Grade 'The Ride In'


I appreciated the snarky humor behind the cases even if I didn't find them terribly gripping, but this episodes best moments belong to Melina. She really is a fantastic actress, and I love how much emotional depth she's giving to the storyline without making Stella seem weepy or weak. She really is phenomenal. As others have said, Robert Joy was fantastic too.

The teaser really was great. Flack giggled and Danny bounced when he saw the ark! :D I love how they ran with it.

mulder8scullly5 said:
I think if Peyton was there she'll really be jealous! hehe...:) She was pissed when Mac took her hand off his face when he saw her coming! I forgot the episode's title...hehe..

Totally different situations. Peyton has shown herself to be humane and compassionate, and unlike other petty characters who are jealous of dead women, would have the grace to understand that Stella was suffering and not making a play for Mac.

PrettyEyes said:
One problem with the ark storyline was the victim's belief that the world was going to flood and convincing others of the same. If he quoted and believed the Bible as he said he did, then he'd know that God promised to never destroy the Earth again by floodwaters (Genesis 8:21). I don't know how the writers reconcile that with their storyline, but it sure didn't gel.

The guy was crazed from a rampant infection--that's most likely how they justified.

As for Mac and Stella, I am grateful that TPTB portrayed Mac as a supportive and loyal friend for Stella. However, I'm dismayed that his character did not reprimand her for breaking lab protocol. She utilized a murder victim's bathroom to clean her wound after being cut at a crime scene. She failed to notify her supervisor of the cut so he could adequately document the injury. Mac demands everyone act in a professional manner at all times to protect the lab's integrity, yet when Stella blows her professionalism, he blows it off. He yells at Danny. He yells at Sheldon. He fired Aiden. Mac was inconsistent in the worst way.

I think there's a bigger picture and as rigid as he can be, Mac could see it in that moment. This isn't about tampering with evidence or pursuing a case that Mac thinks is a waste of resources. This is Stella's life, and she's confiding in him about having a potentially life-changing illness. Reprimanding her would have been callous and cruel.
Top41 said:
mulder8scullly5 said:
I think if Peyton was there she'll really be jealous! hehe...:) She was pissed when Mac took her hand off his face when he saw her coming! I forgot the episode's title...hehe..

Totally different situations. Peyton has shown herself to be humane and compassionate, and unlike other petty characters who are jealous of dead women, would have the grace to understand that Stella was suffering and not making a play for Mac.

Top, I'm shocked! What are you trying to say? Are you saying that in the past when you’ve been interested in someone you haven’t slyly attempted to uncover information about his recently deceased close female friend? I thought everyone had done that super sexy, charming, and thoughtful technique when attempting to discern how much of a threat a dead woman is to your chances with a man. An act rendered even more touching when you are helping process evidence to convict the deceased woman’s killer and possible rapist. Just another example of classy behavior. :lol:

Seriously though, I think Peyton as a confident intelligent woman would recognize a hug out of need, compassion, understanding and friendship rather than indulge in juvenile and tasteless displays of jealousy.
JDonne said:
Top, I'm shocked! What are you trying to say? Are you saying that in the past when you’ve been interested in someone you haven’t slyly attempted to uncover information about his recently deceased close female friend? I thought everyone had done that super sexy, charming, and thoughtful technique when attempting to discern how much of a threat a dead woman is to your chances with a man. An act rendered even more touching when you are helping process evidence to convict the deceased woman’s killer and possible rapist. Just another example of classy behavior. :lol:

I should confess, I really should adopt that MO in the future. :eek: It is the height of class, and all the cow girls are doing it. :lol: ;)

Seriously though, I think Peyton as a confident intelligent woman would recognize a hug out of need, compassion, understanding and friendship rather than indulge in juvenile and tasteless displays of jealousy.

