Grade 'You Only Die Once'

flacksgirl said:
I wish my car could repair itself after a fender bender.
Heh, me too. Or after I accidentally bump into random objects. *whistles innocently*

xfcanadian said:
Also, about mac opening the suitcase without isn't really related to any cases, so i don't think it would have mattered.
True enough, but if he ever wanted to press charges against the stalker/whatever-else-he'll-do-before-it's-over, the evidence would probably be inadmissible after him touching it without gloves or anything.
Eep! That episode was so creepy. >.<

Now I'm gonna have nightmares. Thanks a lot! ;_;
Honestly, I thought it was an okay episode. I thought the car was awesome. Flack in a tank top + a car chase = Heaven!

I'm going with the people who said that they wrote this episode forgetting to write any lines for Lindsay and when they realized it, they told AJ Buckley to stay home and gave all his lines to Anna Belknap? Her lines this entire episode had Adam all over them. I hear her say the 'old school' line and just hear Adam saying 'shazam' once. :) That said, she didn't annoy me TOO much because I kept thinking of AJ saying those lines.

Always love Stella and Flack working a case together and getting some quality screentime out of it. Didn't they look 'wedding cake topper' hot together? Okay, she had on a black dress, but still... She was working it. :cool:

The new storyline with Sinclair has me more interested than the '333' one. It's obvious everyone considers CSI: LV the flagship of the series and the writers treat it as such, but '333' does not compare to the 'miniature killer'. Get it over and done with soon, please. Or have the 333 person go on a muderous rampage or something... They're losing me here.

LMAO @ continuity: Hawkes gets all broken and bruised the episode before and now he's out processing scenes and evidence with no ill affects. I love it. :lol:

Not for nothing, but is anyone else thinking another reason Anna Belknap is still in the lab because she still hasn't lost all that baby weight? Not that it's a bad thing. Tons of women have that trouble. I'm just noting how we get very few scenes of her full body and they stuck her in that lab coat so far. Hell, she was in black this episode. Doesn't matter anyway. I still say that wasn't her in the pool table sex scene, but whatever. :rolleyes:

Faylinn said:
~ Yeah, Lindsay, carry the hammer like that while you half-ass watch where you're going. Nobody could bump into you and get a hammer to the forehead or anything. :p

Oh please no! People bumping into her makes them fall in love with her, remember? :mad:
I’ve finally seen the episode. It was good ep overall. Since everything has been said, guss I’ll just quote. :p

Lindsay does not 'rock'--in fact, Anna's acting was highlighted in all of its shit-tasticness in this episode. Seriously, how bad was that scene with her fake-ass 'yes!' and her saying that she rocked? If I were Melina, I'd be dying a little bit inside each time we filmed that scene.
/ Faylinn

We have just witnessed the worst on screen moment in the history of American primetime. Of course it had to be AB. And gotta mention, AB managed to breake her personal record of crapy acting … for now at least.

Get over yourself, goodbye!
It must be hard to be you, yeah, livin' in your life..

Mac didn't trust Hawkes??? Sheldon would NOT have let that get out, Mac, and the fact that the burlgars had jackets that could download information means that they could easily have a way to get shit you don't want them to have. Do NOT doubt Sheldon. Seriously.

Duuude! Hawkes is a Doctor! Why did he had to deal with the computer stuff?

Flack has a GIRLFRIEND! Did you know he has a GIRLFRIEND? GIRLFRIEND GIRLFRIEND GIRLFRIEND!--Seriously, how many times did they have to say it? Say it enough and it'll make it true or something? 'I'M DON FLACK AND I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND SHE'S A GIRL AND SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND AND I LIKE GIRLS--GIRLFRIEND GIRLFRIEND GIRLFRIEND!' *chortle* Who are we trying to convince?

That a rhetorical question, yes? Say it 11 times, light a white candle and it will become true. :p

And who wears a pink bra with a black dress? Doesn't it make more sense to wear, you know, a black bra???

Whoever can afford the fancy apartment, can’t no longer afford to buy a black La Perla . Sad…

Adam: He should have done, like, all of Lindsay's scenes.

