CSI Level Three
About the Bonasera name, Italy invaded Greece during II World War so it would be very plausible Stella's grandfather was in the army and later she received her last name from her mother who had not family left
That could explain why her last name is italian. And i don't know why she wasn't sent back to Greece considering Stella was born there. probably because nobody knew for sure she was Greek, maybe she leartnt about her inheritage later when she found professor papakota at St basil
Regarding his feelings, if he was a smuggler back then i doubt he would want to be in charge of a baby. Maybe he took Stella to the orphanage after her mother died and that's why Stella was raised in the states and she wasn't sent back to Greece
Someone above asked why Mac went to Greece. Simply. He loves her:bolian: After Peyton dumped him , Mac told Don he never was going to leave US again.
But he did and he made it clear:thumbsup: He already told her Because " i care about you"
And yes, it would be a waste not to put them together (funny is they are NOT together yet) but if this is the idea for following seasons (Gary mentioned S7 or S8 in an interview) it WAS ABOUT TIME!:bolian:
you got a point :bolian:!Because otherwise the viewers wouldn't have known we were in Greece!
It's the same reason that every location in Paris has a view of the Eiffel Tower, and you can see Big Ben from any street in least on TV.
About the Bonasera name, Italy invaded Greece during II World War so it would be very plausible Stella's grandfather was in the army and later she received her last name from her mother who had not family left
That could explain why her last name is italian. And i don't know why she wasn't sent back to Greece considering Stella was born there. probably because nobody knew for sure she was Greek, maybe she leartnt about her inheritage later when she found professor papakota at St basil
Regarding his feelings, if he was a smuggler back then i doubt he would want to be in charge of a baby. Maybe he took Stella to the orphanage after her mother died and that's why Stella was raised in the states and she wasn't sent back to Greece
Someone above asked why Mac went to Greece. Simply. He loves her:bolian: After Peyton dumped him , Mac told Don he never was going to leave US again.
But he did and he made it clear:thumbsup: He already told her Because " i care about you"
And yes, it would be a waste not to put them together (funny is they are NOT together yet) but if this is the idea for following seasons (Gary mentioned S7 or S8 in an interview) it WAS ABOUT TIME!:bolian: