"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Some good points PONCHOLIVES However I would have to disagree. I think Grissom holds Nick in high esteem. (episodes for comparison: Pilot, Chasing the Bus, High and Low, Eleven Angry Jurors, ect.) I do have to say that Grissom calls Nick on his mistakes more, and in Evaluation Day, it seems that Grissom is being unfair when in turn he's not. His brutal honesty about Nick at the time is showing Nick that he respects him and is not trying to put him down, but to bring him up to the CSI that we all know and love. I think that Grissom and Nick's relationship has evolved to one where when the team split, Grissom told Warrick and Nick that even though they are going there seperate ways, he feels the utmost confidence in both of them. (If the team split happened at any other junction than I don't think Grissom would be so sure that Nick could make it on his own.) Even with Grave Danger, Nick's spirit, determination and pure will to live was stronger than the rest of them, and I think Grissom saw that. I am hoping though in season 6, Grissom and Nick resolve some issues, Nick's self esteem around Grissom for example. And that they both start healing and moving on from the torture that Nick and Grissom both endured during Nick's burial. Anyways, just my opinion. :)

I'm not saying that Grissom doesn't think that Nick's a good CSI or anything like that. He obviously does or he wouldn't have recommended Nick for the promotion. I think Grissom can respect Nick as a CSI and still not be close to him. Like I said, I think that Nick wanted to be close with Grissom (in a father/son or mentor/mentee way - take your pick), but Grissom never seemed to express a similar desire, but Grissom is willing to get more personal with the others. I guess that I've felt like there was a distance between them (maybe since S3). I don't know. Maybe Nick's the least like him and yet the most like him that Grissom doesn't know how to deal with him.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Yeah, I would agree with that. And I've found that as he's become the CSI that I'm sure Grissom always wanted him to be, his indpendence and self-sufficiency take him further away from the mentor/young CSI dynamic as well. And add to that the split up of night shift... Clearly they aren't as close as they might have been.

OK, now having said all that...

I really don't think there's any significance to Grissom's not responding to Walter's question other than he was being all Clint Eastwoodish, as in "It's none of you damn business you rat-bastard. Now gimme back my friend or I'm gonna get medieval on your ass." (in honour of Tarentino! ;)) I think he was just really at the limit of his patience and didn't feel the need to chat with the asshole. He wanted to get down to business.

Heh, that sort of reminds me of 'The Incredibles', and how the superheroes complain about when the bad guys always feel the need to "monologue" before they do their evil deeds! :lol:
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

To add to your post Baba - throughout the episode everyone was saying Nick or Nicky, Grissom was either not saying his name or very rarely, but when he was talking to Walter Gordon he said his name maybe 5 or 6 times, which surprised me, after that he seemed perfectly happy calling him Nicky :), I think the conversation with Gordon knocked Grissom off his pedestal and made him think about Nick and how he's treated him in the past, maybe as of next season we will see Grissom reaching out to him more.

I read before the finale in some article although I can't remember where, that Grissom felt partly responsible for Nick's kidnapping, but the goodbye scene where Grissom was watching and the ending, show's that Grissom is very fond of Nick, he just doesn't show it to the guy who needs to know...
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Ok, I'm a little late here! ;) Heheh, yea I'd just like to say I thought the season finale was amazing! I would have cryed the entire way through if my friend wasn't making fun of me! :rolleyes: Although I did get watery when the lid of the case opened and Nicky reached for Grissom's hand. :D
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I read before the finale in some article although I can't remember where, that Grissom felt partly responsible for Nick's kidnapping, but the goodbye scene where Grissom was watching and the ending, show's that Grissom is very fond of Nick, he just doesn't show it to the guy who needs to know...

Can you give any more details about that article? Why did Grissom feel like the kidnapping was his fault? I mean that would involve Gil thinking this way? Has it something to do with the way he trained Nick, therefore it was something that perhaps Nick have prevented somehow ? Maybe back to that whole Nick's not ready argument, but I'm not really sure how.

As far as Nick/Gil relationship, I think they did move from the pupil/teacher to mutal respect, after Gil put Nick in for the promotion. Nick stood up for himself and over the years has proven himself worthy to Gil.

However Nick STILL didn't feel so, hence his confession in the tape recorder...what else does Nick feel he needs to do to measure up I wonder?

Also just watched "Accused is Entitled" I noticed how Gil beamed proudly like a father/teacher when his mentor gave Nick prasie over how quickly he gathered the audio/video for the case.

Bit of a ramble.