Amen! And just for the record, the Batmobile is better!

Dear Anna,
Skills: never had them, never will.
No love, now or ever,

If not for Lindsay, Devon would have been the worst part of this episode--and she was forgivable. Lindsay is such crap.

LOLZ! That the new strategy, TPTB? But I don’t think Devon was annoying. Montanaaa girl, now she is annoying to death . Devon is plain & simple a moron. Poor little thing!

Thank you, TPTB, for turning Flack into a superficial jerkwad whose only criterion for a suitable companion is physical attractiveness.

I’ve seen it coming, yet it still hurt my soul and broke my Flack loving heart to pieces! :(

the case itself was monumentally stupid, a vapid excuse to throw as many Bond cliches onto the screen as possible in forty-four minutes.

Blink and you’ll miss them! LOLZ

I seriously almost threw up during the "YES!" scene.

The moment she did it, my friend ( watching the show together) screamed : Flack! Shoot her! Now! LOLZ That helped make it , but I must feel sorry for Melina.

Even if they're not in a relationship, why in God's name should Carmine have his scenes ruined by someone who can't deliver any of her lines without sounding like she's trying to remember what they are?

Maybe she was reading her lines from a prompter, and it moved to fast…

Everyone seems surprised by the girlfriend news, it’s odd that no one seemed to know about her.

Elsie, don’t blame Donnie for hiding her. My poor baby. Would you tell people about her, without being embarrassed?

I agree that this episode totally belonged to Flack and Stella. They were amazing. Come on, I can't believe that TPTB would allow someone as professional as Don Flack to mention his girlfriend when he interviewed suspects. Flack could have referred to her as Ms. Devon Whatever-her-last-name-is to maintain that professionalism.

Strike one TPTB!

Come on, this is CSI:NY, where's the grittiness and realism? I miss that.

Apparently that left the same day with Aiden! :(

Sudenly I am picturing Mac and Flack side by side yelling "333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 3333333333333333333333" and "Girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, GIRL- FRIEND"


(while simultaneously going on about why would he not have clothes in NYC, where he has lived for the past however many years, how much did you pack, Mac?)
Who packs all of their work clothes for that? And who fits them all into one medium sized suitcase?
Was he planning on coming back? LOL
One problem I did have is with Sinclair reaming Flack about being involved in a high speed chase and then later in the episode we see two police cars in the middle of what? A high speed chase with the stealth car. The lack of continuity between episodes of CSI NY is bad enough but, when they can't even manage it in the same episode, it's no wonder we haven't found out anything about Louie or Flack Sr.

First Sinclar threatening my baby in Comes around. Now this. He better stay away from me, or he’ll regret being born!

First message ends here, but I’ll be back! LOL

Conclusions : I love Flack to death! Stella, Danno, Hawkes and Mac are a very close second! ;)
Flack is the best think since slice bread! And Eddie is pure gold! Give the man some screen time, an Emmy, the next Bond movie and an Oscar! He’s worth it! :D
Faylinn said:

~ Stella, take the bitch down first, ask questions later.

THANK YOU! I wasn't the only one who noticed this typical crime show device: Witty comment to tip suspect off so you can have a cool chase scene. Stella might as well have said, "Hi there, I know you're guilty. Wanna run for it? I want to see that cool car in action again."
:D Posts made in this tread, on this board must be the longest ones on the internet! :lol:

Devon--Shut. Up. "What are you doing? Where are you going?" IDK, maybe he's going to investigate the mysterious noise, perhaps?

And did he brought his piece on the date??!! LOLZ Wonder why? And why did Donnie just stood there, staring at the perp instead of shooting him? Guess he wasn’t thinking yet.. :p And why on earth he walked, I repeat walked out of the apartment. Babe, you’re 7 feet tall. Next time , RUN. Of course he got down to late to catch the baddie, and watched him leaving.


I know Fay, the whole scene seemed to be in slow motion! And funny how SuperFlack, in the SuperCab, managed to keep up with the SuperBatmobile. LOLZ And I noticed that the more you watch the episode the faster the chase seems. Try it.

