"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Can't Watch

I think the closest Grissom got to tears in his eyes was when he was reading Nick's lips when Nick was leaving messages on the tape and left him one specifically.

Poncholives: I agree with your summation of all the characters - they were all in character and if they hadn't been in character it wouldn't have made sense. Plus they all really had to stay in control to be able to find Nick.

fordperfect: I wondered what Nick said after Grissom called him Poncho. You are right, Grissom knew right away how to get through to Nick.

Baba: I also noticed how quickly everyone else jump out of the whole when Katherine yelled for them too - thought it was too quickly too. - When they were digging for Nick - did they undig the air pipes or leave them in - so Nick could at least get the air while they were digging.
Re: Can't Watch

I haven’t seen anyone mention this here, and I think I’ve read all the posts. After Grissom calls Nick Pancho and tells him to put his hand on his, Nick says or mouths the word “Daddy” to Grissom.

Hmm, I've seen the eppy many times. Never noticed him mouth the word daddy. might have to watch it again.

Re: Can't Watch

I haven’t seen anyone mention this here, and I think I’ve read all the posts. After Grissom calls Nick Pancho and tells him to put his hand on his, Nick says or mouths the word “Daddy” to Grissom.

Hmm, I've seen the eppy many times. Never noticed him mouth the word daddy. might have to watch it again.


Okay, I just watched the scene again. It's after Grissom says "Put your hand on my hand" and Nick does. He says something. I thought he was saying "Okay" but there's a chance he was saying "Dad". Maybe someone else has an opinion.
Re: Can't Watch

I read the screen play..got nothing one way or another..Its a small detail, but I really think he says okay.


Re: Can't Watch

I think it's "okay" but I'll watch it again tomorrow and try to puzzle it out.
Re: Can't Watch

About Grissom crying... I remember seeing one screencap where he had *very* shiny eyes. Can't recall where in the episode that comes from, but I think it was right before a commercial break, where they do this "flash and cut to black" thing. Although the brightness of his eyes could have come from the flash. I'm still looking for that screencap.
Re: Can't Watch

Wow, I’m really sorry that I’ve forced you guys to watch the episode again, it must be horrible for you. I’ve watched it more times than I’d like to admit and I am almost positive that he says ‘Daddy,’ but I could be wrong. ‘Okay’ just doesn’t seem to fit.

I don’t think he was calling Grissom his father, but that maybe, at least for a moment, he thought that Grissom was his father. Especially after Grissom called him Pancho, a nickname that I assume only his father used. Nick was not quite all there, I mean a couple of minutes beforehand he was hallucinating, and then after everyone deserted him he had completely lost it. So, I don’t think it’s a stretch that he was a little confused about what was happening around him or that in his state of fear he would use such a childlike term when looking to his father for comfort. But that’s just my opinion.
Re: Can't Watch

it's not a stretch of the imagination at all..the autopsy scene proved he was hallucinating. I just am looking for any excuse to watch it again anyway heh.
Re: Can't Watch

The last image of his hallucination was his father, which I think could still be hovering in his mind when rescue came a few moments later.

It's interesting how the memory of his father twice made him snap out of his hallucination and blind panic. Whatever relationship the two had (refer to the "childhood" thread), it must've been a powerful one.
Re: Can't Watch

I have the coolest friend, and he doesn't even like the show but he did something wonderful that let me watch this episode of CSI and now I have to share it with you guys!

I LOVED this episode and its by far the best episode I have seen and even beats Stalker, which has been my favourite for three years.

I watched Grissom's reaction the most out of all the characters (besides Nick of course) and he showed lots of emotions, just rarely seen by anyone else... you have to look for it :) and I totally and utterly adore the man, especially at the end with his many comforting words to a highly stressed and frantic Nicky... or shall I just say Nick had just had enough of being in a cramped area and now that he found out 'friends' were around he wanted out just that little bit more.

Warrick - he's the coolest friend ever, and I had to feel sorry for him when Nick shot out the light, and his emotional reaction to it when he realised that Nick was still with them.
Re: Can't Watch

I'm glad you liked it, Hales. It was a really good episode - the best, IMO. I've never loved Warrick (or Catherine for that matter) more than in this episode.

I'm hoping that there will be a director's cut of the episode on the DVDs or deleted scenes or something.
Re: Can't Watch

Yeah totally adore Warrick and Catherine, Grissom made me love him, there should have been more Brass, I adore Hodges and Archie more than normal.

I also hope there's deleted scenes etc. on the DVDs but I'm probably hoping for way too much :D
Re: Can't Watch

I'm glad you liked it, Hales. It was a really good episode - the best, IMO. I've never loved Warrick (or Catherine for that matter) more than in this episode.

I'm hoping that there will be a director's cut of the episode on the DVDs or deleted scenes or something.

Just give me a very good commentary track, and I'll be giddy!!

Re: Can't Watch

Oooh, as long as Billy Petersen is one of the cast that is commentating because I'd love his reaction to the whole episode, might make me feel better about my own personal doubts about how much Gris cares about Nick.