Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Play With Fire-Gil defended her to Cavallo, and Cavallo said that "It's not your job to protect your people."
In Happenstance she noticed there's something different about Gil, she said "what happened to mr coincidence?? when you hear hooves you think of horses, not zebras" something like that. Im guessing that in the next episodes we will see how that scene will help Gil.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Great examples, Rissa, although I think it was "Mr. No-Such-Thing-As-Coincidence". LOL. And I certainly hope we will see some more about that remark in the future. I really think that when something is bothering Gil, Catherine is the only one who can really understand it and take care of him. But then again, TPTB don't seem to see what I see anymore. So apart from hoping for a good scene, I'm still expecting the worst. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I loved the episode Playing With Fire - it was such a great Catherine episode. I did love how Gil defended her to Cavallo, but I would have liked another GC scene - perhaps with Gil talking to her about what's going on in her life and how he could help.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

The line "How can I help?" comes to mind. ;) Love that episode. It's one of my all time favourites.

Playing With Fire. That's a really good one too. I just loved that scene at the end, and that's a very good connection. I liked that line in Happenstance, where Cath just listed all the things he used to be and how he raised his eyebrows in surprise that she remembered them. It's quite amazing what people can remember about others. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

It's sort of ironic, though. Cath listed all the things Gil used to be, and he just was none of them anymore. Does that remind us of something? Anyway I agree it's amazing what people can remember about others. I remember the tiniest things about people I know and they think it's quite scary. :lol: Maybe Gil was scared by Cath's memory, too. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hehe. I can just imagine Gil being very nervous and perhaps even a little ashamed that Catherine remembers all these things he used to be, and how he isn't any of them anymore.

Perhaps she may have helped him decide to go on the sabbatical so he could perhaps become them again.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

EricaSJ said:
I really think that when something is bothering Gil, Catherine is the only one who can really understand it and take care of him.
I think the biggest part of it is that when something is bothering Gil, Cath encourages him to talk about it, even if she doesn't understand what's wrong. Then she doesn't always try to fix it for him, but gives him hints to whether he's on the right track or not. A number of times she's just sat back & watched him while putting together the pieces as to why he's acting the way he is. The most noticeable is when his hearing deteriorated. You see in numerous episodes how she just noticed small things about him that were "not right". When she finally put all of the clues together, she asked him about his hearing.

It goes both ways too. The small scene in....ARGH which episode is it - where she talks to him in his office about wanting the open dayshift spot? Anyway...she starts in ranting about wanting the position because she's missing out on Lindsey's life. He gets her focused back on why she really wants that position - it's not about Lindsey, it's about being motivated, supervising a team, being a leader. Then tells her that he already put in a good word for her.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Early Rollout ;)

Also, what's good about the relationship is that when they get each other to talk about what's bugging them, one just sits back and listens, allowing the other to work it through. Often all they need to do is just say the problem out loud and add it all up in their mind.

By listening to each other, G and C allow each other to do this - and not just pertaining to cases, either.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

kaylyne said:
It goes both ways too. The small scene in....ARGH which episode is it - where she talks to him in his office about wanting the open dayshift spot?
It was Swap Meet, kay. The reason why you don't remember it is probably that was the only scene with Cath in this episode? :lol: I think you made excellent points. I guess I wasn't really talking about understanding what's going on with him but rather understanding that something's wrong with him, and I agree it goes both way. That's the magic of C/G. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

EricaSJ said:
kaylyne said:
It goes both ways too. The small scene in....ARGH which episode is it - where she talks to him in his office about wanting the open dayshift spot?
It was Swap Meet, kay. The reason why you don't remember it is probably that was the only scene with Cath in this episode? :lol: I think you made excellent points. I guess I wasn't really talking about understanding what's going on with him but rather understanding that something's wrong with him, and I agree it goes both way. That's the magic of C/G. :)

Swap Meet. *blush*

Why did I think it was Early Rollout?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Now I remember - Swap Meet -(ETA: Anne, you just beat me to it!, and of course E is always quick on the draw) is the one I was thinking of. I can never remember the title because I rarely ever re-watch that episode since there's only that small Catherine appearance in it.

We do know that they also talk to each other about cases that they're not working together on as well. There's been a couple times that Cath's made a reference to one of Gil's cases that she wasn't involved with. There's no other reason that she'd know the details of one of those cases if they didn't talk. He doesn't seem to do that with the other team members. There have been a few cases where Cath has had to update Sara on a previous case (the 2nd Millander, and TTWN come to mind) because Sara had worked on a different case at the time. Not the case for our CG duo.

ETA: Jeez, do you guys just read my mind as I'm typing my replies, or what? This is freaky! :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

That's another thing you've pointed out there Kaylyne. Catherine always seems to know what's going on in his cases, even if she's not working on them. Certainly suggests out of house conversations between them.

And I think it's amusing that we remember episodes by how much GC or Marg they have in them. We should rate episodes - Two Margs and One GC out of five. *snicker*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I'm loving this discussion. :)

Yeah I love that Cath and Gil feel totally comfortable talking about both their work and their personal lives. They don't do that with just anyone. They update one another about the cases they work and talk about their famlies (Gil tells Cath about his parents in different episodes and Cath talks to him about Lindsey and Sam, even Eddie). I also love it that sometimes the younger CSIs asks Cath to talk to Gil on their behavior because they think Gil listens to her (and he does). Shows what they have is really special. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

hey guys, remember the eppy where doc, cath and griss haave this autopsy and when doc mentioned the vic was a natural blonde they both stared at cath? lol that was funny...

any ideas what they were thinking? :p
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Oh yeah, "natural blonde" - that was Stalker. I just saw that one again last week. That was 10-seconds of absolute pure CSI fun. Sometimes I wonder where Doc comes up with these thoughts. I can understand Doc looking right at Cath when he said that, but it was so cute to see Gil's first reaction was to look at her too. He seemed a little flustered that she caught him staring at her with a questioning look.

Another CG moment I just thought of was the one where she gives Gil a heads-up that the media will probably be calling to ask him about spa safety (why can't I remember episode names anymore?). Anyway...yes, he was her supervisor and she was giving him a general overview of the case before he read her final report, but it was still Cath going out of her way to give him notice that he would be getting calls about it, and she even gave him an example of what to say to them (another example of helping him through his political tone deaf-ness)

ETA: Sorry, I missed this post earlier -
Drumchik said:
I think you also have to remember that she took care of him when he had his migraine, that she tried to steer him on a path that wouldn't get him into trouble, and that she brought his team back to him.
The biggest thing to note is that when she became in charge of things, it was her decision to gather the troops together and bring them to Gil's place to keep him on the case. This was her way of "playing politics", but still doing it her way - which is how she was trying to get Gil to "play the game". I think she showed him he didn't have to kiss the FBI's butt to still be "political".
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