Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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i know. i know. i totally remember it.

oh get this. john mather won a pulitzer (i think) today. ironic huh?

poor gil. the look back and forth between cath and disco placid was hilarious. and cath's glances at disco...omg!
Oh god, Please don't get that Iknow thing in my head. I'll never get it out again. *bashes head*

As for what I've been missing out on:

Blood Drops - Kickass episode. All around.

Justice is Served: I LOVE this episode. Not just for G and C and the office (that scene's cuteness cannot be denied), but how totally awesome Cath was in this episode. Like the guy at the carnival: "Pee in the cup. And don't tell me you're shy".

I think Sara's quite bemused by Catherine in this episode "Random drug testing" and then Catherine's "Well there should be"

Regarding Anonymous - apart from an appearance from Mandy (whom I love), we had a great scene with Gil's "Anything you can say to me, you can say to her". He figures Catherine knows everything anyway ;)

And who DOESN'T love Disco Placid? He's totally charmed by Catherine (well, who wouldn't be?) and Gil's so totally jealous that it's hysterical!
coolcatz said:
oh get this. john mather won a pulitzer (i think) today. ironic huh?
LOL that's interesting. I wonder whether they had a reason for naming the murderer John Mathers in The Execution of Catherine Willows?

Hey I just noticed that I had forgotten about the fish board. That's another great example of their history, kay. It's also interesting to recall that Mandy was actually on the show before Jacqui, who we might be more familiar with. They both are great, though.

And AWJ, that quote was from season two's Chaos Theory. After the advanture in the chute and the dumpster, Catherine goes to the AV room and meets Gil. Gil knows it's her without even looking at her and noticed that she doesn't stink anymore. LOL.
actually, i've always thought he recognized her fresh shower scent. you know, that scent your of special someone when they've just gotten out of the shower.

*cries for loss of jacqui*

chaos theory has an appearance of the bob the builder outfit. fun outfit.
^ Of course he recognized her fresh shower scent first. He wouldn't have known it was her if she didn't uh...smell? (forgive my poor English, can't think of a better way to put it LOL) Anyway I was just trying to say it in a fun way, but you ge the idea (or you don't?). I bet they have showered together and he has waited for her while she showers so many times that he knows exactly what she smells like right after she showers. Hehe. And don't forget she even offers him a shower in Butterflied. ;)
at his place no less. *loves freudian slips, thinks they should be part of fashion week*

so the next logical question would be, what scent it was he recognized? anyone?

oh anne! new word (i think) FRESH SHOWERED SCENT--something of cath's gil recognizes without looking.
I miss Jacqui too, C! She's so awesome and she's a real friend to Catherine! And lots of fun :)

And I think the real reason Gil can recognise Catherine's scent is because he showers with her.

Gotta get real good and clean after dumpster diving...
I'd like to see Jacqui come back, too, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. Hope I'm wrong. I love the scene of Catherine and Jacqui in The Execution of Catherine Willows. The exchange between them shows they are friends outside work and they do share their lives with each other. It's really nice to know that at least one of the team members have a life. LOL.

So um, the next case would be Unfreindly Skies. Tell us about what you think. To view the case list for season one, please go here. And I just realized I haven't come up with the new quote yet. So here it's a rather easy one. :)

Gil: The breadth of your social experience never ceases to impress me.
Catherine: Dutch never had furballs, though.
Shut up, coolc, you're not allowed to answer this one. :)

Btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Fra! *throws confetti*
Hehe. Naughty Dutch. That's from the same episode as Bop a 6 foot weasel:

Season 4, Fur and Loathing!

As for Unfriendly Skies...I always love that scene where Catherine is bending over the desk and Gil walks up to her. *shiver*. And of course the "bupkis" conversation with the chips.

But my absolute favorite has to be where Gil assigns Catherine her role:

"Single Mother. What an imagination you have!"
not fair! i call not fair! that is my episode. *throws melodramatic hissy fit in the corner* ok, all better.

oh the get their shoes moment. that was great. her refusal. his eyes. her giving in. his taking her food. so good.
Yes it's Fur and Loathing, Anne. But don't forget we encourage people to give the contex of the scene when they answer. So would you? *bats eyelashes* Also, it's your turn to give a new quote.

coolcatz said:
not fair! i call not fair! that is my episode. *throws melodramatic hissy fit in the corner* ok, all better.
Oh hush. I knew you'd react like that. It's your favorite episode, of course you'd know the quote was from it. There would be no fun to let you answer it at all. What did you expect me to do? LOL.

And Unfriendly Skies. Another great team work. Sigh the good ol' days. LOL. Apart from the scene where Gil asks Cath to get the passengers' shoes which we've talked about so many times (but never get tired of it), I also love the scene where the team are taking dummies to the plane. I don't know, it just looks hilarious to me. Especially Catherine because her figure is so small. :lol:
that is a great scene. and how they all beat the dummy at the end. kinda got caught up in the moment, didn't they?

and the final scene with cath and gil at the airport watching the plane leave. love it.
Context of the scene was when Catherine was explaining about a former guy she used to date. Gil's wearing a baseball cap backwards and Catherine's hair is in a ponytail and Gil listens with fascination until the final "The breadth of your social experience never ceases to amaze me".

And new quote. How about...

Cath: You know, that way I'm never disappointed. And sometimes I'm nicely surprised.
coolcatz said:
that is a great scene. and how they all beat the dummy at the end. kinda got caught up in the moment, didn't they?
I'll say. It looks kind of hilarious, though. Everyone just hits and kicks the dummy and freezes when Sara comes up with the question of the vicim's posotion. :lol:

coolcatz said:
and the final scene with cath and gil at the airport watching the plane leave. love it.
Oh me too. That scene is great. You can totally see the frustration on Gil's face. He knows who did it but he can't prove them guilty. When Cath comes out from the building and walks up to him, you can see she understands what he's thinking about and instead of saying comforting words, she shows her support by standing beside him and watching the shuttle leave with him. That's another moment that shows these two don't need words to communicate. They don't even need to look at each other to know what the other one is thinking.

*dances again* I know the answer! But I'll leave the chance to others. :D
ITA, Erica. I love how all throughout the series, we can see the way Gil and Catherine have communicated without saying a word. It really gives testament to Billy and Marg's acting skills that just their looks or actions can convey a lot without them opening their mouths.

I have yet to see any other couple on the show do that.
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