Grade 'The Ride In'

I think if Peyton was there she'll really be jealous! hehe...:) She was pissed when Mac took her hand off his face when he saw her coming! I forgot the episode's title...hehe..
Orison said:
You're right, we've rarely seen this serious side of Sid but dear writers, please feel free to explore his character. Robert Joy just proved he can handle both comedy and drama in such a beautiful (and convincing) way that it'd be a waste not to use him more.
I second that. He's not 'gorgeous' like the rest of the cast, but seeing him like that with Stella - ah that makes up for any lack of prettiness. And he's obviously a very talented actor...

Robert Joy touched my heart in this episode. And that's everything as far as I'm concerned.
I loved the episode. Was glad that Stella told Mac what happened. Also letting Sid know & just seeing his reaction. It was like he told her if you hadn't done what you did I'd be dead. From what I remembered anyway. I cried when he made that comment. It was a great ep. I can't wait for Lindsay to come back. I actually miss her.
I wonder if it's species specific or maybe the allergens that trigger it are only certain felidae (includes domestic cats and many small cats)varities as opposed to panthera (lion/tiger/leopard group)or something. *shrug*
(LOL I totally sound like Mac or someone scientific I bet)
^^ But weren't there tigers on the ark? We learned about the allergy when he sneezed around the tiger in "Zoo York," so even if it's species-specific, it's still a boo-boo. :p (I still haven't rewatched the episode, though, so maybe it wasn't tigers?...)

The ark storyline was decent but laughable. Yes, laughable. The looks shared between Mac, Danny and Flack were priceless and spoke volumes without words, yet when the characters did speak they uttered their disbelief with no qualms. Flack's snark was in full effect and created some memorable lines..."Good Ship Looney Tunes" anyone? :lol:

One problem with the ark storyline was the victim's belief that the world was going to flood and convincing others of the same. If he quoted and believed the Bible as he said he did, then he'd know that God promised to never destroy the Earth again by floodwaters (Genesis 8:21). I don't know how the writers reconcile that with their storyline, but it sure didn't gel.

As for the camel and Mac, the scene was cute. However, Gary should have been on the phone to his manager saying, "Uh, we need to have a little talk."

The smoking case was over the top. I'm a nonsmoker, and have always been a nonsmoker. However, I really got the feeling that TPTB were preaching on this storyline. Every single aspect of smoking was approached with a negative connotation. Judd Nelson was hilarious in his depiction of a smoking corporation dirtbag, which was a far cry from his character in the original "CSI."

As for Mac and Stella, I am grateful that TPTB portrayed Mac as a supportive and loyal friend for Stella. However, I'm dismayed that his character did not reprimand her for breaking lab protocol. She utilized a murder victim's bathroom to clean her wound after being cut at a crime scene. She failed to notify her supervisor of the cut so he could adequately document the injury. Mac demands everyone act in a professional manner at all times to protect the lab's integrity, yet when Stella blows her professionalism, he blows it off. He yells at Danny. He yells at Sheldon. He fired Aiden. Mac was inconsistent in the worst way.
I think I can say this for everyone that saw this episode, Melina did an excellent job in this episode, she was unbeliavable and so real, I totally loved it.
Gave it a B+.

I found the Noah's ark case pretty weird and somewhat uninteresting. The smoking case was okay, and I wanted to smack that vampire for setting the guy in the cig-suit on fire just to prove a point. Stupid much?

I'd have probably given this a lower grade if it wasn't for Stella. She finally came clean with Mac about what happened at the last case, and what else can I say? She was absolutely great. I thought this was a better hurdle/challenge for her than being attacked by her psycho ex-boyfriend.

And I almost had a heart attack when she found Sid on the floor. Thank God she was able to revive him. I also loved that last part when she told Sid she might have HIV.

I guess that's it. I'd love to expound on my thoughts some more but I my brain seems to be a little scattered. =/
Faylinn said:
^^ But weren't there tigers on the ark? We learned about the allergy when he sneezed around the tiger in "Zoo York," so even if it's species-specific, it's still a boo-boo. :p (I still haven't rewatched the episode, though, so maybe it wasn't tigers?...)

Oh...I don't remember about that one, I need to watch it again. I thought he only mentioned it in that other ep, the one with the small wildcat in the woman's apartment...I think the perp killed it as like a test subject or something before getting his real target...crud I forget the ep title.
^Love Run Cold, I believe.

I gave it an A.

Stella continues to kill me. I found myself shedding tears during her breaking-down-in-front-of-Sid scene. I'm going to put my M/S squeeing in the other thread.

The cases interested me as well because a) I have complicated faith issues as well and b) I thought Judd Nelson's reasons were underhandedly brilliant :lol: I guess I've been around advertisers too long.
You mean "Love Run Cold"--I didn't even remember them mentioning Don's allergies in that one...

ETA: Hehe, ranma beat me to it. :p
Duh yeah thanks. I'm not positive either...may need to watch both eps again.

Question for this ep and the last one. I saw just tonight on TV a form of AIDS test that only involved an epithelial swab...and I know it was real 'cause it was on the news I saw that only useful when the HIV/AIDS has been in the body longer? So they had to draw blood on Stella to test becuase she had just been exposed, right?
Im kind of confused. Aren't epithelial's skin cells..? They wouldn't be able to detect HIV/AIDS that way.

Question: didn't the spoilers say Stella's gums were going to be bleeding early in the episode, before she helped Sid...? Did I miss that, or was that scene not in the episode..?
I think the spoilers just mentioned her saying that her gums had been bleeding when she brushed her teeth that morning, like she told Sid. :)