Well, I finally rewatched it, so now I have lots more to say. :devil: Prepare yourselves. If you thought I wrote a novel before, look what I write when I've actually concentrated on the whole episode. :lol:
From the beginning:
The Mac and Peyton thing at the beginning: That wasn't titillating or anything...but I did like that Mac was sort of awkward about accepting her compliments on his cooking abilities. :lol: Of course, she was kind of talking like she was this sex kitten or something...maybe it was just me. :lol:
Flack and the women? How adorable was that? He was all 'oh, yeah, you know *waves it off*' to them. :lol: That was hilarious. What man wouldn't take advantage of that? :lol: But you could tell he was really excited to be back on the job. I assume that in later episodes we'll get more recognition of the negative psychological effects of the bombing.
I still loved the scene with Flack, Stella and Lindsay. I thought it did a good job of showing that they were all friendly with each other.
When Peyton arrived, I thought it was kind of awkward...did anybody else think she was acting a bit out of it? Like she was half-asleep or drugged or something?
The first time around, I didn't hear Hawkes' 'wings' comment, but this time I heard it all too well--looks like the writers haven't gotten past writing some clunkers.

There were some bad ones last season, and this one is right up there with them. Let's hope they are the exception rather than the rule. :lol: Of course, I suppose it could also be considered sort of cute, particularly if the good doctor has a little crush on her.

:lol: But I bet she hates all of the angel comparisons, I know I would.
I noticed that Flack was ready to get right back into his normal snarky tone with the father on the roof. Did you see how quickly he started to walk forward and tell the dad what's what? :lol: Somebody enjoys the snark too much, m'boy. :lol: But then, can there be too much snark from Flackie?
I loved the conversation between Hawkes and Hammerback. I missed it the first time around (darn chatting :lol

, but I was laughing my ass off this time. Hawkes had one eyebrow up and I loved when he was like 'are we done?' :lol: Ready to go so soon, Sheldon? :lol:
When Danny and Angel were walking to talk to the LSD guy, I was just struck by their prettiness. :lol: This show is so full of pretty people. :lol: And when Danny picked the guy's bag up and
accidentally dumped it out? That was great.
Ok, somebody has to get me screencaps of Danny interrogating that Clarence Rose person. Can you say fang!porn?! :devil:
Can I just say that I love when Adam offerred to get the information on the prescription? Danny was like 'dude, it's too much' and Adam's all 'yeah, so?...' :lol: I adore Adam, but someone needs to tame that beard. *gazes longingly at her avvie*
I just realized when rewatching it that 'the bungee sex ho' as I've decided to refer to her, was with a different guy both times we saw her.

Plus, in the second scene, when Mac grabbed the guy's arm, the camera thing kind of made me nauseous.
When the bodyguard was talking about the dead girl and it showed the flashback? That 'take your prize' line was lame and horribly delivered.

But I love that Danny was just sort of like, 'what will these people think of next?'
Was Lindsay trying to beat the computer putting the check together? :lol: It kind of looked like it to me.
Missed the silhouette thing the first time around--yeah, riiiight.

Because they could zoom in that much and get that much detail.

But, it's tv, so I should know better.
Damn, Danny looked
HOT in that button-up shirt. *drools* :lol:
Ok, now that I've gotten that off my chest, I can comment on other things said in this thread.
I don't really see the big deal about Stella's makeup. I read about it in here, but I forgot to look at it when I was rewatching the episode--so it must not have jumped out at me. I don't understand why people find it worth mentioning...Her boobs showing, yeah, but her makeup?...
Angell--Er, I still don't see the big deal. Does the 'clone' description come from the way she looks or the way she acts? Would people be happier if she had blonde hair and blue eyes? I really don't see the significance of her appearance. And as for the attitude, every character on this show has one, don't they? I really like Angell so far.
As for Angell's character, she's not meant to be a main character or anything. I don't understand why it's a big deal that she's just like the other detectives that have come and gone over the first 2 seasons--that's who she's replacing, after all. And as for taking time away from Flack, I don't see where that comes from. The show generally has two cases, and Flack's only going to be the detective in one of them, so if the other case has a detective, they need another character. *shrug*
As for Lindsay, I didn't think she was annoying or anything. I think she was in the lab a lot--it seemed like she was always either running a test or telling Mac and Stella what the results were. Personally, not being a huge fan of the character, I didn't mind that she wasn't there much. She was so sure that the girlfriend did it, but various characters have done the same thing before, so I don't see the big deal there. And Mac told her what he told Danny when he did the same thing (during season one, don't remember the exact episode)--find the evidence. And she didn't seem upset or abashed that she was wrong. She just reported that the evidence didn't support her assumption.
I'm kind of surprised that people were upset at the lack of a Danny/Lindsay scene. There was really no reason for them to interact, being on different cases. Why not be upset at the lack of Flack and Hawkes talking, or Mac and Danny having a chat? It's the same thing, except that people have come to expect a D/L scene in every episode. *shrug*
I think that's all for now. :lol: I still loved the episode, and I stand by my A+ grade. I'm easy, what can I say? :lol:
I'm also looking forward to the rest of the season. Yeah, there are some things that could be tweaked to make the show better, but I'm going to hope for the best.
Edit: Oh, and about the 'huge D/L moment'--was it specifically said that there would be a huge shippy moment, or is this simply the interpretation of some spoilers? In either case, I think that's a topic best discussed over in the spoiler thread.