Grade 'Love Run Cold'

If you close your eyes, and just listen to Danny and Flack saying those two lines ... you'd probably think Danny was stripping in front of Flack or something! Seriously!

"Ya like that?" *popping buttons as Danny rips open his shirt and wriggles*


Good ol' Kimmy...

And 1CSIMFan When I said "Lindsay all over Danny" I was shooting for "Danny's shadow" couldn't think of that at the time, so my bad... I hate when that happens...

And depending how new you are to the show D/L could seem canon, I mean they did express feelings toward one another- but you're right, they're not canon yet.
I just watched this episode again, and I have to say that Flack sure looked good in the last scene with Danny interrogating that guy. Love those dark colors on him. Yeah. Love it.
What an odd and disjointed little episode that descended into Degrassi Jr. High territory. I felt as though I was walking into the middle of conversations the entire 43 minutes, there was a feeling of constantly being left out or one-step behind, the writer made some grand assumptions. Tim Lea shame on you, I know you can do better, On the Job and Recycling come to mind when I think of you doing better.

I pegged the boyfriend as the soon as he claimed night traffic on the Tappan Zee kept him from arriving on time. The marathon murder was tedious and banal. Danny and Flack’s interaction was the absolute highlight of the episode, together onscreen they are golden.

A note to wardrobe they really need to do a better job in hiding Anna’s pregnancy and if they cannot then the time has come to shoot from the chest up. Another wardrobe tip when the pockets of your pants flap open and stay that way it means they are too small, please invest in bigger pants or maternity wear, A Pea in the Pod makes some hip and adorable fashions for the mother-to-be.

Danny really has become this show’s sacrificial lamb, he has no bite left, not even a small glimmer of the man he once was, how sad.

Overall, the episode did not offend it simply, and possible sadly, made me run cold.
And Flack's facial expression would have fit better if they'd left the comment about Aiden in. He looked kind of striken for a sec ( I thought ), which makes me think the "yeah" was supposed to come after Danny told him it was something he learned from Aiden.
A note to wardrobe they really need to do a better job in hiding Anna’s pregnancy and if they cannot then the time has come to shoot from the chest up. Another wardrobe tip when the pockets of your pants flap open and stay that way it means they are too small, please invest in bigger pants or maternity wear, A Pea in the Pod makes some hip and adorable fashions for the mother-to-be.

Has this been confirmed because I haven't heard anything about it. :confused:
1CSIMfan said:
A note to wardrobe they really need to do a better job in hiding Anna’s pregnancy and if they cannot then the time has come to shoot from the chest up. Another wardrobe tip when the pockets of your pants flap open and stay that way it means they are too small, please invest in bigger pants or maternity wear, A Pea in the Pod makes some hip and adorable fashions for the mother-to-be.

Has this been confirmed because I haven't heard anything about it. :confused:

I haven't heard anything either. I don't think it's right to speculate either, until there's confirmation.

But from the looks of this picture, I personally don't think she's pregnant.
allstar12 said:
1CSIMfan said:
A note to wardrobe they really need to do a better job in hiding Anna’s pregnancy and if they cannot then the time has come to shoot from the chest up. Another wardrobe tip when the pockets of your pants flap open and stay that way it means they are too small, please invest in bigger pants or maternity wear, A Pea in the Pod makes some hip and adorable fashions for the mother-to-be.

Has this been confirmed because I haven't heard anything about it. :confused:

I haven't heard anything either. I don't think it's right to speculate either, until there's confirmation.

But from the looks of this picture, I personally don't think she's pregnant.

I agree, it would not be right to speculate, which is why I am not speculating. I have not been on the board since July and have not bothered to read other threads, but I thought this was somewhat old news. I thought a discussion of how it would shape the season and possibly the beginning of next season would have been well under way, since I doubt they will write it into the show.

The posted picture isn't the best for seeing some of the telltale signs of pregnancy, though there is a definite round center in that picture. Earlier parts of the episode, where Lindsay is layered, show off not only a side view of her expanding belly, but some newfound cleavage. However, none of this led me to my statement. I was told by a reliable source some time ago, so based upon that and what I see on screen I made a statement, not for any reason other than I thought wardrobe could do a better job concealing.
just out of curiosity, where did you find out this information? Cause that's really interesting and I'd love to read about it...
After watching it twice, I've decided to give it a B+ for the following reasons:

1. Danny looked incredibly hot in that tight green shirt.
2. Vodka in ice containers? Cool! (literally and figuratively)
3. "Desperate" Danny. I honestly don't know what to say about it except that it was weird seeing him like that.
4. Lindsay pushing him away made me all the more curious to know about her past.
5. The marathoner case was kinda boring.

