Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

So Gil has now spent two nights with DaLady? :D

Yeah, BP denied it the first time around. :lol: But this time he didn't mind. :D

Hopefully we will see another sleepless night with Heather. :p Losing his balance Part 2.

Like this! :D
OOOHHH great picture ^^
I love the 'loosing balance' scene
I wonder if he said it to Heather again after he stayed with her in TGTBATD ???
He was definately caught and he didn't care. so that was pure love :D

if he said what to her? loosing balance?? its most likely, but knowing our lucks, probably not. they probably just had tea the whole time. *sighs* damnit to hell.

Do you think she'll make an appearance in season 8 or was season 7 the last of Heather?
I think I would like that if she did. :D

Whatever they did that night, he didn't have any problems staying with her. He could have left but stayed with her all night

I'm hoping it's not the last Heather. She has her granddaughter and she and Cath are 'friends'.
Maybe she'll either come back or Catherine will mention on how she is, and possible even Gil will be all, "Oh yeah, I've talked to her" I'm good with mentions if she's not going to show up again.

Him staying means something, I dunno what at this moment, but it means something.
that would be funny :lol: if Cath mentions in passing or something like..."I only know of one person who would know about that... Lady Heather.." and Grissom would go "OH, I don't know" ... I think we can fill in the rest ;)

Yes, staying with her does mean something ;)
mentions would be good, just something to let us know their still connected and still know of each other.

We can only hope that maybe next season they'll show us it means something.
hopefully :D

Anyone else see In Touch Magazine's blurb about Melinda coming back in season 8?

If that is true, that is going be a huge impact on someone ;)
We already know he cares for her and is willing to help her. I wonder if he'd retire for her? :D
hhunter said:
hopefully :D

Anyone else see In Touch Magazine's blurb about Melinda coming back in season 8?

If that is true, that is going be a huge impact on someone ;)
We already know he cares for her and is willing to help her. I wonder if he'd retire for her? :D

OT: What is "In Touch" magazine anyway? :confused:
I really don't pay attention to magazines.

I can see Grissom retiring for her. And if she does come back I'm wondering if the plotline would involve her granddaught and Ex again?
Of course we know it would have to involve Grissom. He just can't stay away and ignore her. You know he's gonna help her out and hopefully Brass won't ba an ass the next time around. :mad:

I'm not one to pay attention to those things either, but when someone said they had mentioned Melinda and Lady Heather... I looked it up...

WPRMW In Touch is a celebrity magazine

This was mentioned on the LH thread that possibly the next storyline involving Heather would also include her ex and the baby. Well I hope not so much the baby, but possibly her ex. And who would be there to help her out.....???
and yes, as long as she is not the suspect, it will be a great storyline...

I hope Gil retires at the end of this season and he and Heather do go off to some deserted island together :D :devil:
so, if she does come back sometime in Season 8, will Grissom have to come to her aid again? Or will she just randomly show up somewhere where he is? I mean like.... let's say she gets robbed and she is at the PD making a statement, and Gris runs into her. I know I know I know, this is either going ot be a bad fanfic or the similar plot to Pirates of the Third Reich :eek:

But, lets say they run into each other again, would he inquire about her? Would she ask him over for tea?
First to episode with her -- suspect

Second two episodes -- Grissom came to help her...

Her next ones? -- Let's see them just... together... No case just together
CSIFray I like your thoughts :D

YES, let's see them together. Maybe with Alison. The baby did hand Grissom the bottle in TGTBATD :lol: She is obviously used to him or a least likes him. (I'm talking about the baby of course ;) )
A trip to the park with Grissom, Heather and Alison.
AAAAHH very nice
Hum, good thoughts. Them going to park would be good. They could look like a happy family; Grissom and Heather watching Alison in the sand... tehehe fluffy fic material
I love :D the happy family idea. People will undoubably confuse Gil and Heather for Alison's parents instead of Grandparents. I'm sure neither one of them would mind. :)

With all his 'social shortcomings' and his own statement of 'not getting people', I do believe Gil would be good with kids. Babies might baffle him at first. He is the scientist and he'd study babies as a 'human experiment' of how humans behave, etc...

Heather is also a study of human nature. (Why they make a good pair) and I think Alison would have two wonderfully smart, well versed Grandparents to raise her.