoling Warrick. She was the perfect counterpart to Grissom as she was in past season. To have the entire group break down crying and hug each other would have been, to put it bluntly, stupid and way out of character. I applaud QT because he actually knew the characters he was writing about and kept them in character.
Re: Can't Watch

I haven’t seen anyone mention this here, and I think I’ve read all the posts. After Grissom calls Nick Pancho and tells him to put his hand on his, Nick says or mouths the word “Daddy” to Grissom. It breaks my heart every time.

That scene at the end takes the whole Grissom as a father figure to a whole new level. Nick was obviously not holding it together by that point, and he had reverted to a childlike state. Grown men don’t generally call their fathers daddy. Grissom using his childhood nickname and talking to him as if he were a child, it was all very touching and really showed that Grissom can sometimes be very insightful about other people’s emotions, even though he is not very good at expressing his own.
Re: Can't Watch

I think the closest Grissom got to tears in his eyes was when he was reading Nick's lips when Nick was leaving messages on the tape and left him one specifically.

Poncholives: I agree with your summation of all the characters - they were all in character and if they hadn't been in character it wouldn't have made sense. Plus they all really had to stay in control to be able to find Nick.

fordperfect: I wondered what Nick said after Grissom called him Poncho.

Baba: I also noticed how quickly everyone else jump out of the whole when Katherine yelled for them too - thought it was too quickly too. - When they were digging for Nick - did they undig the air pipes or leave them in - so Nick could at least get the air while they were digging.