Gil and Lady Heather #6: Because She Has Lovely Lips

Hello my fellow LHG fans!

I'm sorry for not coming around that often, I'm just so busy at the moment.

I heard about Melinda's new show on CBS. Will this be in the fall? I'm wondering what day of the week it will be on?
I still miss my OC and Julie Cooper. :(

But just the thought of Heather having her own child would be soo sweet. It would be an interesting twist to CSI and Grissom. I honestly think they need a shocking twist, and the baby storyline would be great. :D I mean Heather could keep this baby a secret and then Gil finds out, right? :devil:

As for fanfics, I'm just not into that.... I don't know why? So I can't help anyone there. :rolleyes:

What other twist, shocking twist that is, could bring the Lady back?
Any suggestions? I'm all ears! :lol:

I like the baby idea. I can't think of any other type of 'twist' in the storyline besides THAT ONE

I agree it would be a good one for Grissom to have to deal with... and how he really feels about her... which we all know that he is still in love with her :D

Don't know of any other twists that would bring them back together beside not just her baby but her daughter's baby...

OT--We missed you WPRMW :)
OT:My cousin's wedding is coming up and she needs so much help. After all these months, she thought she could do it all by herself, wrong wrong wrong!!! And now she's paying the price! :mad:

I'll think of another shocking twist. :devil:
Of course, it can't involved another death. We need something positive when or if she does come back.
So far, each of her case involved a death so I say no more.
A baby or the grandchild has been brought up.

Put on your thinking caps! :lol:

My two-cents: We could suggest or comment to CBS's Feedback to bring the Lady back. :D
Hmmm....I'm gonna do just that!! :D

I think I'll do that too.
I have been missing Lady Heather lately. I look forward to Pirates and I want to see Lady Heather's Box DESPERATLY!!!!

and I'll have to get back to you on the reason they 'reunite' :D
I got my Lady Heather fix.

I wonder though.. what they were thinking when they saw each other in the halls after she left the morgue.

Do you think that he wanted to reach out to her and hug her since her daughter was the one who was found in the desert?

I'm asking because Catherinesmyidol (where are you btw?) wrote a fantastic fic about what they were thinking after they saw each other
LADY HEATHER IS BACK!!!!!!Apparently her character could shed some light on grissom and sara's relationship "He's a fascinating character to go after" Clarke teases "And who doesn't love a good triangle?"......
thought you guys would like to hear this wasn't sure if it needed a spoiler box....
Hey there guys, I think you allready may know this but
is making a comeback!! :)

I tried posting this in a spoiler thing but I couldn't figure it out. Sowwwwie.

*I've added the Spoiler Code for you* :)
When posting a reply (using the normal Reply option, not Quick Reply), just click on the 'Spoiler' UBB code (next to the smilies). Type in what the spoiler is about and click 'ok'. Then, type the spoiler info, and click 'ok' again. That should do it. :)
Awesome news!!! Guys, I just can't believe the latest spoilers! I can't wait 7x23. Oh, so long. The fanfictions/theories might come true! :D I also have a new theory (related to Lady H) I'm gonna post in the MCSK thread in the LV forum.
WOW! I normally don't read spoilers either but THAT IS COOL!!
I Can't wait to see her back!!
So How is this all going to play out???
It'll be great if she is back, we were all talking about how we needed that conclusion so hopefully we'll get something.

I still pwn you Heather.
So I'm still wondering how Grissom is going to deal with her return. We all know he's still inlove with her. :) and according to the episode spoilers, this is Lady Heather's last episode on CSI
As long as they don't kill her off, we'll be fine, but its a conclusion as long as GLH gets something outta it. .. I think he'll act cool about it, mostly cause of his relationship with Sara, but.. He'll want to help her no matter what it is.
I think he will want to help her out too, no matter what I mean she IS Lady Heather and he could't leave her. :D I want to see how this all turns out and how he deals with his feelings for her.
Uhm, I don't know. I try not to expect much. According to the spoilers Lady Heather's return has nothing to do with GSR :mad: We've been waiting for this day for a long time, but as it seems to happen, I'm not that excited. It may be because the entire MCSK thing drives me nuts and I have the feeling that TPTB will kill her off or make her the serial killer. I'm not gonna lie, I hate both option. In the other hand, we thought season 7 would be the last season of the show. Right now we know there's supposed to be season 8. And again, according to the spoilers, this is Heather's last appearance on CSI. So, that means we'll have another season without her... and there won't be anything to stop GSR... :rolleyes: I can only hope they won't screw up her return.
I'm sorry, I'm such a pessimistic person.