You have no idea how much I love reading your reviews
Aw, thanks. I'm glad to know someone is amused by my slashiness. :lol:
*sigh* I had a nice long post done, and I managed to delete it. *headdesk* Let's see if I can remember everything.
I finally re-watched the episode, and I thought I'd come in and blabber some more.
Aw, did Flack fall down go boom?

Poor baby, here, let Mama kiss it and make it all better. :devil:
When he told that kid he had some "splainin'" to do? Bwuah-hahahaha, Flackie, you keel me sometimes.

And the pat-down? Be still my heart! (Or rather, be still my tingling naughty-bits. :devil
I loved his line to Stella about how the team should 'hang up their test tubes.' Hehehe. :lol:
I'd like to add Flack/Hawkes to my list of slashy pairings from last night. That interrogation scene was
very nice.

And, you know, me being me, when Flack was standing behind Hawkes my mind went
hehe *poke*. :devil:
So let's see if I understood the locker room scene correctly: Danny had managed to spill the 'house blend' coffee on himself and presumably his cellphone as well. He went in there to change and talked to Hawkes. Adam came looking for them (how did he know where to find Danny, I wonder?

), because Danny didn't answer his phone. Danny threw the phone to Adam, who proceeded to sniff and lick it, pronouncing that he knew it was the 'house blend' coffee based on some vaguely-scientific mumbo-jumbo and the fact that he was a 'coffee sommelier' in college to pick up chicks.

(I thought sommelier was a term that was used to refer to wine, but whatever.) Adam, darling, why in the world would you lick and sniff the phone? What if Danny hadn't told you that the phone 'drowned' in the toilet until you'd gotten a good taste first?
But I wonder if Danny expected Adam to fix it for him? Hehe,
I would have loved to know just what happened when that scene ended and the three of them were alone in the locker room. Sheldon, my darling, I
totally caught you sneaking a little peek at Danny's delectable little tummy.
"When I get that feeling, I need sexual healing..."
:devil: Yes, indeed, the good Doctor
does need a bit of that sexual healing.
Sheldon: Who's the doctor?
Danny: *squeals* Oooh, Sheldon, you're the doctor!
Sheldon: That's right...
Not sure what Adam would be doing, but I have the sneaking suspicion Danny would make him play look-out while he and Sheldon took care of business--with the promise of some hawt man-love to make up for it later that night. :devil:
Anyway, back to the case itself.
The guy that played the janitor was great. He did an excellent job of showing just how terrified that poor man was, worried about losing his job because he wanted to help the girl.

*gives him a cookie*
I think the characters were definitely using the 'being in a wheelchair is a horrible fate' thing to get someone to talk, like
MBGrissom said. The only time they really had an individual character talk to another character about it was when Hawkes was talking to Mac, and he obviously didn't think it was worth giving up on life. So hopefully that's what the writers had in mind, rather than the characters actually thinking being paralyzed was such a horrible thing.
How in the
hell did the woman not even pause when she heard 'mom' come out of the girl's mouth in the hospital room? Even if she was totally
convinced that it was Nicole, wouldn't she have been even
slightly taken aback by the familiarity of it? Or looking into the girl's eyes, wouldn't she have recognized her?

But really, it's just such a sad story, that the woman killed her own daughter.
I'm glad they're starting to give us some background on the characters, but I hope they don't think they've done all they need to do with Sheldon.

No, my lovely writers, we must have more for him in the future. Don't neglect the good doctor, or I'll be forced to throw rotten eggs at you.
Now, what's this little tidbit about Danny sometimes thinking he should have gone into the construction business with his uncle? Very interesting that they threw that in there.

During our little chat, we discussed if the construction business was at all significant for Danny's family's 'connections,' and I believe my most brilliant deduction (please note the sarcasm) was the cement. You know, dumping bodies in the freshly poured foundation or something, or maybe getting cement to make into nice blocks for sending people to sleep with the fishes...

yeah, *sporks self*. :lol:
Am I the only one who hopes that they show Hammerback's daughter at some point? :lol: She's probably so totally normal that it would be hilarious. I wonder how she reacts to her dad's total creepiness? :lol: I don't envy the boyfriends she brings to meet him, though, if he uses medical equipment in the kitchen or goes to his 'creepy place' on a regular basis. :lol:
But I'm curious why the young blonde girl in "Not What it Looks Like" reminded him of his daughter, but the young blonde girl in this one didn't seem to have the same effect...
So, anyway, in conclusion: This was a very good episode, the case was interesting, the twist at the end was well-done, the character backstory was lovely, and all the guys are
totally shagging each other. :devil: