Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

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Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Continuing with our Cleavage Scene Investigations.

We uncover Gil trying to get a peek at any available moment:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

haha:p i love Grillows/purelove/the black tie afair/ whatever other name people have found for Catherine and Grissom. I think they would be so perfect together. Grissom and Sara are alot alike but that's a boring relationship. Catherine like, makes Grissom happy and everything, and so does Grissom to cath. I did ship Warrick and Catherine but haven't really had any moments lately and... warrick's married. Catherine and Grissom and Nick and Sara should be together. that's what i think:)

haha... and grissom also likes her ass (i think it's in King Baby) grissom says that he missed her ass:p I LOVE THAT MOMENT!! lmao:p
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

kaylyne said:
That was a good episode. He seemed to really like the top she was wearing. Starting with the little wink he gave her when she answered her phone, then the vibrating bed (did she really walk out and leave him alone? I don't think so), and later, the cleavage check while they were talking out the case (you know why he loves sunglasses!):

I added this picture to the CSI:Wiki in the checking the girls pictures. It seemed appropriate. :devil:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

he does seem to check out Tom and Bob often doens't he??
I guess I know why he loves his sunglasses. :cool: ;)

and I love Erica's
Catherine scene investigations --That's Gil's job right??
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

CSIemily - you new dear?! welcome if you are, haven't seen you around here before. *hugs* welcome to the best ship in the world ever! LOL - im jokin (sorta lol) before I get modslapped! And yes CSIemily, it was King Baby where he said 'he missed her tush.' Damn I love that line.

I still wanna know what he said to her in Slaved of Las Vegas at the end! It annoys me insanly to this day!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

haha, ya, i'm new:) sooo happy to be here:p thanks:) lmao, i no! i dont think grissom has ever said that to anyone else except for her because he feels... free around her. he soo loves her:p
i dont really know what line you're talking about in slaves of las vegas, probably heard it just dont know right at the moment:p haha
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Welcome!! I was well excited when I found this forum cuz the gal I know who watches CSI ship's Sara/Griss so it was so damn nice to talk to like minded people!!

In Slaves of Las Vegas I mean right at the end where Catherine says to him 'Ok Gil, you're suppost to tell me something revealing about you now?!' And he replies with 'Ok Catherine, i've never told anyone this before...' then the credits roll up. Annoys the life outta me!!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Actually, I like that they left it like that. That way we can make up all of the possibilities on our own. More than likely TPTB would have just come up with something stupid, to which Catherine would have just rolled her eyes, turned & left (with a grin on her face, at least) and grumbled something to the effect of "typical man".

This way, think of all the shippy scenarios we come up with by them leaving his reply off camera. :devil:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Actually, thats a very good point. We finally have something to thank TPTB for eh?!

Oh and I watched that minicuddle scene from s7 on YT when Keppler dies, and OMG how cute! Bless Grissom, he seems like he's getting back to his old nice self. Well, maybe.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

I know im late, BUT.. I LOVE the name of the thread! .. Monster in the box, right?! haha!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Welcome to the thread, csiemily! We all love our PureJoy in here :)

And hey Cassie. Yep, Monster in the Box. She knew what he wanted in that layout room. *giggle*

And I'm really enjoying Cleavage Scene Investigation. Any other moments? ;)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

thank you all:) haha
a i have to say... i LOVE that ending too in Slaves of Las Vegas... i always say that grissom says that he loves her, my own little twist:p lol
and i LOVE that title: Cleavage Scene Investigation... grissom likes catherine's cleavage, no denying that:p
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Welcome csiemily to the PureJoy ship. I hope you have loads of fun here, and make yourself at home. :D

Cleavage Scene Investigation..I'm there. :lol: That's a new one I hadn't heard of, and it sounds like it'll be a hit already. I don't think anyone can NOT like Cath's cleavage. Come on.

Mini-cuddle scene...(sigh) It just makes me happy thinking about it, you know? If Gil hadn't been there, I would have been really really mad. We did get a glimpse of the good ol' days, and it was good to see Gil connecting to Catherine on their own private level once again. I just want to know what happened afterwards. :p
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

GraveyardIntern said:
Welcome csiemily to the PureJoy ship. I hope you have loads of fun here, and make yourself at home. :D

Cleavage Scene Investigation..I'm there. :lol: That's a new one I hadn't heard of, and it sounds like it'll be a hit already. I don't think anyone can NOT like Cath's cleavage. Come on.

Mini-cuddle scene...(sigh) It just makes me happy thinking about it, you know? If Gil hadn't been there, I would have been really really mad. We did get a glimpse of the good ol' days, and it was good to see Gil connecting to Catherine on their own private level once again. I just want to know what happened afterwards. :p

What happened afterwards? Isn't it obvious? He took her back to his place & ... comforted her :devil: :devil: Now I have to go watch that scene again because being deprived of new episodes for a month is horrible.

But, the reruns on Spike have been very PureJoy filled as of late. Crate n Burial was on the other night. When Gil gets all excited over giving the chemistry set to Linds. :D :D And then the scene in the hall where Cath says that Lindsey mimics her & Gil replies with "She'll be fine. Look how you turned out." Then she says he's only saying that to make her feel better & he says yeah. Then the straw sucking :devil: :devil: Lovely.

btw. welcome csiemily. ship away <3
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Hey guys!
CSI: Cleavage Scene Investigation.
:lol: Thank you, that put a smile on my face. I guess Grissom is kept busy at work by staring at Catherine. :)

I love the way Gil looks at her, as if he's intrigued and warmed by her. That's more than I can ever say about GSR...
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