Grade 'Love Run Cold'

The ice thing would have been even cooler if they'd thought it out better, or at least filmed it in a way that explained things better. I'm still trying to figure out the whole thing with the damn ice-sceptor. :rolleyes: And the set-up with the boyfriend was weak. I loved when Danny and Flack interrogated him, but it was just a cliche motive and everything else that people in here have mentioned already. ;)

And yeah, the marathon story was definitely weak. They should have introduced the sister earlier and maybe made it about figuring out which person did it, rather than suddenly introducing her at the end and making it easy-peasy to prove it was her.

Compared to "Hung Out to Dry," this episode was just pretty crappy.
The only thing I really have to criticize was the way Danny kept following Lindsay around. That just seems so out of character for him. I mean, this is Danny Messer, right? He may be an emo kid, but he's also seems like the kind of guy who would go after what he wants. The whole lunch scene was ridiculous. I couldn't tell if he was really hungry or desperate for some Monroe lovin'. Geez.
jgio said:
The only thing I didn’t like was the Danny/Lindsay part. It totally made Danny seem like a p***y… It made him seem really desperate. Guess that’s how much he likes Lindsay, why? I have no idea why! She’s been giving him the cold shoulder from the start. I was surprised when she said that she really, really liked him too! I didn’t really see that from her at all! She’s always short with him and snotty. Danny likes to flirt and play around, but she never reciprocates! It’s always; well I have to get back to work, or blah-blah-blah... Any time Danny mentions getting something to eat, she can never go. Danny stop chasing after her, it’s not a good look for you!

I've actually seen it more from her side--she seemed to really like him when she asked him out to the bar in "Stuck on You" and got him to do the experiment with her in "Cool Hunter"--but I do agree that she's been kind of snappish with him in the past, too. She acts like a grade school girl with a crush who goes out of her way to be mean to the guy because she secretly likes him. It worked really well with Cordy and Xander on Buffy because, well, the characters actually were in high school, but it makes a woman in her mid-30s look downright juvenile.

I agree with the stuff about Danny--it seemed totally out of character and made him look kind of pathetic.
How old are the CSIs, respectively? I'm aware that Mac and Stella are the oldest. I saw an interview with Melina where she said that Stella had been working with Mac for ten years or so. I always pictured the other CSIs (and Flack) in their late twentys.
I would guess in their 30s, as all of the actors, save Eddie, are at least that. Lindsay and Danny are probably the same age (early 30s?), though in real life she's a few years older than he is. Hawkes is probably mid 30s (med school, a few years as a surgeon, then a few years as an ME). Flack is probably in his early 30s, though Eddie I think is only 28 or 29. Stella is probably in her mid to late 30s, Mac in his mid to late 40s.
Could somebody please tell me the track that was played during this episode?

I think it had a line like "I like your crime".

Many thanks in advance!

Yep, I can :) I spent 3 weeks or more obsessively searching for that thing. It's called "Stranger" and it's by Oslo. Available on iTunes. They're an LA band, sound very much like Interpol and Editors.
Wow, thanks for the quick response cranyjules, you've saved me a long search myself!

They sound great, VERY much like The Editors.

Thanks again,