Not sure where to ask that question but... when I thought about the episode last night I wondered why they didn't send Stella back to Greece? I mean, they knew her mother was from Greece but they kept her in the US and put her in an orphanage there? How does this make sense?
Wouldn't the authorities try to find relatives and even if not send her back to where she was born and not just grant a 2 year old child citizenship and put her in a system that I would think is somehow supported by federal money? (I mean, I don't know that but I don't think the foster care system is privately funded)
Besides, the father would search for his child where he would suspect the mother... So, does it make sense or was that bad research/complete fiction?
And wasn't Stella supposed to be half Italian as well? It's what her original character description reads... how come she ends up with an Italian name (last name anyway) when her mother was Greek and apparently was a single-mom (if not they should have been able to find the father at home where her mother was living waiting for his wife/girlfriend and baby to return).
In any way, it would lead me to the assumption that Stella's mother was at one point married to an Italian guy and kept his last name after he ran off or they divorced.
Like someone said in another thread they really have to get clear on that.
(and which is why even though I am not a professional writer my characters always end up having a full background/biography with birthplace, parents, family, birthday, age etc before I even start plotting the story

(Although the biggest mystery for me will remain how Stella learnt to speak fluent Greek. You certainly don't remember from being two years old and not even having had a full vocabulary
