Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

hhunter said:
I thought the house we saw in TGTBATD was the Dominion, just different. Otherwise how would Grissom know how to get there... He looked up her address off her hospital records??

I don't think she needs the Dominion for just herself.. unless she had company :D

Yes this house is her home and the Dominion. :D

And since she shut down her business and lives alone, I'm wondering if she's gonna sell.
If she worked out a deal with her ex-husband to visit her granddaughter that would mean she probably won't run her business anymore.
IMO, that is the reason why she lost her custody battle over Alison, because of her profession.

I would love for Heather to come back. :D

I'm sure she'd sell the house that once was her Dominion and her domain.
If it meant getting to spend more time with her granddaughter I'm sure she'd do it in a heartbeart. ;)

I curious if she would tell Grissom that she sold her business and if she moved. :D
She lived in the Dominion even when it was the Dominion... i could see her keeping it... Dunno why, I just could. And, if it ever gets too big and lonely, well, we got Grissom
CSIFray said:
She lived in the Dominion even when it was the Dominion... i could see her keeping it... Dunno why, I just could. And, if it ever gets too big and lonely, well, we got Grissom

Didn't they show her at a house in that episode instead of the dominion?
I thought they did show her in a house in TGTBATD but I thought maybe it was the former dominion just different

I think a smaller place would suit her and Grissom better :D
It did look smaller though. It took her no time to answer the door. So.. I think it was a house, maybe she already got one.
Maybe she did move. I thought it was the same dominion just lighter, without all the dark furniture.

She probably would need someplace where she could have 'company' come over, not just her grandchild :)
I'm glad we got closure with the grandchild. I'm sure Heather will be GREAT with her.

I don't think it was the dom, it looked really different, it had like a porch thing.
I see now that she does have a different house.
I wonder then if she told Grissom that she moved
How did he know how to get to her house?
dangit, my post didn't show up. *growls*

I say they went to open house together, mauwhawh! Come on, how else would he know? he had to go with her to pick it out.
That could be why he knew where she lived. ;)

You know he said he is her friend and wants to see her happy. Maybe helping her sell the Dom and buying a new house helped her. :)

He will always be part of her life. Seeing her with her grandchild proved it. :)
Its strange that he'll always be in her world and all that, considering.

I'm telling you, he went to open house day with her, and found the perfect house,.. for them :evil laugh:
HE HE :lol:

maybe he did. Somehow he knew that she would be needing a smaller house.

Do you think she told him she sold the Dominion? Did he know that? I don't remember :eek:
Where is this information about the original script having LH dying coming from? The only time I heard that was from the mouths of fans, theorizing. The casting sides that were released did not reveal the ending. I think you guys are confusing fact with rumor here.

I recall many people saying they thought LH would die because it was her last episode, but no spoilers that I read from official spoiler sources ever implicated her death.