Grade 'The Ride In'

In the interest of full disclosure, I admit that I missed five minutes of tonight's episode because my AOL mailer tried to empty Roomie's Mail Waiting to Be Sent folder all at once and get me nailed for spamming myself. I pulled the modem connection and averted disaster, but not before I missed Flack expositing to Mac about a detective scam.

Speaking of Flack, he wore the most priceless WTF expression when the ark passengers were giving their statements. He's fabulous when he's incredulous.

Dear Writers,

I know Mac is fabulous and noble and the awesomest awesome that ever awesomed. There is no need to bludgeon me with that fact through awkward, clunky dialogue better suited to a fourth-grade classroom than network TV for adults. "Faith is the foundation of every major religion." You don't say? Pray, what Religion 1000 syllabus did you gank that from? Do you ever listen to yourselves? But God bless Flack for his long-suffering expression in that scene.

And after tonight, Mac can keep his yob shut about lab ethics and not playing favorites. He reacted to Stella's revelation exactly as he should have as her friend, but as her boss he earns the Hammer of Fail. He fired Aiden for breaking the seal on already-collected and documented evidence, but he doesn't so much as reprimand Stella for compromising evidence and failing to immediately disclose the possible contamination? Have some Hypocrite Pie, Mac.

The cases were flaccid and boring, and I wasn't interested in either outcome. Quirky and convoluted=/ cool.

However, Stella was brilliant tonight. I love her vulnerability and her agonized panic at the thought that she might've infected Sid with HIV. It was sensitive, nuanced, and poignant without being soppily melodramatic. Bravo, Stella.

I'm seriously beginning to wonder if the writers aren't paying more attention to fan reaction than they admit. Mac still identified the quote on the wall as Nostradamus, but there was no translation. And there was no ridiculous "Mac giving Danny his blessing to go to Montana" scene. Was that this week, or is it slated for next week? If it was this week, I think I know where it was supposed to be.

Overall, this was a C week. The writers need to put more thought into the cases because character development can't carry them forever.
Faylinn said:
I do wonder if Emmanuelle might be filming another movie/show as was suggested in another thread, which would explain her absence in several future episodes...
I believe she is cast in an episode of 'Supernatural' so she might be kickin' it up here in Vancouver :)

Decent episode...not the best, but still, I enjoyed it.

Didn't really care for the outcome of the cigarette suit case. Set the guy on fire b/c he wouldn't join the union? Really? And how does a Bavarian outfit as your uniform make you a mascot?

The arc case was pretty good. Some good moments for Danny and Flack :)

Liked the way they're dealing with Stella. Melina did great with all of her scenes. And poor Sid! Damn meatball subs!! :p
I don't think kissing can transmit HIV. If that was true, a lot of people will have HIV by now, and the powers that be will have acted faster. That is, if you don't have a cut inside your lips.
Springmoon said:
One question though: how did Stella know exactly what was wrong with Sid? Did I miss something?

I think I must have missed something too, b/c I don't see how she knew that he was in shock...
I liked last night's episode. Cases weren't spectacular, but I still gave it an "A" b/c of overall cast interaction. The scene where Stella told Sid that he could be at risk was amazing to me...
Oh, and I am pretty sure HIV can't be transmitted thru saliva...just thru blood and sex... :)
I give this episode an A+.

When it begins, we see Stella telling Mac about how she cut herself last episode and Mac was so sweet, he hugged her!, *grins* :D :D (me being a Mac/Stella shipper was literally jumping out of my seat when I saw that). Throughout the whole episode we see that Mac really cares for Stella and he is there for her.
When Stella and Hawkes arrived to there crime scene, I busted out laughing when Stella said "the witness saw a giant cigarrete on fire, running". :lol: :lol:
Both cases were good and the Stella storyline was excellent, Melina's performance like always is excellent, she played it so well. In this and everyother episode Mac looked hot :devil:*grins* he was a true friend (even though the hug didnt look like friend) *falls down* and he like Melina is a great actor.
ejacksonian said:
I don't think kissing can transmit HIV. If that was true, a lot of people will have HIV by now, and the powers that be will have acted faster. That is, if you don't have a cut inside your lips.

It wasn't that it was just kissing, but she said her mouth was bleeding in the morning so if she got blood into her mouth while giving mouth to mouth her could get HIV. And it is under .1% chance anyways.
Good episode tonight!
Flack was priceless. :lol:
Sadly, missed the first few seconds :( (had walk my silly fufu dog :rolleyes: )
but Melina was amazing!!!
Hyper Danny is still here :D
poor sid, victem of an evil meatball sandwich
cases were a little different. loved Stella talking to the tobacco company Exec.
One of the best eps of the season, IMHO. I loved the Mac/Stella interaction. And I liked the stuff with Sid. (Got a question, though: have his wife and daughters been mentioned before and I just missed it? I was surprised to realize he was married with kids.)
Also, I thought both the cases were interesting. And I liked that there was no over-the-top sexuality in this ep. I realize that some murders are committed for sexual motives, but not all are. (I've pretty much quit watching the Vegas because in that series EVERY murder has a sexual angle. . .as if nobody in Vegas, the gambling mecca of the United States, is every killed for for financial reasons.)
I don't quite understand why all the CSI:NY gang attributed Noah's attempt to pay off his co-hort in crime with funny money as an accident. As an experienced con man, I"m sure he could tell the difference between counterfeit bills and real ones. To me, it seemed obvious that he was trying to pull off one last scam before he boarded his boat, he picked the wrong person to try to bamboozle and it got him killed.
And, I must say. . .the parks department in NYC must pay its employees very well. That one woman they talked to didn't even look like she was 30 yet, but she'd managed to save up $10,000 on what she was earning planting trees! Of course, she'd lost it all in a con, but most people don't have that sort of money to lose in their 20s!
Sounds like a good episode!! Can't wait to see it in about 3 and 1/2 months hehe!
Isn't next week's episode the court case in Montana and with no mention of you-know-who, I wonder how they are going to get Danny to Montana and have the court case in one episode! Sorry if I got the episodes in the wrong order!
I loved Danny's expression when walking past the tigers in the ark......a real unsure/WTF/how the hell did they get in here look.

The end scene with Sid and Stella was fantastic and there was plenty of humour.

Sometimes the quirky ones are the best.
I love this episode! But, that's a short hug! argh! hehe...

I like the cases. I think it's different and weird at the same time. :) I also love the scene with Sid. Melina is great!
ClarkF1 said:
I loved Danny's expression when walking past the tigers in the ark......a real unsure/WTF/how the hell did they get in here look.

I agree, I loved that scene, watching the looks on their faces as the three men just stared in wonder at all the animals inside the ark - and yes, the tigers definitely gave all of them pause! :lol: It was a well done scene.
csiviper said:
Stella always gives an excellent scene, she and Mac totally made my night *dreams of Stella and Mac together*.

Notice how when Mac and Peyton are having a "moment" while at work, they seem to always get interrupted by Stella or someone else, but when Mac and Stella are having a "moment," Peyton is nowhere to be seen, and in fact is absent during the entire episode.

Things that make you go "hmmmm"... ;)