Grade 'The Ride In'

i love this eppy!!*dances in tiptoes* missed the first 10 secs of it but still worth it! :D

the cases were not really good but the character interactions were great so an A from me...

(or maybe im just a SMacked fan? :p)

Notice how when Mac and Peyton are having a "moment" while at work, they seem to always get interrupted by Stella or someone else, but when Mac and Stella are having a "moment," Peyton is nowhere to be seen, and in fact is absent during the entire episode.
I was looking for Peyton in that eppie! really! i was like, hey peyton, mac's hugging someone else, aren't you going to show up at all? :lol: maybe i just missed her(been a while since i saw her in an eppie)... oh well ;)
I found the beginning a little bit odd, from showing the NYC skyline and jumped into the Stella/Mac HIV conversation, I thought I missed part of the show...but overall I liked it. I didn't miss that smile on Flack when Danny said they could rule out robbery and when Danny saw that ark. The cigarette case just made me laugh through out the whole case. I think both cases are hilarious. Stella's interactions with Mac/Hawkes/Sid were great...she was STUNNING!! :lol:
Even if Peyton had been there and walked in when Mac was hugging Stella, I can't see her being upset by it. Stella and Mac have been friends for more than ten years, and Peyton isn't a jealous teenager.

However, all that being said, the power of that scene was in the friendship between Mac and Stella, which I personally find much more compelling than any idea of romance between them. *shrug*
I think that If Peyton had really saw how Mac and Stella hugged, she would ahve been pissed ( EITHER THAT OR ITS JUST ME CAUSE IM A SMAcked shipper), But I really do think she would have been mad because she does look to me like the jealous type and she knows that Stella is way too important to Mac).

Stella took this ep to a higher level. Loved how you could just feel how nervous she is for those ten weeks of being in uncertainty. Even though she's working she is constantly wringing her hands indicating that something's really bothering her.

To me that scene with Mac came out of nowhere; what lead up to that conversation and why didn't Mac ask more about what happened to the piece of evidence she got cut with? But I loved the scene with Sid!

The cases were funny, but not as special as I had hoped. The scene with Mac and the rain was a nice touch.

Don't mention "She-who-must-not-be-named!" It is bad mojo. The epi was good without her though. Three in a row... coincidence? But Angell did get mentioned twice...
Well I'm being 'Harry Potter' here. I really wish someone had mentioned Lindsay too. Don't think her absence had anything to do with the quality of this ep. I've seen better ones with her in it and I've seen worse ones.
One word--"STELLA!" Melina is such an amazing actress--her emotions could get across the screen without her even trying! One time she's just explaining something, devoid of emotions next she's in tears full of regret and anxiety as seen when she was talking to Sid and her one liner about "hazards pay" had me cracking up. Man, if I could fill jeans the way she did when she was following the molten plastic--DAMN! I loved her scene with Mac in the beginning and Mac going all "Greek" with that quote of not giving up or something like that--the hug between friends--priceless! Stella's interaction with Mac was great--even in his office.

Another memoriable sceen was when Flack was talking to Mac about the passengers on the "good ship looney toons" (or something like that--didn't memorize it verbatim :rolleyes:) and putting them in a rubberized room after their shower--Great work having Danny, Flack and Mac on one case and Stella&Sheldon on the other, those teams should not be broken! But of course I would love them to have a case that had all of them in on it together!

The cases were--interesting. Only in NY can you find someone crazy enough to build an ark! :lol:

Wish that Hawkes and Adam had more screen time though.

The one liners that the casts said in this episode made it my grade from a B+ go up to an A-.
Did anyone catch the "Officer Buckley" reference towards the end? I just had to laugh at that. :D
Yep, Orison, I caught that. I chuckled, I'll admit it. :lol:

I think that If Peyton had really saw how Mac and Stella hugged, she would ahve been pissed ( EITHER THAT OR ITS JUST ME CAUSE IM A SMAcked shipper), But I really do think she would have been mad because she does look to me like the jealous type and she knows that Stella is way too important to Mac).
I think you're over-simplifying Peyton as a character. Let's remember that she has known these people for at least a while. She is more than familiar with Stella's personality. If she were to see Stella breaking down, I don't think she'd be wanting to smack her for hugging Mac--she'd be worried about her. Stella is a strong woman, and it takes something huge to break her down, and Peyton would be concerned to know what was going on. In fact, if she knew what was going on with the waiting-game for results about the HIV test, I'd venture to guess that she would encourage Mac to be there for Stella--Peyton knows how important that friendship is to both of them. She cares about Mac, she's not going to be a bitch and demand that he no longer be friends with Stella.

