Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

I pwn you.

Told ya she'd be in black! But of course, she looks sexy in this. Although the black does sorta look dark blue. He seems to be starin' in another direction. *smirks*
HHMM she does look great in that picture and so does he. I hope they are having a conversation about THEM and now about how 'happy Grissom is with Sara.' Yes, I know that is the storyline but somehow I cannot see Lady Heather saying that to Grissom.

OT- UMM whatever CathStokes[/i] I pwn you too! :lol:
Oh you wish.

if anything, I think she would say if your happy. I can see her saying that, but maybe she'll show him what he's missing out on, and he'll see that. I can't see her going omg your with Sara, you are so cutes together'. I can't see her doing that.
thanks kissmesweet that is the picture we have been discussing. :D
He sure looks intent on her and she on him. I hope that he realizes where he belongs is with her and I hope that he begs for her forgivness for the way he left her. She deserves better than that!
omg its Cordy!!

I'd like to see that, i'd like him to be, "Heather, I'm sorry. I was wrong" I know he won't say it in that kind of way, but he does open up to her. even more then he would Catherine, who's his best friend.
Reply to Lynny :D
I hope he does say something like that. I hope after seeing her he realizes that not only did he hurt her, but he is still in love with her. I also hope that she doesn't say.."I'm glad you're happy." because that is so OOC for her. I hope she gives him an earful and then some about the way he treated her!!!
^^ I totally agree!
She knows him so well. We saw that when they first met and it's so clear that she gives him something to think about--when she talked to him. SHE READ HIS MIND and I hope that we'll get that back. I want my Heather to be exactly who she is: powerful and strong! He didn't treat her well--so she should really tell her how she feels! and break up GSR! :rolleyes:
YES OH MY GOD, I'm here Lynny! I just got into G/LH because their chemistry is amazing and I just saw all of the LH episodes yesterday and I fell in love with them! I mean--you have to fall in love with them! :lol:

*Edited to add spoiler code*
Welcome to the thread kissmesweet
and how can you not love them.
She knows him, he knows that. Somehow it makes him feel uncomfortable, that is why, IMO, he didn't get back to her in Lady Heather's Box and why he was, again, my opinion, stand-off-ish in Pirates of the Third Reich.

I want her the way she is too, powerful and strong and hopeully not going to take Grissom's relationship with Sara very well. She deserves better from him.
I see her giving him a complete earful. She's not the type that sits back and is just, 'thats nice.. good for you' she might say it in a cocky way though, I would. But hopefully the chemistry that they had is still there.

I hope the chemistry is still there. But, how can it not be? This is Grissom and Lady Heather and he did 'loose his balance'. It should be interesting how they do this, I really hope they don't make her complacent.
I know they'd probably not break up GSR, but I'd like to see her at least show him that he is missing out with her, and that he should've been with her, and I want her to give him hell.
I know they won't break up the GSR. That's not the intent. But she hopefully won't smirk it off and say something like... "oh, as long as you are hapy" CRAP becaue I'll be pissed at that. He knows she knows him so pulling that would be so below Lady Heather! She better give him hell! This also makes me think if we are going to find out what happened at the end of Pirates
Because some of my buddies from the WP thread are here.. I thought you'd all like to see this.. and hhunter you'll like it that over on the right is ~~Vartann~~ :p click on his name!

The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix

CLICK HERE **SPOILER** don't read if you don't want to know, if you do go for it!
thanks desertwind ;biggrin:

I did see the spoiler and I'm just curious about how this is going to play out. And do you or anyone else have anymore pictures from the episode?