Grade 'The Ride In'

Well I was enjoying the episode - until they decided to make Cubs fans bullies! Everyone who lives in Chicago knows it's more dangerous at Sox games than at Cubs games!!!! Cubs fans are happy drunks!!!

It's a pretty good episode thus far. Though I had to laugh at the man in the ciggy suit. I know that's not nice.

Poor Stella, I hope that her results come back negative. And poor Sid glad he's going to be okay. You gotta love Sid and his off color stories.
The Cubs also haven't won a world series in almost 100 years, and their is actually more crime in Wrigleyville then by U.S. Cellular Field
A I really enjoyed this episode

1. Very pleased with the amount of Flack in this episode..thats what I want to see
2. Loved the character interaction. Stella/Mac Stella/Sid. Very very nice scenes
3. I liked the cases. I had to laugh when Stella went and arrested the vampire.

Next week looks great too..oh how I love this show :)
First of all, I so called the Stella-telling-Sid-because-she-put-him-at-risk thing... as I'm sure most of you did... It got more and more obvious to those who read spoilers...but anyway! Yeah, the Mac/Stella moment was touching, as was the Sid/Stella one at the end. I wonder how long until anyone else finds out about Stella.

Was it me or did Danny look particularly good? I liked the green stripy shirt.

And Flack with his "Good ship looneytunes" comment. Made me laugh out loud, literally. :lol:

And, um yeah, I liked both cases too. They seemed to be "different"... and interesting.

An A, I think
I really liked this episode.

Melina is an amazing actress who should be given more scenes like she had tonight. great. :)

I loved the character interactions.
I really enjoyed seeing Flack.

I loved that Flack worked both cases and there was no signs of Angell. :p

I'd give it a B+ because the cases weren't all that good.
Don't mention "She-who-must-not-be-named!" It is bad mojo. The epi was good without her though. Three in a row... coincidence? But Angell did get mentioned twice...

Flack was flacktastic this episode! I loved the snarky one-liners about the ark, especially "Give them a shower then stick them in a rubber room."

One question though: how did Stella know exactly what was wrong with Sid? Did I miss something?

edited because beer makes you forget things.
Yay for Smacked *giggle* I loved the beginning. Thought the initial negative result might've been a bit quicker than it'd be in RL but at least they talked about the window period and all. Loved the Sid scenes and also the ending. *sniffle* I was also glad they got the Epi-pen right; I had a momentary fear they'd have Stella stick him and then he's fine, but they didn't. I'll say A overall.

I wonder about Stella's that a symptom? I forgot. Or it's just gingivitis, it does the same thing to me sometimes,makes me bleed when I brush.
I liked it. Great interaction between Stella/Mac & Stella/Sid, in particular. Also liked that we saw plenty of Flack & Danny, could have used some more Hawkes & Adam, but I won't be greedy. :D Once again, Melina was great, especially in the last scene with Sid. Great emotion without being maudlin. Loved Danny's expression when Mac/Flack took him outside and showed him the ark, priceless! :lol: And Flack's one liners. Finally, I have to admit to having a chuckle at the end, when Mac is watching the guy walk casually by with the giraffe... he asks if it's Sunday...then he looks up at the cloudy sky, and it starts to rain. *snort* Kind of corny, but I like seeing Mac thrown for a loop.
I loved that Flack worked both cases and there was no signs of Angell.
Flack didn't work both cases. Angell worked the Hawkes/Stella case, but while she wasn't on the show, she was mentioned several times. (Which, I might add, is more than can be said about Lindsay.) I do wonder if Emmanuelle might be filming another movie/show as was suggested in another thread, which would explain her absence in several future episodes...

One thing I would have liked was for Sid to be a bit more concerned about Stella's possible plight. When she mentioned being exposed to HIV, it would have been nice to see more reaction to her, since he wasn't overly-concerned about what risk he might have been in...

Other than that, I agree that the Flack scenes and lines were good in this one. I enjoy when he works with Mac and Danny. :)

Have I ever mentioned that I love when Stella and Hawkes work together? :lol:

Stella was fantastic in this episode, though, really. Melina is great at conveying what the character is feeling through words and actions. It's not left up to the dialogue to tell us that she's having trouble dealing with this situation. :)

Flack was supposed to be in that end scene with Mac, so I was hoping he'd be there. Mac looked kind of stupid asking about the day. Maybe have the radio say the day or something. The guy can remember parts of the Bible by heart, but doesn't know which day it is? :rolleyes:

Nothing else to say at this point, I want to rewatch the episode before really commenting on the cases themselves. :)
^ :lol: I agree. They're hilarious together.

Holy crap. Melina was f*cking amazing tonight. Just, give her the Emmy tonight. She is so good at blending emotions with words that it just blows my mind. The way Stella interacted with Mac, Hawkes & especially Sid was just fantastic. I felt so bad for her in the beginning & the end :(. Wow...

The rest of the episode was decent. I loved Flack's sense of humour tonight. That man is comic gold. Loved Adam as well. Danny looked hotter then usual too.

Oh, and my inner fangirl squeled(sp) like a dork when Mac & Stella spoke Greek.
Whenever I read people's reviews, I keep seeing 'this was supposed to happen' or this scene was supposed to be like this'....

well, if you read spoilers, you can't get mad at them for editing the eppy! :p The version they air, is the proper verson of the eppy, the way I see it.

I haven't read any spoilers for new york, and I loved this eppy! :eek: :eek: mindblow...

Loved that Sid had a little storyline, I love him! Lots of Flack too. Giant cigarette! :lol: :lol: That was funny when it was on fire.
Being disappointed that they changed something doesn't equal anger. If something sounded really good in the spoilers, why not be sad that they left it out? Having Flack at the end would have been entertaining. Just because he wasn't there doesn't change that fact, and it doesn't make anybody wrong to think it would have been nice to see him there.

Speaking of things being 'proper,' someone reminded me that Flack is allergic to cats ("Zoo York"). Weren't there tigers on the ark? Somebody forgot about the bit with the cat allergy, methinks. :p