I can see Peyton having an immediate reaction when she saw them hugging (if she'd been there, of course), because who wouldn't? But like I said before, it would become obvious within seconds that what was going on was not a secret love affair, it was Mac comforting a friend who was going through a situation that was pushing even Stella's strength to the breaking point. Peyton might think, in some deep corner of her mind, that she would wish Mac could be so easy with his feelings toward her, but the rational part of her brain would tell her that the situations, and relationships, are totally different.

In any case, Peyton wasn't there this week simply because the character isn't in every episode. Sid is the regular coroner, and Peyton is probably not going to be in episodes where her presence isn't important to the storyline. And if she had been there, and had seen the scene from the beginning of the episode, I happen to believe that she would have been shown concern for Stella rather than just throwing a hissy fit about another woman being too close to her man. :rolleyes:
I thought this episode was amazing. For me the smoking case was a bit difficult to watch only because smoking has affected my family greatly and it brought back some memories. But yah it was a great episode...loved the Mac/Stella moment at the beginning. Melina is an unbelievable actress...hats off to her for another wonderful performance. All in all a great eppy :D
Orison said:
Did anyone catch the "Officer Buckley" reference towards the end? I just had to laugh at that. :D

Could you elaborate? I'm not getting it. What's Officer Buckley? Thanks :)
lol..faylinn & orison, you guys are relly die-hard buckley fans..i was thinking the same thing as MacsGirlMel, what's Officer Buckely... :confused:
I'm giving this an 'A' based mostly on Melina's performance.

She certainly was the standout again in this episode. Just like Kristine, I had the thought that her scenes with Mac at the beginning, and Sid at the end, were like bookends to the episode. Melina's portrayal of Stella's situation is flawless. We can see it all - the fear and the worry that is being contained, but I'm getting the feeling that it's very close to the surface, and yes, I see a glimmer of panic trying to come out from behind those eyes as well. It's not far behind there.

How beautiful was Sid? His gentleness, the soul in his eyes ... we all adore the laughs and the kinkiness he brings, but to see him in such a serious scene was a gem of a moment. The second time I watched this episode I made sure to keep my eyes out to see if there were marks on his arms as I had thought the first time. And yes, there were definite weals on his arms - big ones. I also had some thoughts on the discussion of the timing of his allergic reaction. We don't really know what the time frame was. For all we know, Sid may have only just wolfed down his meatball sub a moment before Mac came on the scene. Mac wasn't there for long. Maybe Sid went into anaphylactic shock immediately or very soon after Mac left the room. And perhaps Stella came along nearly immediately after that. All hypothetical of course, but a possibility.

More of a possibility than the actual cases themselves actually I think. For a second week in a row. While they were interesting and entertaining, again they were perhaps a little improbable. Like others here have already said, I find it hard to believe that such a big pair of scissors could be mistakenly left inside somebody's shoulder without anyone knowing. And are we meant to assume this happened while the guy had his stomach stapled? Then I'm really confused as to how they ended up in his shoulder. If they had been left in his stomach I would have fully believed it.

When the clincher in the smoking case ended up being that the vampire-clad union guy actually mugged a woman and bit her as a vampire would because she wouldn't join his union?? Come on now. :rolleyes: LOL!!

Speaking of the vampire ... Adam's reaction when Hawkes told him it was a vampire bite and not a dog bite was a classic. Not enough screen time for those two this ep.

I'm enjoying seeing Mac loosen up around his team. Allowing himself to touch and to be touched. It's a beautiful thing.

Besides Stella the other character that delighted me in this ep was Flack. As he usually does. I get a real kick out of his snarkiness. He obviously has a lot less tolerance for 'whackos' than the CSIs :lol:. I loved the cynical disbelief in his lines ... 'five weeks!? ... WHY?" and like everyone else the line about "the good ship looneytunes" and "what I want to do is throw them in the shower and then a rubber room". He never disappoints.

Lastly, what was with Danny's hesitation before he walked over to Mac? I can't help wondering if it was a suggestion that Danny still feels a little something unresolved about their relationship? Or is that more wishful thinking on my part that some return would be made to this theme?

Yep. I really enjoyed this episode. The cases were okay. The characters and the actual team dynamic - an absolute joy. The last three weeks' episodes have been a breath of fresh air.
crankyjules said:
How beautiful was Sid? His gentleness, the soul in his eyes ... we all adore the laughs and the kinkiness he brings, but to see him in such a serious scene was a gem of a moment.

That last scene was the highlight of the episode.

Both the actors gave an excellent performace, which made up for the not-so-strong cases they presented.

You're right, we've rarely seen this serious side of Sid but dear writers, please feel free to explore his character. Robert Joy just proved he can handle both comedy and drama in such a beautiful (and convincing) way that it'd be a waste not to use him more.
I gave it an A..The cases weren't that interesting but the fact that Stella confessed her problem to Mac was really interesting!!..The scenes Stella had with Sid worth to see a whole bad episode..Which it wasn't but..As you have already said,Melina's and .Joy's performance were amazing! :)