Grade 'Love Run Cold'

Ok now I don't, and I mean DON'T want to cause a problem here, but maybe the comments about Danny/Flack should be kept in the D/F shipper thread?
Why?? :confused: Since they have scenes in the episode, why can't it be commented on in this thread? I'm just giving my opinion on the episode as I saw it.

When exactly did DL become canon? :confused: Did I miss something? A "hug" scene and an entire episode of Danny following Lindsay around like a lost puppy wanting to know why she won't go out with him does not make a couple canon.

GSR in robes in a bedroom is canon.

I'm not, NOT saying this in a nasty way, but you do pretty much see something romantic or shippy every time Danny and Don are on the screen together.
I sure do. :D Just like other people see something romantic or shippery with their favorite pairings. I don't knock their ships just because I don't see it. While I do express the fact that I don't see DL (and don't want to see it canon right now), I definately do not have a problem with those who do like DL.
Ok. It's really hard to make your intent known when things are written and not spoken. I didn't mean to be nasty, nor was I implying that anyone shouldn't say whatever they want here. I'm only one person with one opinion and I know I don't carry any weight overall. It was only a suggestion and it doesn't really matter to me one way or the other. I was just trying to make an observation. And you're right; DL is not canon, but it's being explored on the show, so people will talk about it in the non-shipper forums. D/F, however is not being explored on the show; it's strictly fandom. I don't have a problem with D/F; I have my own take on the whole idea of it. So I sincerely apologize to anyone I offended or insulted. It truly was not my intention. Please believe me!
Well, if you have a different take on D/F, it might be something you could talk about over in Shipper Central with us. We're not adverse to other opinions (so long as they're positive, since there's a separate place in that forum to debate the negatives of ships). ;)

Anyway, D/F isn't being explored on the show, but all I've discussed in this thread is D/F interaction on the show, which is why I don't understand the problem. No, they aren't going to get together on the screen, but I keep the overly shippy discussion out of this thread. I know the difference between canon and fanon, although canon is certainly open to various interpretations, and I make a conscious effort to keep the majority of that out of this forum. But I know it crops up from time to time. ;)

In any case, I'm a moderator in a completely different forum. I don't moderate outside the General CSI Discussion forum unless there is a dire need. I respect the moderators in this forum, and I let them do their job. And there have been times when they told me to stay in line. :p In this forum, I'm just a fan and a regular poster, my opinion doesn't hold any more weight than the next person--that's the way I look at it. ;) NY is my favorite show, and I come here to have fun and talk about it. But I also love a good discussion or debate. ;)
Faylinn said:
I love the fact that people feel the need to specify that they don't see Danny/Flack in a romantic way. :lol: With that particular ship, I think we'll assume people don't like it unless they say so. :lol: I don't see everyone rushing to say they don't see Mac/Flack in a romantic way when wishing they'd have a scene together or talking about liking them interacting. :lol:

Sorry, that just amuses me for some reason. :p

Just have to say I didn't mean anything by that. DF romance, or a wish for one, is discussed a lot on this board, so that's why I clarified. For instance, I would likely make the same distinction if I wrote a post discussing Mac/Stella - I love their interaction, but don't really want a romance there.

I was just pointing out that I enjoy the Danny/Flack scenes from a different perspective than many of this board, but I enjoy it nonetheless.

By the way, I'll add my two cents that I don't see a problem with discussing DF stuff here or anywhere else. Lord knows we discuss DL everywhere.
And me being a total Danny/Flack fan ... wow, did any other D/F fan grin like crazy at Danny's, "Ya like that?" and Flack's, "Yeah."? I mean, even my friends who had never watched the series before thought that was pretty overt dialogue right there! Why did Danny feel the need to ask Flack something like that? Naughty boys, can't even keep smex out of their daily conversations. :p

That was the only part of the episode that I actaully liked. It was just such a Danny thing to do. Because we all know that he is a big ole tease. :D
Hehe... whatever our opinions are, Mondays are always good because it means there are only 3 more nights till the next episode!!! GoodLittleWench, I loved that scene too and I couldn't wait to see it after seeing the spoiler pics.
If you close your eyes, and just listen to Danny and Flack saying those two lines ... you'd probably think Danny was stripping in front of Flack or something! Seriously! :lol: :devil:

"Ya like that?" *popping buttons as Danny rips open his shirt and wriggles*


:lol: :lol: :lol: Okay, I'm cutting myself off there. As for ship talk, I don't see any problem with anyone talking about any favorite ship of theirs in these episode review threads. Shippers can read into the smallest of things, so if one ship can be discussed, they all can. The only issue to remember is, no ship is greater or lesser than the other, canon or not. Nobody should feel like they have to defend themselves for liking a particular ship. Remember, people, fictional characters here! And this is supposed to be fun! :p Not worth fighting over, alright?
"Ya like that?" *popping buttons as Danny rips open his shirt and wriggles*

I close my eyes and OH MY the image. Does someone have a bucket and a mop b/c drool is everywhere. Man oh man, the sheer image runs through my mind like a gentle fall breeze. MOST ENJOYABLE
"Wriggles?" :lol: That's a priceless mental image, Kimmy. :devil:

And no, it's not worth fighting over fictional characters' relationships...although the idea of a CSI:NY American-Gladiator type fight is a hilarious idea. :lol: Enormous q-tip thingies and giant hamster balls? Priceless. :lol:

Audrina, I see what you mean. ;)

In any case, yes, this is a place for fun: cain't we all jus' get along? :p Yep, I'd say so. ;)
GoodLittleWench said:
And me being a total Danny/Flack fan ... wow, did any other D/F fan grin like crazy at Danny's, "Ya like that?" and Flack's, "Yeah."? I mean, even my friends who had never watched the series before thought that was pretty overt dialogue right there! Why did Danny feel the need to ask Flack something like that? Naughty boys, can't even keep smex out of their daily conversations. :p

That was the only part of the episode that I actaully liked. It was just such a Danny thing to do. Because we all know that he is a big ole tease. :D

That's where the Aiden part was supposed to be. Right after those two lines Danny should've said that he'd learned the trick from Aiden. Too bad they decided to cut if out.
That's where I thought it would have been. I was waiting for it. :( It sucks that they cut it out, it would have been a nice bit of continuity from the previous seasons.
The way it played out, it was like 'oh, look how clever Danny is.' But if they'd left in the line about Aiden, it would have had a completely different meaning, like you say...I can't imagine why they'd take it out, honestly. :confused:
I'm beginning to wonder if TPTB are trying to pretend S1 never happened, and thus, edited out the Aiden comment, which would have been a lovely piece of continuity. SpikeTV started with S2, after all, which is odd, because I thought the deal was made for both seasons.
It confuses me too. I'm glad to be able to see Zoo York this Sunday but wonder anyway why they aren't starting with S1.

I *do* know that Spike is notorious for editing...they butchered Highlander to no end, and I don't know about LV...Anyone know if they cut stuff from those? I thought someone said they did. Anyway, they like to edit lol.

(but at least you should be grateful that they scrapped their 'toons...seeing their enormous ads over half the screen right before a break got really annoying.)