It might belong to the vic, Sheldon? A piece of scalp on the ground might be the piece of scalp that is missing from the dead guy laying a few feet away? I think the chances are good, sweetie.

LOLZ! Everything is connected! So prove it!

Don't be mad at Don, Bubba--he was halfway to P*ssyland when that burglar showed up--he can't be held responsible for his actions.

That’s why he couldn’t run & the baddie got away.

"Mr. Rodriguez"


Hey Flack, that moron you just talked to that identified your dead guy? Don't roll your eyes at her when you're dropping your pants for another member of the same species.

That’s what happens when you mess with a character’s personality. The Flack that rolled his eyes and mocked her, is the real one! The one dropping his pants in an expensive apartment in front of the attempt of girlfriend, might be the next best thing but not quite the Flack we know and love. So won't the real Don Flack, please stand up?

Danny and Flack are adorable. ^_^

I never thought I could love them even more than I already did, but now I do!

Have to mention how much I love the dynamic between Gary & Eddie. Love seeing them acting together.

So, basically, they're so high-tech that they're turning into morons. They apparently have to be told about trial and error and about turning stuff off. Common sense is, like, so overrated in this age of technology. *headdesk*

Smart machines = stupid humans? We should go back to cooking on fire, before Flack will have to come into the lab and plug in the machines. See, now it works. LOL

Stella, take the bitch down first, ask questions later.

Yes, pls. The damn woman nearly ran Donnie over! ( mental note to torture her and Sinclair for messing with my babe )

Wow, Anna, you managed to properly convey enthusiasm about the car. Yay you! (That was me totally complimenting her. Mark it in your calendars. Take screencaps.)

Gotta say she did! I actually believed her! She actually managed to emote. :O Hell is frozen. ( How pathetic is that we gotta count her good scenes… ) Yes, that was a good scene. I bought it and I didn’t wanna hurt her. The shock!!!

Of course, it doesn't make up for the shitty delivery earlier, and I really don't think it's a good sign when doing your job correctly actually stands out, but whatev. Credit where credit is due and all that jazz.

One good scene every 20 epies? :S

Always love Stella and Flack working a case together and getting some quality screentime out of it. Didn't they look 'wedding cake topper' hot together?

They sure did! Again, amazing dynamics between Melina & Eddie.

Remembering the spoilers, I’m glad they cut the scene with the 2nd date between Flack and Devon. Don’t thing I could have digest another “I know she’s a moron but I need to get laid” moment. Flack is toooo good for that.

And we can add another job in the NYPD on Flack’s resume. He went undercover. LOL

So, I guess this was TPTB's attempt to a Flack centric episode. Does this mean he’ll be kept in the shadows for the rest of S4, cause I still wanna meet his dad, and hear from Gavin Moran. ;)

Am I done now? :lol:
the episode was okay. but toooo much bond talk... ick! that so doesn't fit to NY.... :rolleyes:

God, was Flack grinning a lot this time :D But he looked kinda red on the face...hmmm too much sun i guess Eddie :p I really hope never to see again his 'OH SO GIRLFRIEND' i've got enough for another 4 seasons. I think i'll never again ask tptb to give him a little love in the show. i prefer single-superFlack-who-can-still-thinking (what he's doing) btw. i've hoped he has a better taste but i guess his women are as pretty as his ties :lol:

For example Stella - thats someone for a super hero like our Flackie. Gosh she looked so hot in that dress. This woman is not just beautiful but she can act...

what we can't say about a certain country girl... her 'oh-i-so-[f*cking-don't]-rock scene really rocked but not in the way it should have. I don't know how to help this woman anymore. I give up my hopes. She can't act. Can't tptb change the actress?? The character can stay but please do something with AB!

yeah and about d/l... i don't know whats worser - their behaviour last season or now. Totally not shippy in any way.

Dannys comment about Mac's new shirt... hmm that was weird :p
Faylinn said:
~ "Mr. Rodriguez"



~ Sid is in ur hed, proddin ur brainz lol!

Can't...breathe... :lol: :lol: :lol: That review was awesome, Faylinn. I like your version better than the actual episode, lol.

