Gil <3 Cath #25: PureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub

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Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

:lol: :lol: :lol: ahahahahahaaa!!!! this was really funny! her look when he said "i bought tequila!"
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

BWWWHHHAHHHAAA that is hilarious! quoth the raven

I think we're alone let's make love ha ha ha :lol:

I like the Horatio and Calleigh one too..I'm gonna have your baby

I wonder who thought that up?
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Drumchik said:
Don't tempt them to start that song again!!

So far our list of shippers are:

Ecklie (to some point)

I'm going to add Jacqui. Cause I reckon she'd be a fan :D

Hey hey.

Sorry It took me a while to get back on here... TQw busted a finger so she can hardly type... Sorry if my posts aren't as long as they should be.

Anyways.. onwards and upwards. I think Lindsey would be a shipper. She loves her father Eddie for sure... buuut... really who WOULDN'T as a little kid of course, want Grissom to be their dad... he'd be the coolest dad EVER!
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

quoth_the_raven said:
:lol: Guys, I found this hilarious clip on YouTube in spanish with subtitles. It's hysterical :p And it's definitely G/C so... ;)

Edited to remove link to fan made video

It is against board rules to post links to fan made videos. You can say where they are (YouTube) but you can't link to them. Although it might appear to be from is not from CBS.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

And the list keeps growing!:

Doc Robbins
Lt Brooks
Vet from jackpot

What a list!
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

I forgot about Lily
of course I've mentioned this before she probably won't like ANYONE Catherine goes out with but She is not dumb either (Lily)

she knows how well Grissom can take care of Lindsey and Grissom can be very charming at times.. right
That alone could win Lily over..

Just a thought :D
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Hey, speaking of you guys think that had Grissom's mom and Catherine met, would Mrs. Grissom be a shipper? I think she would just because Cath seems to be the only woman he mentions his mom to, like in Cat's In the Cradle and Still Life. Catherine must have known that Gil's mother was deaf before that in Sounds of Silence, because she knew that he spoke in sign.

Plus I'm sure if Gil revealed that much to Catherine about his family, he would have surely told his mother about Catherine.

Does that make sense?
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

I'm a good gambler (call me warrick ;) ) and I'd be willing to put money on it :D
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Drumchik - Didn't we add Nick aswel?! Oh am I dreaming?

27dayz - I definatly think that Grissoms mummy would like Catherine.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

No doubt... "Even though my mother was deaf, she was still the boss" I think Cath would show/have alot of respect for his mother considering their situations.

Besides, they're both strong women, I can't say they'd especially "like" each other or not, but I am damned sure they'd respect each other :D
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

I dunno I think Gil's mum would like Catherine a lot for getting her son out of his "hermetically sealed" life and bringing him into the real world and having to deal with people's emotions and their lives on a day to day basis specifically her and Lindsey's lives. Plus I'm sure Gil's mummy would be the doting grandmother for Lindsey we never see or hear about Eddie's parents and she must be deprived of an extra grandmother.
I think Gil's mummy would get on very well with Catherine and would see how Cath's charm is the greater good for her baby boy and puts her mind at rest that her son will now be cared for by another strong woman that loves him dearly.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

Oh shippers list! Is Terri Miller in there? Cuz she said in one episode that Grissom's girl is a blonde lol.

Have you gals seen Redrum? Hehe notice in the ep Grissom shared his locker to Catherine. :)
In the ep, Warrick said that Cath kept the evidence and the files in her locker. So I was expecting them to check out Cath's drawer or locker but then in the next scene we see Sara sneaking into Gil's office instead and took the locker key inside of Gil's drawer.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

I always thought Cath and Mrs. Grissom would get along. Glad I'm not alone in that view.

Redrum was alright, but I really didn't like the idea of decieving the team. I don't think Cath did either. Was that because she hates lying to her friends or because she doesn't want to see Gil's reaction when he finds out about it? I think she hates lying to them because she feels like she's lying to Gil since he is a part of that team.

On a different note, I would like to hear what Sara wanted to say to Catherine in private. I think Gil's would somehow get dragged into that discussion.

Plus I wonder what Gil would say about anyone going through his personal property without his permission. Just a thought that's been bugging me.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

^ I'm with you. When Anne told me about the preview with that scene before the episode aired, I said I didn't think Gil would be happy about it. He wouldn't like someone sneaking into his office and taking something away just like that, not even when this someone is his girlfriend. But who knows, TPTB have changed him so much that we can barely recognize a lot of his behaviors, why not change him some more? *shrugs*

I don't think any of the CSIs would like to lie to their co-workers. They have always respected, and trusted each other. However, Catherine's hands were tied and basically she had no choice when the Undersheriff told her it wasn't her call. Deceiving her team probably wasn't the right thing to do, but it was what she HAD to do under the circumstance. Honestly, if it was Gil in her shoe, I think he'd have to go along with the plan eventually, or he'd be taken off of the case. Remember Strip Strangler? That being said, the Undersheriff was such an a$$.
Re:Gil<3Cath #25:pureJoy--Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Two CSIs In A Tu

okay about redrum i was screaming at the tv wondering why no one had opened the box! lol. but it was a good episode, but i really can't believe nick...*rolls eyes*

i'm also not rolling along with the Keppler guy sometimes...expecially when he's interfiering in the GCness. :D

did anyone see that on the preview Grissom has his beared back...and it doesn't look like it's from an old episode...hmmm i wonder what that's gonna rumble up?
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