Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

The plot is 'revealed' for her last episode The Good, The Bad and The Doninatrix over on CSI Files

I want to see how Grissom reacts to seeing her and how that all plays out.
Oh I'm curious but.... I'm sure it's not going to be too emotional.
After all TMTB did change Grissom. :mad:

I more interested in how Cat will act being that she is a Mom.

they did change him. I didn't feel he was all that emotional in the first place, but he did let Lady Heather know how he felt about her.

I want to see how Catherine reacts to all of this too.
I personally think Griss has changed alot this season, he's not the same guy. I'm not sure if its for better or worse at this point cause its just driving me completely crazy. But if LH comes back and he doesn't act affected at all or reacts to her at all, Then I'll be extremely pissed off.
HE HAD BETTER have some sort of reaction or I will toatlly give up on CSI.
Both WP and Melinda are great actors. They had such a fantastic scene in Lady Heather's Box (when is that on again?) so I wouldn't understand why he woudn't have something to say to her.

I know in Pirates of the Third Reich he looked displeased, but you know he wanted to say more to her..
JMO :lol:
SO now that we know she's defenately coming back and what the story line is.. how does every one feel about this?

How is Grissom going to react when he sees her?
Is he going to help her?

With all the stuff going around I just thought it would be nice to get more opionions from GLH fans :D
I'm sooo happy to see her coming back. :D

Plotwise, that totally sucks!! :mad:

Why a victim?? Why? :mad: :mad:

Couldn't they come up with something more original?

I want closure, not death IF she does die. :mad:

I agree, the storyline sucks. What a way to bring her back :mad:

I guess they wanted to make her the victim so Grissom could see her. :confused:
But I do (like you WPRMW) want closure and some feelings discussed..

Well it should be interesting to say the least. She is Lady Heather :D
I'm glad its official she IS coming back. :D

Storyline does suck, I have no clue why they bring her back for a crappy storyline. They should've just left her alone if its gonna suck.

And HE better have a damn reaction or I'm gonna beat his ass up!
I just watched Slaves btw--Wheres' Zsofi?
and I loved the end Gil/Lady Heather scene while they have tea.
He says "Lady Heather, you should come work for me." "I'm sure we would both learn something."
Lady Heather replies: "Oh, I'm certain of that."

What a great couple with Great chemistry ;)
I have no clue where the woman is. I do miss her in here.

LOL. I can just imagine her working at the lab, it'd be fun though to see how she is with all of his stuff in his world.

Great chemistry, indeed :D
Heather in the lab, now that would be something.

She certainly could teach Gil a thing or two on people. But they are both good at reading people, but Heather is better at it I think.

But somehow I think having your lover in the same place you work would be too distracting ;)
hhunter said:
Heather in the lab, now that would be something.

But somehow I think having your lover in the same place you work would be too distracting ;)

Wow, Heather working at LVPD. :D
Not only would it distract Gil, but all the guys. :p
Come on? A very sexy gal like her. I'm thinking Gil would get a little jealous. :devil:

Oh the possibility between OUR sexy couple! :p

yes, you are probably right. He would get jealous I'm sure ;)

and what would our Heather do at the LVPD? I'm sure she'd be a great cop. She is really good a reading people and knowing what they are hiding. I mean she figured Grissom out the first time they met :D
CathStokes said:
I'm glad its official she IS coming back. :D

Storyline does suck, I have no clue why they bring her back for a crappy storyline. They should've just left her alone if its gonna suck.

And HE better have a damn reaction or I'm gonna beat his ass up!

TOTALLY agreed!!!

I think the storyline does suck!!! I wanted her to come back and Be LADY HEATHER. BUT as discussed, she is a woman and a grieving mother. So there are other facets to her.

I hope TPTB do her justice since they said this is her final CSI apperance