Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

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Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!


Why, thank you for liking Cleavage Scene Investigation. I aim to please. :D And yes Heather, Catherine Scene Investigation is definitely Gil's job. :D

Welcome to the PureJoy haven emily! I don't have the welcome basket at work, but I'm sure someone will get you our famous, creative welcome basket. lol. There's a tradition for newbies in this thread. You need to tell us what your favorite PureJoy scene is. Share with us? ;)

And welcome back Cassie! It's been a long time haha. As for what happened after the mini-cuddle scene, Gravy, go read Mic's fic Loved Well But Not Wisely. It's angst, but I'm sure you'll like it you angst lover. :D I'm not linking to the fic here because there are adult scenes, and Graveyard Shift Home isn't working at the moment, but you can find the link to Mic's fic journal on BTA.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

You know, I was just thinking about our ship and the straw, and the pencils/pens...

You know something...

Our ship likes oral. :devil:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Why yes they do Drumchik mwahahaha! You love your smut don't you! I bet G/C do too :devil:

I loved the little 'minicuddle', I really noticed an urgancy on Gs face when he saw Cath in pain. He almost lept on her to cuddle her. Awwwhhh, well done Gman.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

welcome csiemily. :)

hahaha.. cleavage scene invesigation. loving it! thanks for the laugh!! :) haha.. drumchik, she definalty knew what he wanted! ;) ow ow!

thank you erica! :) it has been a long time! glad to be back though! ...i thought that no one remembered me, so thanks. :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

I don't believe we've met before so howdy!! We have a nice little army of PureJoyers here don't we!!

I always get this mixed up, so, someone help me, whos the pure and whos the joy? I think Gs the pure and Caths the joy right?! Or not, lol I can't remember.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

EricaSJ said:

Welcome to the PureJoy haven emily! I don't have the welcome basket at work, but I'm sure someone will get you our famous, creative welcome basket. lol. There's a tradition for newbies in this thread. You need to tell us what your favorite PureJoy scene is. Share with us? ;)

haha, thanks:) ok, i kinda have two fav PureJoy moments:

when gris says he likes catherine's tush (haha, priceless moment)

in "grissom verses the volcano" when they think that some is shooting at them and grissom grabs catherine and protects her :D I LOVE THAT!! he'd like, die for her

and dont worry, i'm make myself right at home :lol: haha
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

OMG!! Emily I adore that scene from Grissom Vs The Volcano, notice how he kept his hand on her after the danger had passed? Such a caring man when he wants to be. It's a great ep for G/C, I loved their discussion about the science fair and Caths 'THAT WAS YOU!!' and the smirk from Grissom. The chemistry between those two is boiling over!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

csiemily those are GREAT G/C moments ;)

aaaahhh but there are so many good lines between them right?
and they always seem to be right there for each other and know how to comfort each other

I'm referring to the end of Laws of Gravity when he is right there comforting Catherine
it was nice to see him there for her again
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

19ams87 .. hello! :D Definatly have a great gang of PureJoy lovers! WOOT! Im Cassie. :)

OH! i totally have to agree with you guys.. the scene in Grissom vs. the volcano is probably my fav PureJoy scenes!!

Its true though heather, there are some really great lines between them too! AWE.. i loved that in Laws of Gravity! FINALLY we saw him comfort her again. :)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

i no! he's always there for her and helping her through EVERYTHING. like when eddie was like, attacking catherine in the lab and grissom jumps in and SAVE HER!! OMGOODNESS.. I LOVED THAT. and eddie's like: you always knew there was something between you two. and they didnt even deny it!! that's another one of the MANY PureJoy moments:)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

OH! how could i forget that?! Thats another one of my favs! .. ah, who am i kidding?! I love them ALL!

What episode was that anyway? *lowers head because ashamed that i could forget*
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Hey Cassie I'm Amy but call me Ams (pronounced Aims lol)

God yeah Emily, I loved that part too, I love a bit of agressive Grissom when he's standing up for her.

I love the line from Grissom: anything you have to say to me you can say in front of her. Damn such a husband/wifey moment.

Another fave scene is from the second episode of S1 when they both say at exactly the same time 'Meet you at the car?'

Ok this is really vauge but can someone tell me if they know which episode this is from. Cath & Gris are discussing something in the layout room with pics all over the table and i think they are slighty disagreeing and stop and just stare at each other then someone walks in?! Its like a profile shot of them both.

--EDIT-- I have another request, does anyone know how many years our couple have known each other? I need it for a fic im contemplating writing.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Ams, there's quite a debate as to how long they've known each other.

In the first episode, Cath is a CSI-3 and Grissom just becomes the supervisor. Lindsey is 6 in the first season.

So, here are a couple of questions:

1) If Linds is 6 in the first episode and we're now on season 7 (and TBTP kept her the correct age), she'd be 13. Now did Grissom know Cath before Linds was born? We don't know for sure. I'm guessing at a minimum Grissom has known Cath 13 years.

2) Did Grissom know her when she was a CSI-1? I'm not sure. If he did, how long did it take her to come up through the ranks to a CSI-3? 5-10 years? I don't know.

My suspicion, and I could be very wrong, is that Grissom has known Catherine for 18-20 years. Hopefully, someone will come up with a better synopsis than I have.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

wow, i'm not really sure how long they've known each other. i know that cath has said before that they've known each other for a very long time. yeah, i'm guessing the same amount was you Bev, 18-20 sounds about right.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

Hey Ams. :D

OO! i love that wifey/husband moment! awe, so cute. lol... i love it when they say things at the same time. so freaken awesome! :D

Im not sure either... its gotta be a while though right? 18-20 sounds right... whether it is or not is a different story. lol

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