Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

Gosh, one could only imagine what potential their child could have after having both their charatoristics passed on to it
I personally think that both of them are not going to have children of their own, but I think Heather relishes Alison in her life.

Again, I think Grissom would be an excellent father or Grandfather to Alison :D I also think to him, children are innocent in the horibble world he sees everyday and being around children will be good for him. To bring him out of the darkness he sees all the time :)

Man, is there a fic in there or what???? he he he :lol:
I know, that's what I thought during this whole conversation.

I could see them helping to raise a child (Like Alison)

But you know, Grissom reads the world really well and Heather reads people well... It would just be good things to pass along to one
So does this mean that Grissom would drop often to see Heather and Alison. He I'm sure would want to see Heather and have tea ;)

I'm sure he'd check up on her once and a while. He did go out of his way for her, I'm sure checking up on her wouldn't be out of the question.
I think he would. He spent the night with her and then tracked down her granddaughter and conviced the grandfather to let Heather see her. I agree, he would probably check up on her.
WP_Rocks_My_World: That is a lovely picture you posted! They're both so lovely together... and ah! I love the mind games they play! :)

It's amazing that even on Heather's fourth appearance, we still had the same heat and chemistry... even after all these years, the care/love they have for one another is still there!
EXACTLY! I couldn't agree more kissmesweet :)
they do have chemistry and passion and it's still there as much as some people try to deny it. ;)

And he will always IMO be there for her.
Cordy, you are so freaking fluffy, you know that? .. But it is nice to see that some ships still have chemistry even without being near each other all the time, and seasons and all that part, and comes back and its still there, its amazing,
I couldn't agree more CathStokes
Isn't it funny we are all saying the same thing. That all the love and passion and chemistry that we saw between Grissom and Lady Heather is still there 4 years later. :D

Goes to show you, what true chemistry is :D ;)
They have true chemistry, no matter what anyone says, its there. Alot of ships have it, and alot of ships don't, but these two definately have it. Hopefully one day they'll show us or hint to us about something happening between them, especially if season 8 is their last. Just give us that one thing.
So, do you all think that she will come back for an apperance or two in Season 8? More than likely as Heather Kessler instead of Lady Heather.

I sure hope so. I still want to see some 'discussion' between Gil and Heather. :)
it would suck if season 8's the end and NOT at least let her have ONE last appearance, even if their just passing each other, I don't mind, I want some form of discussion, because its gonna be weird enough when all the other shows return for the season, and we're not. :(
I want some discussion to. He went out on a limb for her. I think he can open up some more to her too.
She did to him the 'second' night they spent together.

But, who knows, maybe he did. ??? Maybe he tell her why he didn't go back to her all those years ago.
I really must say, I love this picture of them. She looks so frail yet he is there holding her hand... and introducing her to her granddaughter


thanks to kaylyne for the cap :)
I definitely want to see her again! :) Lady H rocks too much for us to just say goodbye like that! :D

hhunter: That's a great photo as it shows how vulnerable and delicate she is, despite her job and everything--she still needs someone to take care of her!