detectdevotion, I liked seeing Stella on back on her game, too! I hated the episode "All Access" in part because I thought Stella acted out of character (much like I felt Danny did in this episode). It's nice to see the writers once again acknowledging she's the show's sharpest character.
audrina said:
I agree that the eppy was uneven. I don't like that Lindsay just stood him up, and I thought in parts Danny was out of character. I also wish they hadn't gone with "It's not you, etc" cliche. Lazy writing there - they could have at least worded it differently.
Yeah, I thought that all was very poorly done, and with a little more effort, they could have improved it. I heard in early drafts Danny was angry, which makes a lot more sense given what we know of his character.
My only point in disagreement is that sometimes you don't realize you're afraid of something until you're actually on the cusp of doing it. I had this happen to me and others -- and well out of our college years! I also think as coworkers it's actually very realistic that they didn't just fall into bed ... many don't do that, whatever the age.
No, that's true, people might not just fall into bed even after a mutual attraction is evident, especially if they're co-workers. They definitely would want to exercise some caution there, given that no matter what happens personally, they still have to work together.
I guess what I most object to is that the whole sudden change of heart seems more like a cheap device to keep them apart and drag out the storyline, rather than anything genuine. Lindsay spent a year trying to get close to Danny, so her behavior seemed as inconsistent as that of Danny, who has flirted but never really pursued her (and went into overdrive in this episode).
I know it's all related to her dark secret, but did we really need this interaction at all? If they're going to delve into her dark secret, why does Danny need to factor in?
Still, I agree on much of the akwardness, although I thought the final scene was well-acted.
I thought Anna was very good, but Carmine's performance was a little surface. We've seen him get emotional, and I didn't see it here. I would have prefered to see angry Danny, because Carmine does angry Danny really well.
Thanks for the discussion, guys! Lots of points of view, no nastiness. I like it.
Same here!
PS: LOVELY BONES was excellent - read it a few times just to catch stuff I'd missed.
Yeah, there's a lot in there--it's such a beautiful book. The ending makes me cry every time. And the scene with the dad and the ships in the bottles.
hidinginmyeyes said:
"^hidinginmyeyes, do you stare at your friend like she's the only thing on the planet that matters when you see her?"
No, Top41, I don't, but I don't see Don doing that to Danny either. I just don't see it. I haven't seen all of season 2. Is that where this got started? I'll be getting it on DVD when it's available. I think it's more just that Eddie Cahill is the kind of guy who likes to make eye contact with people. I've noticed that in some video interviews I've seen him do. And it's inevitable that some of the actor's personality traits are going to come out in their performances. I mean, if there is some sort of attraction so evident there, wouldn't that mean that the directors want it that way? Or am I mixing up fandom ship with onscreen ship? It's a little confusing. Is it something that D/F shippers are reading into it on their own? Or do you actually, truly see it onscreen between the two actors? See what I mean? It's confusing... I'm not a DL shipper but I have seen stuff happening between Danny and Lindsay. I don't really care who gets together with who, but I'm into relationships and I love to see and/or read them between people, romantic or otherwise.
Somebody get the screencaps! :lol:
The episodes it's most evident in are "Blood, Sweat and Tears," "On the Job," "Trapped," "Necrophilia Americana," "Run Silent, Run Deep," "Stealing Home"...there are others that I know I'm forgetting--maybe someone else can fill them in. Basically, check out their first scene in "Blood, Sweat and Tears" in the apartment--I think it's quite noticeable there.
I even spotted the staring in "Not What It Looks Like"--when they're at the air shaft, Flack is talking to both Stella and Danny, but he's only looking at Danny.
Flack and Danny are really, really good friends so if you want to take it as Flack simply looking at his friend a lot, that's obviously a valid interpretation. Like
Fay said, people look at the show and see what they're going to see from their perspective. It's true of every character and every ship--some people love a character, while others hate that character...some people see loads of chemistry between two characters, while others don't see it at all. To each their own--it's what makes for good discussion here.