Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

bobo said:
CSIangel , I can't forget this quote : "Formalities" ;) one of the fav CG fans epi ...
I guess that everything has been said about this epi . So I wont do 5 pages . The famous bow tie scene , unforgetable and the best C/G romantic scene . IMO . About the quote, he's trying to do like Sofia !
And yes , sandersidle, we are very fast ! :)

So, I guess that I have to give you a new quote:
Cath: Never doubt,never look back . That's how I live my life.
Gil: I admire that.

------- edit ------
sorry, I didn't see your post littlesara1 !

That's quite alright :D And we can use your quote anyways, because I <3 it :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

*barrels in*

WOOHOO! New thread! Hot G/C! Sucking, tweaking, buzzing, hugging kissing - it's all about the GC love!

That quote is from Crate and Burial ;) Another cute scene where poor Gil just wants to give Lindsey her ChemLab 500.

BTW, anyone who comes up with anything new for the dictionary - just let me know. I shall add them :) I'll try and finish the definitions soon! :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

coolcatz said:
as far as relationships go, gil and cath's relationship is the only one to have shown the depths of a true relationship. the ups, downs, lulls, fights, compromises that make up everything that makes up a relationship.
CSIangel17 said:
Yep PMJ was a great episode, i like the way that they defined their relationship early on in the series, and showed every aspect of how they relate to each other, just in that episode. It has everything from bits of comedy 'New Pet' to old married couple arguments.
And there, folks, we have the promise of another thread title: Gil & Cath: The relationship that needs no explaining

GC is irrepressible. Unless The Morons That Be deliberately write and edit G & C's reactions to each other out of the script and the filmed scenes. Which is apparently what they are doing right now. We had almost 5 and a half seasons' worth of great moments, and PMJ gave us some of the greatest of those. To be honest, when I rewatch this epi, I fast forward through the other case just to focus on GC :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

Personally, I think even if they were to write G and C's reactions to each other and all of their moments together out of the script, they still couldn't douse it. Because everytime the other was mentioned, or even not mentioned - you know they're thinking about each other.

Which is one reason I thank god that Marg has such great facial expressions - she knows ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

anne did we put chemlab 500 in the dictionary? cause i think it would fit the outline of it...and you're right about Marg. She's been amazing lately along with Billy (for the most part) and putting on the faces.

okay i have to do it.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

Congrats on new thread! :lol: Just came back from watching BTK Part II. I thought it was absolutely amazing in terms of the storyline and yes, I agree with coolc. Gil showed less emotions than a brick. Like wtf. But I gotta save that rage for later.

GrissCathFan, totally love your avatar. It's quite amazing. I might have to snag it. :p
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

I love the poll you've put up, xitalian. I'm particularly interested to see that so far everyone who's voted prefers the Dad Dying story for Grissom!

And I can't remember whether I put the ChemLab 500 in the dictionary or not - I shall go and take a look and if it's not there, I shall add it.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

I think Grissom talking about his dad dying is in the top 5 best G/C moments. He really opened up to her and showed that he trusted her. I can't think of anybody else that he would tell about his dad, because it's obvious that it still affects him. I love how she knew it was weird for him and she started to leave so he wouldn't feel awkward, but then he kept talking. It was like he had to get it off his chest and she was the only one that he would open up to like that.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

Wowww new theard!!!! Happy for us and the purejoy!!!
Ren love you avatar!!!!
Maybe I´m going off topic rigth now but in here they even start the new season and from what I read about the spoliers is not good for us!!!! Grissom caracther is not the same anymore, is like anothe person, and from what I read WP is going to leaving after this season, so this is true???
Maybe I´m very mad rigth now, but if WP is leaving so good bye Gil, and I´m sooooo mad about the caracther that he become that killimg him (well I think they kill him coz he is not the same Gil Grissom) or maybe a OVNI came and take him!!! Maybe I´m rude rigth now and a little mad, but I want to now what you guys think.
I´m allways going to be a G/C but I don´t have hopes that we can see this on the show in the future!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

Mercedes, that quote was from season one's Crate 'n Burial. It's when Gil goes to the breakroom to check up on Catherine. He asks her how she is and she tells him about her worries for Lindsey. :) *bakes herself some brownies*

So my next quote is this:

Gil: These babies run two and a half miles an hour.
Catherine: I don't doubt that for a minute.
It looks like I have the same opinion on their background stories as most people who have voted do. I don't know, I just think the Vegas story fits Catherine better and it doesn't seem logic to me that her family was in Montana while Lily and Sam had an affair in Vegas. Hmm. And I'll take the daddy dying story just for that scene in Still Life, hehe.

