Grade 'The Ride In'

A little late for my review but I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. An A+ through and through, Melina never fails to wow me with her wonderful acting talents. The opening scene with Stella and Mac was heartwrenching but sweet, I really feel for Stella and what she's experiencing. Can't blame her for being terrified out of her mind. The ark case was interesting to say the least, and Flack never fails to crack me up. Love that guy. Definitely a faved episode for me. :cool:
I don't know if this is the right thread for my question but I couldn't find another one refering to "The ride in".

What happens to Stella? I've only seen some caps because 3rd season isn't on TV here in Germany and I'm curious after I had senn those pictures.
Can you help?
xfcanadian said:
I don't think it matters what Lindsey does...she could bring back Aiden from the dead...people will still hate her :lol:

I for one would love Lindsay if she raised Aiden from the dead and in fact, would overlook the bad acting, shrill delivery, and poorly written resurrection scene for one reason and one reason alone, because it would mean that soon we would be saying goodbye to Lindsay. I can't imagine Mac would be thrilled to have an insane CSI processing information and if Lindsay actually declared that she had in fact raised Aiden from the dead a nice fitting jacket and a rubber room would be all hers and out of my sight she would go once and for all. I for one hope the writers embrace your Lindsay as a Christ figure idea, how delightful that episode would be - The CSI's lose one of their own to insanity in a very special goodbye to Lindsay.
CarmineFan said:
I don't know if this is the right thread for my question but I couldn't find another one refering to "The ride in".

What happens to Stella? I've only seen some caps because 3rd season isn't on TV here in Germany and I'm curious after I had senn those pictures.
Can you help?

If you mean the current storyline, Stella cut herelf on a piece of bloody glass while processing a scene and the vic had HIV. She's got a negative on her test so far but is still in the window period so it's not definate yet. The storyline's supposed to go on for a while, too.
xfcanadian said:
oh wow, i took that completely different. It seemed like Danny was the only one who mentioned Aiden to her, so lindsey assumed he was the closet to her, and she was trying to be compasionate to Aiden and the situation. It doesn't really make sense for Lindsey to fish for information about that, since Danny was the one seeking out to date Lindsey, not the other way around.

Well, that was before the complete 180 that was done this season. Last season, it seemed more like Lindsay had the crush and Danny was kind of clueless about it. Either way, she could have asked Stella about Aiden in general or Stella's relationship with her. The fact that she brought up Danny made it very clear that she wanted to know about Danny's relationship with Aiden, not Aiden in general.

JDonne said:
xfcanadian said:
I don't think it matters what Lindsey does...she could bring back Aiden from the dead...people will still hate her :lol:

I for one would love Lindsay if she raised Aiden from the dead and in fact, would overlook the bad acting, shrill delivery, and poorly written resurrection scene for one reason and one reason alone, because it would mean that soon we would be saying goodbye to Lindsay. I can't imagine Mac would be thrilled to have an insane CSI processing information and if Lindsay actually declared that she had in fact raised Aiden for the dead a nice fitting jacket and a rubber room would be all hers and out of my sight she would go once and for all. I for one hope the writers embrace your Lindsay as a Christ figure idea, how delightful that episode would be - The CSI's lose one of their own to insanity in a very special goodbye to Lindsay.

Now that's a sweeps episode I could get on board with. :lol:
MacsGirlMel said:
CarmineFan said:
I don't know if this is the right thread for my question but I couldn't find another one refering to "The ride in".

What happens to Stella? I've only seen some caps because 3rd season isn't on TV here in Germany and I'm curious after I had seen those pictures.
Can you help?

If you mean the current storyline, Stella cut herelf on a piece of bloody glass while processing a scene and the vic had HIV. She's got a negative on her test so far but is still in the window period so it's not definate yet. The storyline's supposed to go on for a while, too.

Thanks for giving me the information :)
This is another one that I wrote my review without reading the rest of the thread so that I didn't end up biasing myself...

I really liked the opening scene with Stella telling Mac about her exposure to AIDS and Mac being so supportive. Trying to deal with that on your own would be very difficult, yet I can completely see and understand Stella being that way. We saw a glimpse behind the normally confident mask to see Stella's fears about the possibility of living with AIDS and we see Mac reassuring her with what must surely be her own words from the time around when he lost his wife. It was a really good demonstration of the depth of Stella and Mac's friendship. I'm not particularly a Mac/Stella "shipper" though I wouldn't think it was horrible if it ever happened, either. I just really see them as having an amazing and deep friendship, something which is rarely portrayed between a man and a woman on TV without it turning to romance, so from that respect I'd like to see it stay as a friendship. I think friendships of that depth are more likely to develop in stressful jobs, and ones in which a woman is in a traditionally male profession and doesn't have as many women around in her career as men to form friendships with. I may be biased in that thinking because of my own career.

When Stella found Sid on the floor unconscious and not breathing, you could feel the thoughts and panic that were racing through her head. She couldn't administer CPR because she could be exposing him to AIDS, but she couldn't not do it because he'd die. She made the only choice she could, but from an emotional standpoint it was a no-win situation. How could she live with herself if she gave him AIDS? If that were to actually happen, despite the very slim odds, no amount of rationalization would ever make her feel right about it.

I wondered, as Stella surely did, how Sid would handle being told that she'd been exposed to AIDS before performing CPR. It was a really amazing scene for both of them. The two of them brought tears to my eyes. Sid handled being told with a grace and compassion that I wouldn't have thought possible in his character last season. I am really enjoying the character development with him this season. It's good, too, that Stella now has another person who knows what's going on with her. Really, all of the parts of this episode that dealt with this storyline were fantastic and were the highlight of the show.

The Noah's ark thing was pretty amazing, just from the set standpoint and the animal standpoint alone. However, the left surgical instrument as a reason for his mental illness, not so much, but it made for an interesting story if you overlook the unlikelihood that a huge ark with large zoo animals could be built in someone's back yard in New York City without running afoul of zoning codes or something. I really wish they'd left out the bit at the end with the couple thinking the cash in the car was God's work, though.

The story line with the cigarette company faking protests so that it could then market a new product to answer the people who protest smoking was good, and unfortunately probably not much of a stretch of the imagination. It was kind of a social commentary on the lengths Corporate America will go to in the name of making a buck or avoiding losing money to things like taxes. (I worked for a company that sold its inventory to an offshore spinoff company to avoid paying taxes on inventory -- the kicker was that they then rented space in the now mostly empty stock room to the offshore company to store the inventory in and buy it back (on paper) as needed. Really.) The story itself had some interesting twists and turns.

My husband caught a probable file-footage goof with the city views. They had the Empire State Building lights colored Red White and Blue in the beginning of the show and yellow and red later on. According to him, it's unlikely that they'd have had red white and blue at the time this was aired since that is usually used on 4th of July and the like, and even if it was done for Presidents Day, that was several days past. It was also unlikely that they'd have changed colors during the show since it takes 6 hours of manually changing the covers on flood lights to change the colors and probably wouldn't have happened in that time frame.
^I liked the scene with Stella and Sid a lot too. That was a really interesting twist, and really forced Stella to confront what she was dealing with. I think it might have been more interesting to have her confide in Mac after what happened with Sid, but I like that it happened, and thought it was a good scene between the two of them. It was nice to see Mac supporting her, because usually she's the one supporting him.