Re: Can't Watch

Someone mentioned him having to go to the bathroom being in there all that time. I think if QT had it his way and the censors weren't so strict..it would have been mentioned. QT is sick like that..but Eads probably would have been mortified to act that out..and I think poor Nick was already going thorugh enough
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I would have to say that Grissom didn't want to answer him because it wasn't any of his business. Also, because he didn't want to give away how much Nick really meant to him so Gordon wouldn't have any more power over him than he already had. Of course that was before he blew himself up. As for Grissom's attitude towards Nick, I think he treats him the way he does because he knows he has the potential to be the best, but he's just a bit whiney. I think he tries to use reverse psychology on Nick and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
Okay, I wanted to pose this question to you guys. I saw it on another site and was interested to see what people thought. Here it is:

When Walter Gordon asked Grissom if he and Nick were close, Grissom did not want to talk about it. Was it because, as he stated, it wasn't any of Gordon's business or was it because he knew that he and Nick weren't that close and he felt guilty about it?

Frankly, I think that they could both be true. Grissom's never been one to really express his feelings or talk about personal stuff and he's definitely not going to do it with someone who's kidnapped his guy. However, I don't think that Nick and Grissom are close. I think Nick tried to get close to Grissom in the first couple of seasons, but Grissom would have none of it. We've seen Grissom hold Warrick's hand as he battled his gambling addiction and he all but admitted in S1 that Warrick was his favorite CSI. He and Catherine are close which is pretty obvious. He and Sara have this private relationship that's unique all on it's own even if no romantic undertones were present. Like Nick, Grissom gives Greg a hard time somtimes but he also is encouraging and supportive. That's not really the case with Nick. I think that Nick has stopped trying to get approval from Grissom for the most part and I think part of that is due to the fact that Grissom doesn't really pay attention to Nick unless he's giving him a hard time. Perhaps, when Gordon posed this question, Grissom actually thought about his relationship or lack there of with Nick and realized that they didn't have much of one and that it was partly his fault. What do you guys think?
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Bump! Now that the finale has been shown in the UK, I can't wait to hear what you guys think. :D

This was such an awesome thread about an awesome episode, it deserves to be kept alive. *eyes thread fondly* :)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

lemon grass, would you and the thread like to be alone? ;)

I too can not wait to hear some new comments about the episode, since it is my personal favorite.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

^^ Nah, love is meant to be shared. :)

And speaking of sharing love, Nick needs a big hug from all of us for his ordeal. Poor baby. :( And George needs one for his absurd snub by the Emmy's people. :mad:
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Grave Danger was great :D! Poor Nicky he is definetly going to be a tad traumitised when season 6 starts, you can tell by the way he acted when he went to visit the girl in prison, he found it so emotional, he perhaps thought it would help him deal with what happened but the way she reacted didnt help him at all! More Grissom emotion would have been nice but I think we got a good helping of it at the end, you know the bit with put your hand on my hand, and I want my guys back, that pretty much spoke volumes about haw he was reacting to it all. Warrick was great in this eppy too, he sees Nick as a really close friend and I think that showed in the way they spoke to each other about his date, and the reaction Warrick gave to his kidnapping. The only person who I felt was a tad underused in this eppy was Greg, but he is new to the CSI team so perhaps they felt that the screen time would be better suited to one of his close team members. I also loved the way Catherine delt with it all, she took responsibility for him by going to get the money, she was his boss afterall. All in all, this eppy rocked, some minor inconsistencies are bugging me but in comparison to the full 2 hours, the acting was superb, the story was great and all I can say is roll on season 6(hopefully with more Nicky angst, he does it so well!! :lol:)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

^^ Nah, love is meant to be shared. :)

And speaking of sharing love, Nick needs a big hug from all of us for his ordeal. Poor baby. :( And George needs one for his absurd snub by the Emmy's people. :mad:
Amen to that!! And the fact that he wasn't afraid to show all those emotions deserves an emmy in itself.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I swear, no one does crying like George Eads. That's a disgrace that he was totally snubbed at the Emmys. What do they know anyway. Here's hoping GD at least wins the directing award because it's an amazing piece of television.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Okay guys someone brought it to my attention that since this is fresh discussion to those just seeing it, it might be a good thought to re-tack it up for a couple days.

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I swear, no one does crying like George Eads.

Agreed ^^^ I swear his scream/cries when he was in the coffin were so real it was disturbing! :eek: What fantastic acting! It really made me feel for poor Nick in that coffin. I was holding my breath at one point! :eek: