Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

hhunter said:
I hope TPTB do her justice since they said this is her final CSI apperance

Well, until the ep airs, we really don't know if it is truly the final ep.
Who knows? TMTB may actually have a change of heart about her future appearance?
I'm gonna think happy thoughts. :D


Lady Heather episode

Over on CBS's Innertube there is the preview for the last four episodes of the season. Catherine says to Sara regarding the Lady Heather episode that Lady Heather is .."the only woman who rattled Grissom." Cathereine would know that because I'm sure she knew of Grissom's feelings towards Lady Heather. I wonder what everyone else's take on that statement is. Let me just say, Lady Heather rattled Grissom for sure, and then some!!!
LMAO. I saw that promo today. Sara's face was WTH? it was hilarious. I was like, oh shit! its gonna be a whild ride, thats for sure. I'm glad it was good to see her in the promo though!
to Lynn's reply
I'm glad it was Sara in the promo too. And Catherine. I said this on another discussion board, that T_TB finally got something right this season regarding Grissom and Lady Heather. Catherine would be the one who would know about Grissom's attration to Lady Heather.
Catherine's grissom's best friend. Of course she's going to pick up on things. :p But I think this whole thing is going to be a strain on GSR. because its LH, how could he not have a reaction???
I haven't seen the promo. :eek: One things for sure, Lady Heather can rattle anyone. Not just Grissom. :devil: Of course Cat would know this. We know Cat and Heather respect each other. I gotta say that I'm really, really not too crazy about Sara's involvement though. I'm just not a big SS supporter. I'd rather stick with our favorite foursome - Gil, Cat, Jim and Heather.

I wonder what she was thinking here. It's from Lady Heather's Box She has a very intense look on her face.
She is listening intently to Grissom. ;)
I also wonder what Brass has to say about Lady Heather returning. He knew how Grissom felt about her. In Lady Heather's Box when he said "I know that look, we're going back to Lady Heather's" He KNEW !
I think Brass might be excited to see her, especially its going to be excited to see how SARA handles all of this. Its going to be fun!
so right
You are SO RIGHT! about how Sara is going to handle this. Cath did say it correctly when she said, "Lady Heather is the only woman who can rattle Grissom." I want to see how this all plays out. I hope Brass is in the episode. :D
I can just see Sara's face when she says that. I know in the promo she's like WTH? but haha. I can't wait to hear her reply, this is going to be a priceless episode. Hopefully they don't screw up LH's character
I can't wait to see Grissom's face. And how he is going to explain this to Sara. I wonder what he is going to say to her. And I hope they don't make Lady Heather too OCC. I want her to still 'rattle' him. :D
Its going to be fun seeing him explain what Catherine says to Sara. He's going to stutter and run over his words alot. Its LH, how could he not??
I prefer the good ol' days with Cat, Gil, Jim and the Lady. :D

Forget the storyline, I want to see what she's wearing. :lol:

I've got my fingers crossed for some great screencaps. :D
There's nothing like more screencaps of the Lady. :D
