Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Erica...I may sound very demanding and stupid right now but caps from Part II? :D I'm looking forward to iconing a little bit. :lol:

Um yeah, I agree with everything that's being said. Unfriendly Skies was one of the more downplayed episodes in terms of GC but Season One was totally ours, you know? You couldn't go for more than one episode without a hint of GC. The chemistry was there, and palpable. Season 4, too. Those two are my favourite seasons. As well as Season 3. Not so much season 2. :p
Hehe Anne. I think that's why I always consider Bette's I Know You by Heart perfect for the relationship between Catherine and Gil, and I even made a video using that song. There are numerous times they finish one another's setences or just voice one another's thoughs. There's a word in Chinese that describes this kind of feeling perfectly, but I can't find an equivalent in English. It's called "mo qi", you can say it's a kind of unspoken consensus, but it's really so much deeper than that. *calls rebec for help LOL*

I guess Mulder and Scully from The X Files are just like that. I used to be so crazy about those two. LOL. I love C/G more, though. I think part of the reason is the fact that I've always loved Marg. Had been a fan for many years even before CSI started.

ETA: I'm on it Gravy. Sorry I got distracted. LOL. Also, there are too many Cath caps and I'm having a really hard time deciding which ones to keep and which to delete. :lol: I can't help sharing these two with you guys first, though. I love the feeling of them.

Meanwhile, why don't you try to answer Anne's quote? :D
^^OMG! Can you say Hotness! :lol: *wipes forehead* h.o.t.n.e.s.s. :devil:
*shakeshead* now if they've used GC to the fullest they could've beaten Grey's MerDer.. tsk. tsk.
And thanks so much E I'd love to see more pics. :D
coolcatz you need to cap those :lol:

Drumchik said:
Cath: You know, that way I'm never disappointed. And sometimes I'm nicely surprised.
This is from To Halve and To Hold. Well this quote comes from the scene where Gil and Cath found the bone (tibia) in the desert. And this was the time when TMTB's writing skills were at its finest-- hello that short short scene alone had lots of memorable witty lines. :D From Gil's "its amazing how you always expect the worst.." to Cath's "well its a leg bone, and it didn't walk out here by itself..", "I feel it in one of my 206 bones.." and "Do you want to suck it?"
But now all they have are those sucky cheesy lines.
I love the lines you listed, too, Rissa. In fact, To Halve and to Hold has alwyas been one of my all-time favorite episodes. Not just because of C/G but because of the interesting plotline, the humor in the dialogues and the light atmosphere throughout the whole episode. Is it too greedy for me to want to have those back on the show? :lol:

I see our case discussion is going pretty fast this time mainly because not many people are talking about the cases. LOL where are those who said they were game? Come on we need your opinions, or it's not fun at all just having the same few people recapping the cases and the discussion might die soon.

Rissa, those caps make great icons, too. *hint hint* :D I'm still working on them...well I was going to take a nap but ended up sleeping for hours LMAO. Anyway, they shall be on the site in a few hours and because there are too many Cath caps that I don't want to delete, I think I'll make an extra zip file with them. ;)

So um, what's your quote?
Wow, you can't stay away for one day from this thread :lol:

Hmmm, it's really hard to explain "mo qi". I guess it just means that two people share a kind of strong mental connection, thus they can always guess what one another is thinking or feeling without asking. They don't need a definite answer, they just kind of know it in their bones. (sorry that was a bad explanation but that's the best I could come up with :lol:)

Erica those pics rock! How can two people just stand there and still look sooooooo hot???

Hottie I miss the witty banter too. We used to have them in almost every GC scene but now it seems to be lost in the moronity (can't find other words to describe) of TMTB :mad:

Is it me or why wasn't the scene where we found out that gil knew about eddie's affair mentioned in PMJ discussion?? That was also a classic GC scene where we got another peek into the history of these two. But I don't trust my memory, I might have read it the discussion and forgot all about it :lol:

About Unfriendly Skies , I loved the last scene too, no words needed, just standing next to each other in silence and you know that they are thinking about the same thing *sigh* Loved the scene where cath admitted that she would go to all extents for the ones she loved, goes to show how much she cares for lindsey, those who question her proirities as a mother should really go watch this scene and eat their own words.
CATHERINE: Oh, eh, mm ... that's it?
GRISSOM: That's it. Um ... (he thinks about it) ... good luck.
gcgcgcgcgc...and after several scenes...gcgcgcgcgc
CATHERINE: I just wanted to see you. And I didn't want you to go in without wishing you good luck.
GRISSOM: Thank you ... for being here.
There's my quote. :D This is so easy and if you could explain a bit more why I chose those quotes I will give you a pic of naked Billy, that is if you're over 17. :lol: JK!!! I'll give you naked GC pics. (there are naked pics of GC?!?!?! :p )

Oh btw, this is random.. but if you want to know more info about Grissom and point out the inconsistensies in the show, lol.. KiraGrissom made a timeline.. Gil's timeline. And in that timeline, I learned that Catherine has seen two out of three of Gil's favorite pet.

