Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

I'am so happy to meet people who think like me. Usually, when I say that I'am for Grissom-Lady Heather pairing, some reactions make me feel I'am the evil. :D

And I'am always sad that we are not numerous to feel the emotion they convey when they are together, especially in the scene "you can always say stop". I know this sweeeeeet scene by heart, I don't even need to watch it, it's in my head. :)
its liek she is the only one he shows emotionss towards. he is always so guarded and she can get right to him with just a smile. I really enjoyed the few scenes they had together.
They have amazing scenes together. I hope they get more before the season ends.. I really do.

*whacks Heather -- Where you hiding??*

WPRMW -- think happy thoughts hun. :D
alienor said:
I'am so happy to meet people who think like me. Usually, when I say that I'am for Grissom-Lady Heather pairing, some reactions make me feel I'am the evil. :D

I haven't been on this site for a while but welcome to the G/LH thread! We're always happy to get another Gil/Heather shipper in here, right girls? :D And don't worry, I think it's just a standard reaction for people when they hear that a Bugman and a Dominatrix are a favorite couple. :)

Like WPRMW, I am attempting to stay positive. But so far, the spoilers are really making that hard to accomplish. :( I really think The Powers That Be (I would call them something else but this is a PG-13 site...) have lost their minds. We know that they're only bringing Lady H back so they can get a ratings boost and have a brief hope that their show is not doomed. They lost millions of viewers over the season six finale (proud to be a part of those millions :D), and now they are willing to lose even more? What is wrong with these people? :confused:

I don't know if it has been mentioned but Spike is going to air two of the Lady Heather episodes fairly soon.

"Lady Heather's Box" will be on Sunday, April 8th at 5:30 PM. And "Slaves of Las Vegas" on Monday, April 9th at 6:00 PM.

If we can't have a new and good Gil/Lady H moment, we can still rewatch the old ones.
Hey I'm here
I'm glad we have more GLH shippers here.

Yes, the way they feel about each other was totally obvious just by the..'you can always say STOP'..... and he didn't

She is an extrovert and he is buried in his work. They are SOOO MADE FOR EACH OTHER.
I hope her return won't be screwed up by TPTB :devil:
Hello my fellow LHG fans! :D

We may be small in numbers, But, it's how you feel about OUR couple that counts!! :p If Lady Heather wasn't that popular, why on earth would she be returning for a fourth time, right? :D

Yes, indeed, I'm just gonna keep on thinking positive, even though I've heard a lot of BS all ready, and what the Morons are trying to do. :mad:
Last year's season finale totally sucked. My God, I think TMTB are gonna top last year. :lol:
Have they lost their minds?? Hell yeah! :mad:

Let's face it, these new writers are trying to change the past, and believe me, it's not working. Nope, not one bit! Hmmm....and people wonder why CSI is nominated for awards anymore? :rolleyes:
Yes, Catherinesmyidol I'm proud to be a part of those millions too! :D BTW, I totally love your OC avi and banner. My god, it ROCKS!!!
I do look forward to the Spike reruns of SoLV and LHB. I do have them on dvd. Last season's collection wasn't worth buying.

Ratings boost or not, I'm sticking with my other show. I'll read the fan's reactions first before viewing. In case, it's as lame as they say it will be. Seriously, my other show comes first, as much as I love the Lady she has to step a side.

There is one bright spot though, we get more screencaps of the Lovely, sexy Melinda.

Long Live Lady Heather

you are right WPRMW if she wasn't that popular then they wouldn't have brought her back. She draws in an audience and has a HUGE fan base.

They left SOOOO MMMMUUUCCCHH undone between her and Grissom I think they FINALLY realized they needed some closure.
I was optomistic, but **sigh** I hope they don't screw up her character too much. I hope they keep her strong, self-reliant and I hope they keep Grissom still drawn to her. How can he not be... SHE'S LADY HEATHER!
hey everybody! i gotta admit that i unwillingly overheard the latest news and i wanna say that i'm extremely happy and so excited, it's criminal. i can't WAIT to see what happens. i don't know anything about the plot, and i hope to stay that way until may 10th cuz i'm sure it's gonna be amazing, as always.
HA I was waiting for you to come back here Adzix :lol:
I'm not sure most of know about the plot. Mostly just speculation of what is going to happen.
Lady Heather is amazing it I'm sure will be a big draw for the audience I'm sure :D
lol Heather ;)

yeah, she's sooo awesome. it's gonna be a battle of my two favorite pairings, i think i'm the happiest shipper ever, lol.

i can speculate that they'll probably either link her to MCSK somehow, continue the story of her grandchild or do something completely new.
Adzix said:
i can speculate that they'll probably either link her to MCSK somehow, continue the story of her grandchild or do something completely new.

I prefer the something new. Very new! :D

Something happy and amusing to make us laugh. :lol: Having been linked to 4 dead bodies is enough already. :mad:

Sheesh, give us something new and original. :)

*thinking positive thoughts* :D

Long Live Lady Heather :D

I want something new too. But I'm not sure it's going to turn out that way.

I want to be positive :D ;)

And why bring her back if something **gasp** awful is going to happen to her. Why would they torture us like that?
Not fair in my opinion!

I'm with you WPRMW give us something new and original regarding Lady Heather
The way I see it, it's like going into a championship game and we're the underdog, right? :lol:

My friends, anything is possible. :D

Yes, I know all this negative vibe sucks BIG TIME. :mad:

All I can say to comfort everyone, is screencaps. :lol:
I'm looking forward to that. :D

In POTTR, we saw her as a grieving mother, so how will she be seen as in this upcoming ep?
As Heather or the Dominatrix, I know the title suggest the Dom, but wouldn't that involve the Dominion?

I think she will be the Mother Heather. Not the Dom Heather as the title states. According to the spoilers, she is in hospital... so who knows at this point.

I'm not sure if we will see the Dominion, I hope so though. That's where Grissom fell in love with her.. as the Dominatrix
My fellow LHG fans
I have officially started a Melinda/Lady Heather thread. So feel free to talk about Melinda or LH in the CSI Forum. :D

I love LHG but every now and them I prefer to just talk about the Lady and not him. :D