So, case discussion anyone? If we're done with the Wendy Barger case, maybe we could start with the Collins' case from Blood Drops?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa


*points upwards to where she barrelled in and answered the question".

And your quote, Erica, was from "Ellie" in Season 2 - about his cockroaches.

How about...

Gil: "Did you straighten up my office while you were in there?"
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

Woops sorry, Anne, I didn't notice you had already answered it. LOL. And you got the right answer to my quote. So yeah, your turn. :D

All right. The Collins case. The first thing I thought of was Catherine and blood. We know that Catherine's specialty is blood spatter, however we haven't seen much evidence of that through the years. Blood Drops is one of the few times we see her working on those crimson spots. Good thing that Gil still knows what her specialty is in this episode and wants her to work on it. Dang she misses picking up Lindsey, though. Oh, that reminds me, Eddie calls Gil Catherine's boyfriend in this episode. *giggles* He always knew they had a thing. No? :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

Hehe. Go Eddie. Yes, they had a thing. They have a thing regularly too. Maybe that's what Eddie thought they were up to ;)

I love Blood Drops too, mainly because we get to see Catherine working with blood spatter. It peeves me that this is supposed to be her specialty, and we rarely get to see her working it! I love the way she charted the drops and organized everything. Was so cool to watch.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

Lady_Grissom said:
Wowww new theard!!!! Happy for us and the purejoy!!!
Ren love you avatar!!!!
Maybe I´m going off topic rigth now but in here they even start the new season and from what I read about the spoliers is not good for us!!!! Grissom caracther is not the same anymore, is like anothe person, and from what I read WP is going to leaving after this season, so this is true???
Hey ya welcome back, Lady_Grissom. :) Don't worry, you weren't off topic since you were still taking about 50% of C/G. LOL. However, we don't know for sure that Billy is going to leave the show after season 7. There are rumors saying he is going to leave, others saying he has renewed his contrace through season 8, but none of those has been confirmed. So we really don't know.

Lady_Grissom said:I´m allways going to be a G/C but I don´t have hopes that we can see this on the show in the future!
I'm with you there. I don't think we are going to see C/G happen on the show despite the obvious chemistry between the two characters. Even if there's a really slight chance, we won't see it until the very end of the show, or of their existence on the show. But then, we are never bothered by that, neither have we stopped shipping Catherine and Gil because of that. Have we? And to be honest, I never really expected them to really get together on the show. I mean hello, this is CSI we're watching.

Back to Blood Drops. I was re-reading the transcript while making screencaps from BTK pt. 2 (this multitasking thing is going to kill me sooner or later. LOL) and recalled the scene where Catherine and Gil are analyzing the blood in the house. They both agree that this case isn't related to another mass murder case they have and that the mother was the first one who got killed. They trail the blood the family left and discuss who got killed where. Now THAT'S what I call working on a case together. They process the scene together, discuss the evidence and brainstorm, trying to solve the puzzle. The dynamic between Catherine and Gil is perfect in this scene. The best part is they have the same conclusion, that the teen daughter was in on it. Hm. Great minds think alike?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pa

There was another intersting scene in Blood Drops - where the social worker arrives and gives Cath the notice that she's going to be investigated for child neglect, just as she has found a big clue to break the case. She still calls Gil first to tell him the new information on the case, then puts down the phone to worry about her situation.

There's another CG scene that we didn't get - Gil helping Cath though this new problem that she's got with child services. I would've even liked a short "Cath, you're a good mother/it's just Eddie being pissed" speech from Gil. If I remember, the only thing we ever hear on that subject again is Warrick in SL&L when he & Cath are walking to the door and he says he was contacted by child servies.
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