Ah, well, I'd hate to give up on Flack this early in the season but you'd think his choice for a girlfriend would be much better than his choice for a tie :p Unless TPTB are like, "He's Super!Flack: Homicide Detective, Negotiator, Undercover Cop, Narcotics Officer, Bomb Survivor - there must be something he can't do. Ooh, that's right, we'll make him romantically challenged! That'll balance his character!"

*roll eyes*

I've seen Danny's character assassination (though that seems to be improving this season), if I have to see it on Flack I think I'd rather watch Horatio fiddle with his sunglasses again (and again and again).
I've seen Danny's character assassination (though that seems to be improving this season), if I have to see it on Flack I think I'd rather watch Horatio fiddle with his sunglasses again (and again and again).

I'm with those who think Devon was just a plot device. I mean, she had - what - 4 lines in the ep.?

It's just sad and lame that in her minuscule role she had to come off as brainless, and almost the entire cast had to be sure and mention she was Flack's "GIRLFRIEND."
^But didn't you know that Flack had a GIRLFRIEND? We know that she does have teeth, but are they hers, or just really good dental work?

I liked the action of the episode, and please to be giving us Flack in a tux at least every other episode. Otherwise it was... okay. B territory.

And for the record, Lindsay could have figured out that substance far more quickly than by trial and error. In high school chemistry, we would be given a substance and an hour to figure out what it was using the array of chemicals at our disposal. That is not Lindsay's fault, just a weird plot device that fell flat. But she is not a rockstar. My dog could have mustered more reality with that line.
Ticamo77 said:
I hear [Lindsay] say the 'old school' line and just hear Adam saying 'shazam' once.
Heh, I loved that scene. "Stick to bowling." :p

LMAO @ continuity: Hawkes gets all broken and bruised the episode before and now he's out processing scenes and evidence with no ill affects. I love it.
I could make a comment about sexual healing, but I'll refrain.

Oops, I said it anyway. Silly me. *whistles innocently* ;)

Not for nothing, but is anyone else thinking another reason Anna Belknap is still in the lab because she still hasn't lost all that baby weight?
Nah, I don't think that had anything to do with it.

I still say that wasn't her in the pool table sex scene, but whatever.
I think it's a pretty safe assumption that they used a body double in that scene. Not that it's a bad thing, but anyway...

People bumping into her makes them fall in love with her, remember?
Ah, that's right! :eek:

Lorelai said:
Duuude! Hawkes is a Doctor! Why did he had to deal with the computer stuff?
Because he's smooth like that. It isn't his fault some crazy stalker has a hard-on for making Mac look like a fool. ;)

We should go back to cooking on fire, before Flack will have to come into the lab and plug in the machines. See, now it works. LOL
Danny: This stupid computer won't work!
Lindsay: *smacks it* What's wrong with it?
Hawkes: What's going on, guys?
Danny: We can't get the computers to work.
Hawkes: That's strange...*starts randomly pushing buttons*
*Flack wanders in, glances at the group*
Flack: ...what are you guys doing?
Lindsay: Trying to get the computer to work.
Flack: *pushes the 'on' button, but nothing happens* Is it even plugged in?
Hawkes: What?
*Flack goes to the wall and sticks the plug in, then turns the computer on*
Danny: Ha! Good job, Flack.
*Flack just shakes his head and walks away*


CrimeShark said:
Oh dear. :eek: *sends the team member of your choice to give you mouth-to-mouth*

Horatio fiddle with his sunglasses again (and again and again).
Is that, like, a code? :eek: Do. Not. Want. *flee*
I don't normally watch CSI: NY but I couldn't resist after watching the promos. This episode was really good!!!
You've all pretty much summed it up and I don't wanna beat a dead horse, so suffice it to say:

*Awwwwww.....Flack is gettin' some.

*Shame on Mac for not trusting my man Hawkes (hope we'll get to see even more of him...YUUUUUM!)

*Stella cleans up nicely, but she should've worn her hair completely pulled back or up even. I'd like to see her sport a different look.

*LOVING the intensity of the 333 thing, but something needs to happen next week or I'll be completely over it.

*Lindsay......poor Lindsay. Was she there?

My Rating: B--