Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Mercedes I chose Cath comes from Montana story because I already got used to it, its been on her bio since like season 1. And I chose Daddy dying because I loved Gil in the scene in Still Life.

Blood Drops? I only remember the scene where Eddie knew they had a thing. Oh and the scene where Gil called Cath up, and wanted her to be back on the lab. Catherine said to Gil "Ok, I'll be right there. Just let me put on some clean clothes." and Gil said "Please do." :lol: LMFAO that scene always cracks me up.

And Lisa I just read the Lindsey's Party update.. omg ! You need to update. now. :lol: Btw, since TMTB changed a lot of things and they aged Lindsey.. would her current age on the show still fit our Paternity Test Theory? I think she's now 14 in the show when she should be just 12 or 13.
Yes, Blood Drops is really a good ep...Especially because of Eddie. I still hate him, but in that moment I thought "GO EDDIE!" for the first time ever.

And that's also a great case because, as E said, we see them really working togehter. And it's not just collecting evidence, but it's just amazing how easily they read each other's mind, without really need to speak at all!
LOL is anyone going to figure out where Anne's quote came from? :lol: It's this one:

Gil: "Did you straighten up my office while you were in there?"

Again, back to Blood Drops...

There's another CG scene that we didn't get - Gil helping Cath though this new problem that she's got with child services. I would've even liked a short "Cath, you're a good mother/it's just Eddie being pissed" speech from Gil.
I agree, kay. This would be wonderful C/G material. Gil has been looking after Cath through the years. He knows what's going on in her life. Eddie's cheating, their seperation, her struggle. He even tells her that she needs to devorce Eddie as soon as possible later in Too Tough to Die. I am almost sure that he'd know about the issue with the child service. They just didn't write that scene, which is kind of frustrating. After the small talk in Crate 'n Burial, I am positive Gil would be there for Catherine and offer her comfort had he known about Catherine's situation in Blood Drops, but alas.

Blood Drops has always been one of my all-time favorite CSI episodes. Great case, great team work, great C/G dynamic. And we get to have a peek in Catherine's house where those framed butterflies appear on the show for the first time. :)
EricaSJ said:
LOL is anyone going to figure out where Anne's quote came from? :lol: It's this one:

Gil: "Did you straighten up my office while you were in there?"
Oh this is from Justice is Served. OMG it is an adorable, classic GC scene.. omg omg.. my heart is pitter-pattering i just love this scene. :lol: Catherine just popped out from Gil's office like its her own. And then Gil saw her and asked her what is she doing and Cath said that Gil's paperwork is on his desk and she's taking the carnival case. Then Gil asked her "Did you straighten up my office while you were in there?" What I also love about this scene is that Gil didn't mind that Cath barged into his office like she's been doing this forever.

Ok here's my quote.. this is so easy.
Grissom: I learned at a very early age that the bugs always win.
Catherine: Right.
^ Oh yeah, Justice Is Served. Not a C/G episode, but definitely a classic C/G scene. I love it too! :lol: I love how Cath just strolls out of Gil's office as if it was her own and doesn't even bother to try to hide it when she sees him. In fact, I think Gil is intimidated by her. LOL. And yeah, it looks like Gil never minds that Cath just pops in and out of his office. We've seen that numerous times on the show. She certainly has been doing that forever. :D

coolc I'm waiting for your comment on Cath and Gil's work in Blood Drop. :lol:

*dances* I know the answer! I know the answer! But I'm not going to post it haha. Anyone wants to try?
answer is gvtv

blood drops. ok i think the scene where social services calls is really what we can reference as far as cath's behaviour when she wakes up in btk. it's the same reaction. business first, personal later (and people say she and gil are nothing alike).

i love eddie's comments about gil and cath's reaction. they've obviously had this argument many times before. even better i love that gil agrees with cath that she needs to change clothes (and he's not even there).

and one more point for eddie with his great taste in music.

you gotta love cath's interaction with lindsey *cries missing madison* it was so real.

and hottie, the change in cath's age still fits the paternity test because they haven't officially changed gil's time in vegas yet.
^ Yay you posted. Now I'm satisfied. :D Oh I never thought about the "business first, personal later" part, but I think it's true. Good eyes. Eddie's comments? *giggles* Certainly the best part regarding C/G in the whole episode. :lol: I do love Cath's interaction with Lindsey. The little girl practically jumped into her mom's arms when she saw her and was totally sweet to Cath.

But, *looks around* where is your new quote?

Anyone wants to talk about Blood Drops? If not, our nexe case will be Anonymous. That means one name...Millllllllllllllllaaaaaander!

