Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

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Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

I have a picture that might help us remember the 'good ol' days'
from Inside the Box how can we forget this...

Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

^^^ awww, i looove that scene. he is so shy, and it's unbelievingly cute. i like the way Cath looks at him and smiles. i would love to have another scene like this this season cuz they seem to grow distant and to be honest i'm not happy about that. i miss Grissom and Cath frendship a lot.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

i love that scene too!! true PureJoy moment:p LOOVE IT!!! and i agree.. cath and gris have lost their spark. and gris has changed alot!! and i HATE it. yeah, character development is good but, THAT MUCH?!! that's just.. not cool!! well, i hear the next episode cath and gris are working together... that's always good!!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Welcome back CSIWillows :)

I havent seen many of the latest CSI episodes, but I too think that the spark between them has diminished this season. But I think its still there. We've seen it in a few episodes where they have rare scenes together.

You cant really have 7 years of chemistry and then get rid of it completely. Billy and Marg are such good actors, that they can still get the PureJoy out of their scenes. Its still there, you just have to look very closely :)

I love that picture Heather, its such a nice pic. I loved Gil's face when she hugged him.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

hhunter said:
I have a picture that might help us remember the 'good ol' days'
from Inside the Box how can we forget this...


I think that scene really typifies Gil and Catherine's relationship, even now.

With that one hug, it was the closest physical contact Gil had ever had with anyone on the show, and when Catherine hugged him, he didn't pull away - you can see by the look on his face it's like: "Oh, okay. Hugging. Yeah, this is nice. Let's keep doing this."

Catherine really awoke him to human feelings and to the fact that he had built a family around him. And here was mom, hugging dad, and telling him that everything was going to be alright, and she was here for him.

THAT'S the GC relationship and THAT'S why no matter who either of them date, nothing can top that moment. Catherine gave him something that day that can only be given once - and the writers chose CATHERINE to give it to him.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

19ams87 said:
And it isn't just us guy that notice that GC share hardly any screentime anymore, I talk to quite a number of GSRs and they've noticed it too. I can just feel myself falling out with Carol Mendelson (or however u spell her bloody name lol)

Well GC will always by the only right couple for me, it just makes sense! Nothing gonna change that, no matter how much TPTB shove it down our throats lol. Grrrr!

As for changing characters, I don't even wanna go in to how much Grissom has changed from S1, character development my ass! lmao, yeah, i'm in one of *those* moods!!

Anne Think im just gonna go read some of your fanfics to cheer me up!

I had a falling out with Carol Mendelson a long time ago...

Miami fans complain about Ann, they should switch!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

I totally agree with you Drumchik
She was there for him. She wanted to be I'm sure.

The writers did place her there instead of anyone else. That does signify their strong bond,their friendship and their commitment to each other.

And no matter who they date or become romantically invoved with, they will be in each other's lives. There is no doubt
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Closet GC Shippers
Doc Robbins
Lt Brooks
Vet from jackpot
Teri Miller
Nick Stokes
David Hodges
Disco Placid
Ann Donahue
Danny Cannon
Quentin Tarantino
Awesome! Can we add... the William Peterson and Marg Helgenberger too...?
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

I don't consider the changes in Gil "character development" at all. To me, it's more like he's living backwards. Remember he was funny and quirky and -to an extent- open to other people in the early seasons. But look at him now. He's more closed-off than ever. Couldn't even show any sympathy towards Greg regarding the result of his civil suit. There is nothing that convinces me his character has "developed." Of course, he opened up to someone he's having a relationship with, but that made him more closed-off to the world - and to the rest of his team. So, what development?
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

See, Adzix is a GSR and she just prooved my point! It's not just us GCRs who notice the lack of screentime. Grrrr!

Anne Jeez, couldn't of said it better. Well put, that's gotta be one of my fave scenes ever. He looks shocked at first and then comfortable. I love it who Catherine was the only one to know about his hearing problems too. They used to be so in tune with each other.

Erica Never thought about it that way before but yeah, the more I think about it, you are so right. I don't see any positive development in the Grissom character. I just wish he was like S1. I'm feeling so nostalgic atm lol.

I'd be happy if it actually showed them as being close friends of 18(ish) years, I mean, surely if you'd known someone for that long you wouldn't be so distant right? It's rather unrealistic IMO.

My gawd, where *is* everyone today?!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

I know I seemed negative in my previous post, but that's how I feel about the character of Gil Grissom lately. lol. And there's only mere C/G interaction in this season. They don't look like co-leads at all. Even people who don't ship them have got to admit that one. And the only one time we had them sit in his office talking after a case was closed, it got interrupted. lol. How sad is it that TPTB have to do that?

I see, I'm still pretty negative in this one. rofl.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

My gawd, where *is* everyone today?!
I'm here! I agree with Erica, we've had a C/G withdrawal for a LONG time and it sucks. I'm with you and that at the end of the day--they are the essence of the show and they're the main leads... therefore they should get a hell more scenes together. Bedies, their chemisty is undeniable. There's no one else like them! Seriously, without them--I'll stop watching the show. Period. I wish that TPTB made them canon instead. :) They know each other so well and they have differences--but they always make up because they respect each other professionally. They're the best of friends and c'mon, he MISSES HER TUSHIE! What more of evidence do you really need? :lol:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

King Baby is my favorite eppy, I have watched it at least 50 times...maybe closer to 80. Who is with me??
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Oooh, AGREED. The episode is amaaaaaaaazing. I've seen it... maybe 20 times. :lol; Not close to 80. Will be though! ha! That episode was amazing though. I totally agree.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

I have eppys on my computer, so I turn them on when I am studying, or reading message boards. I have one on right now! Since I am a student, I spend about 15 hours a day on my computer...I have lots of time to watch the same eppys over and over ;)
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