Great episode. I'll give it an A-.
Flack's one liners were great (and his second shirt/tie combo of the episode was rather lovely, much better than the hazmat suit, out of everyone he and Lindsay looked particularly odd in those suits :lol

. Also, Flack/Adam/Danny FTW. From a couple of years of no Flack/Adam interaction to twice in as many episodes. And Danny was there too! It's like a dream come true. :devil:
So, great one liners from Flack, and I also liked it when Adam said "investigating is its own art form." He's so right, on this show it really is. :lol: However, Hawkes was rather cheesy with his "10 grams stat!" comment. I do love Hawkes and Sid though, and they have such a lovely relationship. I loved that Hawkes immediately took control of the situation and was commanding, but mostly I loved that he actually featured in this episode. He was great.
The final scene at the hospital was fantastic. It really made me smile.
MrElsie also expressed his delight at the male bonding (well he laughed at least), and was very much with Sid in that chips and water is just a wrong combination and Flack should immediately go out and buy them all beer. :beer:
Future episode wish list:
- Male bonding in every episode
- More Adam/Flack
- More Danny/Flack
- Sid! And Hawkes
- No more Maroon 5, ever, or any other similar stunt casting which wastes precious screentime (I really don't like Maroon 5)