Oh before I forget.. Happy Birthday Fra! :) And WB rebec
Oh yeah, Happy Birthday Fra! I think you won't want veggie burgers so I'll just give you some Aunt Jackpot's pretsels :D *hands out pretsels*

Thanks for the welcome Hottie :)

I know that quote! It's from Inside The Box, the first one is from the scene where gil was telling cath in the locker room that he has surgery . Before that she was telling him that she's going to confront sam and she expected him to go with her. The second one is from the scene in the hospital, cath went to wish gil good luck before he went in for surgery. As for the reason why you chose that quote, is it because of TEH HUG? :D

My quote:
GRISSOM: If you're going to badger me about your crime scene location, put it in a memo.

CATHERINE: You don't read memos.
She knows him well :D
LMAO! Rissa I love the way you quoted it. Made me laugh so hard. :lol: Definitely love the scene. Classic C/G hehe. And rebec you did a great job. Congrats! So now we have Aunt Jackpot pretzels for good ideas as well? Can we pick our favorite flavors? :lol:

I noticed that I haven't talked about the end scene in Unfriendly Skies yet. I love the discussion about whether they'd hurt the victim if they were the passengers on that plane. rebec was right. Catherine's answer shows that Lindsey always comes first in her life, that she'd do anything for her little girl. Those who complain about Cath ignoring her daughter and not knowing what her priority should be really need to rewatch that scene. Again, just because Cath goes out and has fun every once in a while doesn't mean that she ignores Lindsey. I can list so many episodes in which Cath is going to leave work for Lindsey just before something happens. In fact, I did it in the LV forum. LOL. Gil's opinion, though, sounds a little too ideal to me. I know he is trying to be neutral and see the event from an objective point of view, but it's something you really don't know how you'd react to until you're in the the circumstance. And personally, I think most people would hurt the guy out of the instict of trying to survive.
LMFAO!!!! :lol: I can't believe you answered it rebec.. you so want those nekkid GC pics. :p Anyway, the reason I posted those quotes is that they both said 'good luck' in the episode.. as coolcatz said good luck is their i love you. :D I should've thought of the hug first though.. *facepalm*

And I'll give chance to others to answer your quote rebec.

And E, the gcgcgcgc divider is from coolcatz's fic, Lindsey's Party. I think we need to add it in our dictionary and stamp it exclusive too, lol!! :D
Thanx everyone ;) no veggie burger, please...I can't reaslly see them, now. -_-

Unfriendly Skies is a wonderful ep, i love the fact that he trusts her with the toughest jobs.
Actually, when you think about it, he always lets her do what he doesn't...And it shpws their reciprocal trust, I suppose. Unfriendly Skies is a proof of that, isn't it?
I mean, he knows people won't listen to him, but he's positive she will achieve what he couldn't...
That's the most important thing in a relationship!
EricaSJ said:
Btw, before E gives the next case.. what did Gil say to Cath in this scene again? I remember he asked if she can remember anything but that was all that was stored in my memory. (i have so many shipments i hardly remember the eps anymore :D )
*watches the scene again*
^ He asks about Lindsey in that scene. Oh well, maybe we shoudl feel happy that at least he still cares. *inserts scarcasm* But that scene looks dang hot anyway. Their standing positions and the way he looks at her...mmm. What's personal space again? :lol:

Fra, you nailed it. Gil trust Cath with everyting and Cath him too. End of the story. :D Now I'm gonna give the next case. It's *squee* I-15 Murders! Okay, this is a VERY C/G episode and the case is kind of interesting. I hope you'll have fun discussing it. :)

*goes back to caps*
OK, so I'm a little late these days. Busy, busy, busy...

Unfriendly skies, for some reason, is not among my favorites. There are some fun PureJoy parts here: We find that Gil likes to play games (C: I'm going to go out on a limb here ... and say ... they're hiding something? G: Then we get to play hide-and-seek.),and Cath can't say "no" to Gil's puppy-dog eyes. She immediately goes into kick-butt mode and gets tough with the passengers ("Okay, people. Listen up. (beat) Shoes ... off. (beat) NOW.) and nice of her to give Gil her snack before she left.
I really like the fact that they had Cath come and stand by Gil as they were watching the passengers leaving in the bus. I think there was a little talk between the two after shift - over omelettes & screwdrivers- about that case!
By this time, we all KNOW that Cath will do anything to protect Lindsey, so I don't know why the others were surprised at her reaction. Sara seemed to have an incredulous look when Cath said she'd go "all the way". But, Cath's proven it time & again - in LHB, BTK2, etc.
If I remember correctly, they strung out Gil's answer there at the end, because they needed to fill extra time. That's why he went on the rant of "taking the time to ask what was wrong".
Congrats on the new thread :D

Erica, I watched the Strip Strangler Sunday like you suggested, and it really was a good PureJoy ep! I loved the little part in the scene in his office. The part where Gil and Cath both hang forward over his desk.. I have a strong feeling there has to be a manip from one of you guys of that scene! :D Am I right? Anyway, the whole episode was good. Casewise and characterwise. Any other eps I should definitely watch?
rebec said:
My quote:
GRISSOM: If you're going to badger me about your crime scene location, put it in a memo.

CATHERINE: You don't read memos.

I'm so proud I know a quote. Its from And Then There Were None

Okay I did have to search for it but I found it and know it. So does this mean its my turn to post a quote?

I liked I-15 Murders. I like when he is handing out the assignments. That was a great scene. Oh and GIl on the car door. He looks like he's thinking. At least I tihnk thats a car door. Or well.
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