Agreed, completely. I've seen nothing in Peyton's character to indicate she'd stoop so low as to deny Stella or any other friend of Mac's his comfort. Quite the opposite--I think she'd be as compassionate to Stella as Sid was.
Oh...I don't remember about that one, I need to watch it again. I thought he only mentioned it in that other ep, the one with the small wildcat in the woman's apartment...I think the perp killed it as like a test subject or something before getting his real target...crud I forget the ep title.
Don't remember that ep title, but I'm actually thinking an S2 episode - Lindsey's first appearance - when Mac is investigating a body in a zoo cage and comments to Flack "don't sneeze in my crime scene" and that's when Flack says about the allergies.
Totally different situations. Peyton has shown herself to be humane and compassionate, and unlike other petty characters who are jealous of dead women, would have the grace to understand that Stella was suffering and not making a play for Mac.

since when was Lindsy jealous of Aiden :confused: I am pretty sure I haven't missed anything...
I don't know, but there's still that chance she'll be jealous in a way especially if she doesn't know about it. Right? She might be compassionate as you say she is but Peyton doesn't know Stella's condition yet, right? Or, am I missing something?
Ok, Not trying to contradict nobody here but if you really think about it, If hypothetically Peyton had walked on Mac and Stella hugging she would have been mad considering the fact that the night she simply had her hand in his cheek he grabbed her hand and put it down when he saw Stella come in.
We all know she is sweet and compassionate but she is still a woman and she knows that Mac is a sweet catch if that if it would come down to Stella and her, Mac would pick Stella in 5 seconds notice.
She might be a little pissed off, but are you saying that you wouldn't? An explanation would be all that would be in order. Peyton seems like a very rational character ... she obviously realizes that Stella and Mac are close, and would be a little threatened by such a compromising position, but in no way do I believe she would fly off the deep end without waiting for any sort of justification as to why they were acting that way.
^that's actually the point. If we were in Peyton's shoes and that happens, we would really be pissed no matter how rational or compassionate we are. We would only act as such (Being rational and compassionate) if we know what the situation is. I think Peyton would listen to Mac as well. Again, if she saw that scene..hehehe...
I still think she'd wonder about Stella being near tears before she'd jump on Mac for hugging a good friend. As for the hand incident, that wasn't jealousy--it was anger over him feeling the need to keep their relationship such a secret that he'd rather thrust her away physically than risk discovery.

xfcanadian said:
since when was Lindsy jealous of Aiden :confused: I am pretty sure I haven't missed anything...

It's a reference to "Heroes" and Lindsay's tacky move of fishing for information from Stella about Danny and Aiden when they were going over the car Aiden was killed in. Lindsay said something like, "Danny talked about Aiden a lot. They were close," in an attempt to get Stella to tell her how close.
Top41 said:
It's a reference to "Heroes" and Lindsay's tacky move of fishing for information from Stella about Danny and Aiden when they were going over the car Aiden was killed in. Lindsay said something like, "Danny talked about Aiden a lot. They were close," in an attempt to get Stella to tell her how close.

I didn't see it like that, it seemed like she wanted to know more about Aiden from the people who knew her than trying to find out if she and Danny were ever an item. It just doesn't seem like something Lindsay would do - trying to weasle info from someone who's in mourning.
^ My feeling as always been if she were in fact, seeking information about the recently murdered friend of the entire lab she would have asked Stella a question about her relationship with Aiden or a general question. Lindsay specifically asked Stella about Danny's relationship with Aiden, it read as a fishing expedition to me. She could have simply asked Danny, after all who better to tell Lindsay about his relationship with Aiden than Danny himself. The question was incredibly classless considering the situation.
It's a reference to "Heroes" and Lindsay's tacky move of fishing for information from Stella about Danny and Aiden when they were going over the car Aiden was killed in. Lindsay said something like, "Danny talked about Aiden a lot. They were close," in an attempt to get Stella to tell her how close.

oh wow, i took that completely different. It seemed like Danny was the only one who mentioned Aiden to her, so lindsey assumed he was the closet to her, and she was trying to be compasionate to Aiden and the situation. It doesn't really make sense for Lindsey to fish for information about that, since Danny was the one seeking out to date Lindsey, not the other way around. I don't think it matters what Lindsey does...she could bring back Aiden from the dead...people will still hate her :lol:
xfcanadian said:
I don't think it matters what Lindsey does...she could bring back Aiden from the dead...people will still hate her :lol:

Only because it would be written and acted in a wholly nauseating way. You also overlook the fact that the people who dislike her because she's Aiden's replacement represents only a few. Most people dislike her as an entirely seperate entity.
allstar12 said:
Im kind of confused. Aren't epithelial's skin cells..? They wouldn't be able to detect HIV/AIDS that way.

Question: didn't the spoilers say Stella's gums were going to be bleeding early in the episode, before she helped Sid...? Did I miss that, or was that scene not in the episode..?

I'm not sure myself, only that they were swabbing...unless it wasn't the epithelials but spit they were going for,but not sure if that has it either. *shrugs* I need research.