Lab Technician
I wouldn't say it was my least favourite episode of Season 5, but it wasn't that great. I think a lot of why I didn't like it had to do with the pacing of it - with everything they just crammed into this one episode, I feel like I didn't get the full impact of the things I was supposed to get.
I don't think NYPD has voiceprint analysis, nor do I think Stella made the call from her mobile...but it's entirely likely that Mac (since he was running the investigation) went over to NYPD Communications to listen to the informant's call (since presumably, said informant wasn't at the scene when Diakos was found). And then he recognized Stella's voice.
I think Stella's "thank you" would've gone over better had we actually seen her making things difficult for Mac and the department. Like if we'd seen her being pulled off cases in earlier episodes, or assigned to a desk while everyone else worked. Had they spaced out both Mac and Stella's rift and Stella's relationship with the Professor (we should've at least gotten more than the little bit we had in Point of No Return), then I think the impact of Stella and Mac's resolution would've meant more. As would the fact that the Professor took a bullet for Stella (which was sweet, but I didn't care as much as I think I should have, mostly because we barely knew who this Professor was, let alone his relation to Stella).
The thing is, I think the first confrontation was supposed to be a flashback (that's the one where Stella was told she was being put on desk assignment?). Which is why they should've put it in an earlier episode, so we could've gotten a better sense of how tense things were between Stella and Mac. Maybe it should've gone at the end of Greater Good, or Yarzheit.Originally Posted by Curiosity
Overall, I thought that first confrontation was rather odd. The emotion was there, but the dialogue was a bit clunky and didn’t really fit with what had happened in previous episodes.
Mac found out about Stella being the informant from NYPD Communications? How did that happen? Did they do some type of voiceprint analysis, or did Stella make the call from her mobile, which they were able to trace?
I don't think NYPD has voiceprint analysis, nor do I think Stella made the call from her mobile...but it's entirely likely that Mac (since he was running the investigation) went over to NYPD Communications to listen to the informant's call (since presumably, said informant wasn't at the scene when Diakos was found). And then he recognized Stella's voice.
I think the Stella/Mac conflict and resolution was glossed over because of everything else they were trying to fit into this episode. Again with the pacing. What with trying to highlight how strong Stella's relationship with the Professor was, and the artifact-smuggling ring, plus Stella/Mac, it kind of turned into this huge jumbled mess.Originally Posted by lisasimpson:that "thank you" really bothered me too - that's not the right thing to say anyway but even if it was it just seemed a bit odd. i kind of wish they'd gone down the rift route too - much as i enjoyed seeing mac and stella get a bit closer, it would've been almost more interesting to have a rift that maybe continued into the next ep and even beyond, it would've made for a different atmosphere to the show which could've been interesting. right now i think there's very little they can do with them other than pursue smack.Originally Posted by Curiosity:
I was a bit disappointed with the resolution of the conflict between Mac and Stella, though. Seems like they spent time this season building up to what could’ve been a significant rift only to sort of gloss over it in the end. The scene where Stella apologizes to Mac as they are walking in the square is another one for which I thought the dialogue was inadequate. Stella apologizes for making things difficult for Mac and the department; Mac says it’s difficult because he cares about her; and Stella says “Thank you.”![]()
I think Stella's "thank you" would've gone over better had we actually seen her making things difficult for Mac and the department. Like if we'd seen her being pulled off cases in earlier episodes, or assigned to a desk while everyone else worked. Had they spaced out both Mac and Stella's rift and Stella's relationship with the Professor (we should've at least gotten more than the little bit we had in Point of No Return), then I think the impact of Stella and Mac's resolution would've meant more. As would the fact that the Professor took a bullet for Stella (which was sweet, but I didn't care as much as I think I should have, mostly because we barely knew who this Professor was, let alone his relation to Stella).