To view the case list for season 1, plese go here.

Now, Milander? :lol:
*looks for something to chain her to the computer*

I'm sick of missing everything. I loved the whole Milander story line. That was one of the cases that carried out into a future case of theirs, the other being the Blue Paint Killer dude. I loved all the episodes in relation to those cases. Mainly because the main CSI on the cases were Grissom (Milander case) and Catherine (Blue paint dude).

If I have that wrong forgive me. I know Catherine worked the blue paint case back in her first years at the lab but I don't know if they said she was the head of it, highly doubt she was back then but wasn't she the head of it in The Execution of Catherine Willows ?
^she was a rookie on that case but it was her first case to go all the way to the chair.

e, i'm glad you can breathe again, lol!

millander...actually, this ep marks the first APPEARANCE of millander but it was his crime in the pilot. so technically the 2nd ep involving millander. so shall we start with evidence of remote buzzing and tweaking?

great case. i love how protective cath is of gil and how gil insists anything said to him can be said to her. the loyalty between them is awesome.

and a quote (wanted official ok before proceding)...

CATHERINE: So she lied to you guys at the hotel, she lied to us at the house.
She's been with him, not just online.

GRISSOM: But her husband only knew about the guy he hired,

(hopefully it's worthy of kaylynn and ren)
Isn't that one from Lady Heather's Box?, It's where they're talking about the girl and her husband who offers them the Godiva chocolates. That part made me laugh.

About Milander, he adds a little something to the G/C dynamic without a doubt. The thing going on between Milander and Grissom is something that only Catherine sees. She really looks out for him on the Milander cases. :)
^winner. you get the next one.

she really got upset that someone had gil's fingerprints. she knew they were in trouble at that point. and if you watch she didn't let him out of her site from then on.
Okay, here's mine, it's kind of an easy one but I can't think of any other ones at the moment.
Gil: You showered.
Catherine: Thanks for noticing Gil, you're very observant.
Not sure if thats the exact quote get the point
Hottie_Cath said: What I also love about this scene is that Gil didn't mind that Cath barged into his office like she's been doing this forever.
I just tuned in to SpikeTV and they're showing Viva Las Vegas and had to laugh again at Cath just barging into Gil's office (again) and complaining about her "cupboard" of an office. She's the only one that normally gets away with just barging in like she does. And, of course, there's never a complaint from Gil!

So, we're on Anonymous? - Paul Millander again. Right off the bat, it amuses me to note that Brass makes the conection to the prior case right away. Normally, he's the last to pick up on things like that. Sorry, that was going off topic a bit, but it just came to mind.

Now, for the CG part - Catherine knows about the "Fish board" with the "ones that got away" and Sara didn't yet. Then we've got DISCO, who brings out the jealousy in Gil. That scene where he introduces Cath to Disco is so cute! **ARGH! Now I've got that song in my head!!** -IknowIknowIknowIknowIknow -
Yes, it was cute that she was so protective of him when they realize someone got Gil's prints. Gil's "Anything you have to say to me you can say to her" was so endearing. They have no secrets from each other. Awwwww. (like we didn't already know that!)
Gil getting irate at himself when he realizes he let the killer (Millander) go earlier. It's the 8th episode, and we finally see Gil make a mistake.
^oh noes! you mentioned "the song." you know what that means...20 or more posts of i know i know i know i know i know i know i know i know...ya know?

i loved the disco placid scene. it's a shame we haven't seen him since, but i guess it's ok cuz we got av archie instead. (dp had better music though)
Uhoh. Remember when we had our C/G scenes discussion, everyone here got IknowIknowIknowIknowIknow sutck in their heads for days? It's back again thanks to kaylyne. LMAO! Don't get me wrong, though, I totally love the scene where Catherine meets Disco. Gil's jealousy was so obvious I think he might commit his own crime if Disco keeps ogling at her like that. :D The fingerprint scene is fag. Absolutely love that one. The trust Catherine and Gil have for each other is just undenaiable. And I personally am glad to see that Gil isn't perfect, that he makes mistakes. I like Gil, but I'm definitely not one of those who see him as someone who never makes mistakes, someone who's flawless.

CatGrissomFan said:
I loved all the episodes in relation to those cases. Mainly because the main CSI on the cases were Grissom (Milander case) and Catherine (Blue paint dude).
I love the way you think, CGF. Let's just not forget that our beloved duo are the leads of the show. ;)

*hums IknowIknowIknowIknowIknowIknow*
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