I think it's great that Danny and Lindsay admitted their feelings for each other (what can I say, I'm a shipper), but that dialogue at the station was a little to cliched for my taste. Then again, if Lindsay has to work some things out on her own, I guess the only way to say it is to say. What I did like was the look on her face that screamed torment. Now I really want to know what's keeping her from doing what she wants (aka being involved with the man she "likes").

And I bet those two would be extremely awkward around each other after that.

As for the cases, I thought they were ok. Being a vodka person, I found the idea of different flavored vodka in ice containers really cool. The marathoner case left me a little, um, cold, to be honest. But I do understand the suspect's feelings and motive. If someone had taken away any of my sister's reason for living, I'd probably plot some sort of revenge (but I don't think it'd be something extreme like, oh say, murder).

I guess that's it. I can't wait for next week. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I need a drink. *runs off to find vodka*
I'm glad tension has died down in here, but please keep in mind people do have the right to discuss whatever interactions/relationships they see between the characters! No, we don't want the grading threads to turn into shipping threads, but I don't want to see people coming in and telling others not to talk about interactions between the characters in whatever way they see them. Thanks.

I was disappointed that the Aiden line was taken out of the Danny/Flack scene, too. It would have been a nice nod to her character. However, the way it played out was pretty cute/flirty. ;)

JDonne said:
Danny really has become this show’s sacrificial lamb, he has no bite left, not even a small glimmer of the man he once was, how sad.

I agree--they're changing Danny and not for the better. He's muted, dulled...almost vanilla. Where's the spark of life Danny used to have? I know some think he's more mature with Lindsay, and that's great--I don't object to more mature. But being a doormat? Calling after her pathetically when she's walking away? Not being upset about being stood up? That's just sad.
Why you NY fans have to be so hostile towards each other (I like NY too, yeah, but Miami being my fave I'm not that BIG fan). Just what Topsy pointed out when it comes to shippers.

Bit hard to rule out what you can comment about episode and what not.

I have to say I didn't get the murder... I mean. The weapon should have broke inside the girl so the alcohol would have gone to stomach. in flashback I didn't see it break and it would make more sense if the spot where it snapped was outside the body - not inside. And was the murderweapon still ice when the body got up? Or how long the girl sat there? (I should pay more attention but didn't bother to check the beginning again)

I was really disappointed to Danny. He was like 12-year-old kid :rolleyes:

Lindsay. I swear she has husband/fiance back at Montana and she ran away and that's the thing she has to deal with. Yuppers, must be (have I watched too much soap? ... or just CSIM)

The marathon... even if the runner was frigging fast you have to be so you get the right runner? What if he didn't run so close to the border?

SO in general. I didn't like the episode. It just... missed something.
Hey, was i the only one who just felt unconfortable with the D/L scene? I don't mean that in a bad way! I've got nothing against them, but i simply couldn't watch the screen... way to painful for both!
Pretty good overall. The case with the marathon runner seemed a bit rushed and confusing, but i'll forgive that.The Ice Queen case was better, but not one of the best that CSI writers have ever invented. It was pretty obvious that she'd been stabbed with an icicle/bottle

I can't help it, I like D/L. I was a little worried when they were actually going to deal with it onscreen, but it acutally turned out much better than i ever could have hoped. Loved Lindsay's avoidance, it was so funny! Danny trying to get her to go out to lunch was just funny. He's so cute. my only dissapointment was the "i'm dealing with something". These guys are great writers and that's the best they could come up with?

Flack may not show up much, but he's a cutie when he does. the best was the sing-songy "we found them". So funny.
I have to say that I really liked this episode. The whole ice thing was cool!

The only thing I didn’t like was the Danny/Lindsay part. It totally made Danny seem like a p***y… It made him seem really desperate. Guess that’s how much he likes Lindsay, why? I have no idea why! She’s been giving him the cold shoulder from the start. I was surprised when she said that she really, really liked him too! I didn’t really see that from her at all! She’s always short with him and snotty. Danny likes to flirt and play around, but she never reciprocates! It’s always; well I have to get back to work, or blah-blah-blah... Any time Danny mentions getting something to eat, she can never go. Danny stop chasing after her, it’s not a good look for you!

I also did think the marathon story was weak.