Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

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Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

^^ Thank you and YES, I always knew that Nick and Hodges were CatNip shippers... I mean, c'mon! How can you not be?:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Okay I just saw Empty Eyes and I'm officially on the bandwagon to get Ann Donahue back! If the writers keep ending the eps like that, I am going to go nuts!!

That said,I'm happy to be back here. I've missed it. And I agree with those of you saying that the chow is being destroyed by the new writers changing the characters we all know and love. It's gotten pretty depressing, actually. I mean in the last couple of seasons, I have been reading more and more fics on Catherine and Gils deteriorating relationship. It's kind of overwelming when you have to watch the writers throw GC down the tube on the show and then see all the fanfics that have picked up on the change and be smacked in the face multiple times with the current situation.

Granted, I've wrote my share of those fics, but honestly, one can only read so much angst!

BTW the people at Spike are also GC shippers. Why else do you think they're airing early eps as oppesed to more recent?
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

27dayz said:
Okay I just saw Empty Eyes and I'm officially on the bandwagon to get Ann Donahue back! If the writers keep ending the eps like that, I am going to go nuts!!

That said,I'm happy to be back here. I've missed it. And I agree with those of you saying that the chow is being destroyed by the new writers changing the characters we all know and love. It's gotten pretty depressing, actually. I mean in the last couple of seasons, I have been reading more and more fics on Catherine and Gils deteriorating relationship. It's kind of overwelming when you have to watch the writers throw GC down the tube on the show and then see all the fanfics that have picked up on the change and be smacked in the face multiple times with the current situation.

Granted, I've wrote my share of those fics, but honestly, one can only read so much angst!

BTW the people at Spike are also GC shippers. Why else do you think they're airing early eps as oppesed to more recent?

Glad to see you back 27dayz.

As for fics that don't talk about the deteriorating relationship - you can still find them. I don't know who else is writing them, but I am :) And our very own Erica just wrote a fic too ;)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Glad to see you back 27dayz :D

Last night's episode was...not very impressive. lol. I think Jorja did really well in all her scenes, but the writing was just...ugh. Sadly, I didn't even like the C/G scene in Gil's office because I couldn't find the magical sparks they used to have. Thanks to the writers for ruining a great relationship (be it romantic or platonic) once again. However, I did like the scene with Gil, Cath and Warrick at the crime scene because...

Someone is checking something out. :devil:

Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

hahaha!!! Thats good Erica! Thanks for posting that pic! :)

Im missing the Gil/Cath moments! :( .. I want some with the new season, but im doubting that will happen. *sigh*
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

ROFL! Thanks for that Erica. Of course Gil is checking her out. He can't help it, LOL. It's like a compulsion with him, I think.

I don't think we can give up on Season 8 yet until we see what happens in the Season finale. I think that will help see what they're going to do next Season. Unless the finale gets such a bad rap that they turn completely around.

Hey, maybe our Season finale surprise will be that it's written by Ann Donahue :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

that would be sweet! :D
i hope its good regardless... and a lot of the hubby and wife. :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Oh well, as I have said everywhere else (lol), I'm expecting the worst without hoping to be nicely surprised. I'm just glad that I have nothing to do with the ratings in the US.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

EricaSJ said:
Oh well, as I have said everywhere else (lol), I'm expecting the worst without hoping to be nicely surprised.

Didn't Catherine say something similar in an episode? I read that and thought 'what a Catherine attitude!' Have to tell you, I think the same way, although I've all but given up hope for this season. Maybe, just maybe, we'll be surprised! (prays fervently)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

I think maybe we should kidnap Ann Donahue and make her come back. I miss her and Danny Cannon's eps. They rocked. We have to add those two to the ship list if they aint there already. And Quentin Tarentino's gotta be there too.

I'm getting depressed about the deterioratingness (lol nice word) of G/C as seasons go on. I mean, seriously, look at how much interaction and chemistry has been lost. Somethings not right *cries* I just feel like GSR is everywhere, stalking me, I can't get away from it. I may go watch some S1 to cheer myself up. Or I may even turn to X Files as shipping with that is so simple lmao.

--EDIT-- Im stoopid and can't spell.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Definitely adding those guys to the list.

ams, don't worry about it. GC is still there. Pick any moment so far and I'll show you the GC side of it ;)

Closet GC Shippers
Doc Robbins
Lt Brooks
Vet from jackpot
Teri Miller
Nick Stokes
David Hodges
Disco Placid
Ann Donahue
Danny Cannon
Quentin Tarantino
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

i know how you feel! GSR is inclosing me! and i hate it!!! i've never liked GSR, and i'm not gonna start just because the writers say so. i want all the old writers back.

i feels like we have to like GSR. it seems like the writers think that everyone likes GSR. i'm sorry but, i dont! and also don't feel the chemistry between the two. ok... i'll stop:p

i really want to get more PureJoy moments. Cath and Gris have SO much chemistry (well, at least they used to!) and i think they should get it back. like, grisom was the person that could ALWAYS makes catherine smile and laugh. i just wish that they stopped changing the characters and gave back the adorable PureJoy moments that we all love :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

And it isn't just us guy that notice that GC share hardly any screentime anymore, I talk to quite a number of GSRs and they've noticed it too. I can just feel myself falling out with Carol Mendelson (or however u spell her bloody name lol)

Well GC will always by the only right couple for me, it just makes sense! Nothing gonna change that, no matter how much TPTB shove it down our throats lol. Grrrr!

As for changing characters, I don't even wanna go in to how much Grissom has changed from S1, character development my ass! lmao, yeah, i'm in one of *those* moods!!

Anne Think im just gonna go read some of your fanfics to cheer me up!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

aaahhh yes I miss those days too. I miss the 'spark' between Gil and Cath. Even if he was interested romantically in someone else (LH) I miss their conversations and their back-and-forth and their friendship.

Sadly, this season is lacking in that. I was hoping now with Gil in another relationship we could see more of the 'good ol' days' with him and Cath and as kaylyne said it fell flat. :eek:
**sighing with the rest of you** and hoping to kidnap Ann Donohue
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Hey everybody, love the thread! Wow, I have'nt stopped by a Grillows thread in like forever! I used to be a mojor Grillows shipper, but I guess i feel more at home on the CatNip thread now. Just thougt I'd drop by and bring back some good ol GC memories!
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