Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

i'm sticking with the ducks were too loud as why he didn't go to cath's office, lol.

i agree with ren about his not having taken medication. and personally, having had migraines, i am surprised he stayed at the lab.

i voted mystery title.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

WB rebec. You've been terribly missed. Where'd you been?

I'm sorry to tell you guys this, but there was a scene with Gil taking his migraine pills by a water fountain in the hallway. Nobody saw him take the pills, though, and no one was there for him. :\ But, maybe Catherine had put the pills in a place where he'd remember so that he could find them when she wasn't around. LOL. Yeah, a girl can dream. :D

People, vote for MYSTERY THREAD TITLE. Although I have no idea what it is yet, I'm sure Rissa won't disappoint us. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Yep, we're in your hands, Rissa.
I voted for the Mistery Thread Title :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

coolcatz said:
i'm sticking with the ducks were too loud as why he didn't go to cath's office, lol.
I thought her ducks were just those wooden carved ones that don't do anything but sink in a tub of water? Did I really say "tub"???

EricaSJ said:
I'm sorry to tell you guys this, but there was a scene with Gil taking his migraine pills by a water fountain in the hallway. Nobody saw him take the pills, though, and no one was there for him. :\ But, maybe Catherine had put the pills in a place where he'd remember so that he could find them when she wasn't around.
Oh, he did??? See? That's for not watching. I miss all these details.

So he took his pills. Then the prescription ran out and his head was throbbing too much to go renew it. And Cath wasn't around to take care of that for him without his asking...

EricaSJ said:
People, vote for MYSTERY THREAD TITLE. Although I have no idea what it is yet, I'm sure Rissa won't disappoint us. ;)
Oh I did. And twice over - Rissa made sure of that! :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

lol, e. you see if they'd stick to history more of us would have know that.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

If I remember correctly, the camera shot opened with him dropping pills from a bottle into his hand. I'm guessing that the off-screen part that we didn't see is Gil going to Cath and having her locate the pills for him and give him the bottle. *now enter sarcasm* We know that TMTB wouldn't show that scene since it would have the two of them in the same scene and actually talking to each other *end of sarcasm*

I did notice that this time it seemed like a much bigger bottle than the previous one. Guess "somebody" went and filled his prescription for him? Seems like he's getting more frequent migraines because of a constant nagging/innuendo from another "somebody"? (Jeez, am I in a really sarcastic mood today, or what? must be a monday)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Tsk tsk least I know I'm not the bad one here. :D Have you voted? Go for mystery thread title. Rissa told me we're gonna love it. ;) I do love those scenes you gals are talking about that weren't shown on the screen. Man I love your humor...and sarcasm. :D

mj, we're actually being a bit slow comparing to the times we're REALLY fast. LOL. You'll get used to it soon. Hehe.

What, no one wants to answer the quote? kay?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

well....if you insist, Erica!! :D ;)

It's from Burked - where C&G are at the Braun house. They're kneeling next to Tony's body, discussing his death by possible overdose.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hey guys...I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I'm afraid that Do you want to suck it? and The prick gets his comeuppance can't be used. Sorry about that. :(

Also, since this is the Gil/Catherine shipper thread (not the Billy/Marg thread), I think it would be best to stick with thread titles that didn't have the actor's names in them. ;)

Any questions, feel free to pm me.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

1CSIMfan said:
Hey guys...I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I'm afraid that Do you want to suck it? and The prick gets his comeuppance can't be used. Sorry about that. :(

Also, since this is the Gil/Catherine shipper thread (not the Billy/Marg thread), I think it would be best to stick with thread titles that didn't have the actor's names in them. ;)

Any questions, feel free to pm me.
I know you're just the messenger, 1CSIMfan, and I'm not shooting you. Nor am I going to pm you on this because I think this deserves an open hearing.

While I understand the objections of the mods to the comeuppance suggestion, I don't see what is so objectionable about quoting Catherine's humourous quip:

Grissom and Catherine said in "To Halve and to Hold" (1x14):

GRISSOM: It could be a piece of wrist bone.

CATHERINE: Well, do you want to suck it ... to be sure?
Does this mean that not only can't Catherine appear in a scene with Grissom on the show anymore this season, but here on Talk we are to erase their past conversations on screen too?

I also don't understand the bit about quoting Billy. He wasn't speaking about Marg, he was explaining Gil's relationship with Catherine. By attributing the comment to him, we aren't shipping Billy/Marg, we're still on Gil/Catherine, as far as I can see. Or would the board prefer that we don't attribute quotes, and just use their words? Like Gil<3 Cath #25: She's his "fianzata"

This isn't just bad news, it's confusing news.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Well, this is a pg-13 board and Do you want to suck it? is pushing the pg-13 meter and can't be used. I know it is a quote from the show (I watch Vegas) but not everyone who comes into Shipper Central watches the show and I believe everyone in here knows what someone might think when they saw it as a thread title. So, consider it off the list.

Does this mean that not only can't Catherine appear in a scene with Grissom on the show anymore this season, but here on Talk we are to erase their past conversations on screen too?
I believe this is taking things a little too far. We're not talking about what you say in your posts. We are talking about a thread title. For one, you still have over 280 posts to go. Now is hardly the time to be fighting over a thread title.

I also don't understand the bit about quoting Billy. He wasn't speaking about Marg, he was explaining Gil's relationship with Catherine. By attributing the comment to him, we aren't shipping Billy/Marg, we're still on Gil/Catherine, as far as I can see. Or would the board prefer that we don't attribute quotes, and just use their words? Like Gil<3 Cath #25: She's his "fianzata"

You can quote Billy, just omit the Billy says from the titles.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

what about "simon says?" j/k

anyways, let's not go deleting gil/cath scenes. lord knows they've all but become an endangered species. i'm sending a letter to my congressman to let him know i want them added to the official list. anyone with me?

so we can talk about sucking it, just not use it in a thread title. i love that scene. especially that moment because when cath says it gil looks up at one of the cadets and holds the bone/rock out to the cadet then cath looks up and gives the cadet this "sucks to be you" look in a funny cath way.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Um actually, the mod had already told us about the "Do You Want to Suck It" one in the previous thread. Maybe Rissa forgot and put it back in the poll. Although I love that as a title and think it's a pity that we can't use it, I believe the mystery thread title is even better! :D So let's just wait and see what it is. Alright? ;)

And kay, congratulation! It's your turn to pick a quote! :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Let me clarify a bit. Yes, you can still talk about all the Grissom/Catherine scenes you want to in this thread. I understand where you're coming from about wanting to use that title. I saw that episode (more than once) and I got a kick out of it every time I saw it but it's not gonna be used as a thread title.

ETA: Thank you EricaSJ for clarifying that. I thought I saw it before.
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