Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Erica, thank you :) I sort of got that hint. :lol: I totally want to see it now, but I'm too lazy to go and find it somewhere to download it. I suddenly feel like a bad fan now :( Oh well. Life happens.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Bright lab= GC
Dark Lab= NO GC

They're the LIGHT of that Lab. :lol: I wonder if they just stopped paying the bills for electricity

Ok, so now we have Gil and Catherine in our heads and...Gil and Catherine as LAMPs. What's next?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I read somewhere that TPTB thought that all the viewers thought of Gil as asexual, but I found that before he got his little personality change, he was always making references to Freud (fur and loathing) and the deal with Lady Heather, and his date with the fingerprint tech, and Terri, offering to have sex with Cath... anyhow, back then I could see him dating and stuff, but now he seems almost mechanical. Based on recent eps, is anyone else not able to picture him taking a date to a Pink Floyd concert, or pining away over a strong woman like Lady H of Terri? I just can't.

Speaking of strong women, I think we've discovered Gil's type of woman. Lady H, Terri, Catherine...they all have a strong independant streak, none of them take his sh**, and he admires everything each one of them does. Terri and Cath are similar in appearance. Cath and Lady H are both single mothers. Could it be that Gil primarily dates women similar to catherine? Look at how he always stares at strippers and showgirls...who was a stripper again? her name starts with a C, i do believe.

Wow. I miss the flirty, dating Gil. Continuity went out the window.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

well, i can picture the real gil going to a pink floyd concert (along with a symphony, he's got a broad area of musical interests from what we've seen).

i also agree that previously his choice in women seemed to mimic characteristics of cath. plus he has always shown his appreciation of her physical body in the way he looks at her (and the other women when the tongue's a hangin'). the original gil was not shy about asking a woman out. he wasn't withdrawn (even if he had no personal life, but if he had no personal life how the heck did cath know exactly what he was doing in his condo/townhouse???)

look at the first time we saw angry gil. what did he talk about? the three things he hated: men who abused their wives, men who sexually abused children and men who dealt death to kids (drugs). now look at cath and eddie and see how that fits into that story.

even funnier is the number of times he's commented on cath's social life (who are you, f&l, early rollout, nhi, and ww are the best examples). he's either amazed by who all she's met, stunned that she's not involved with someone or completely and totally pissed that she is involved withe someone (even casually). the man remembers things her daughter said when she was three, he buys presents for her daughter, he gives her advice on raising her daughter.

but not anymore. he's turned into podgrissom. somebody should blow off his head so the real grissom can return. (cheesy zombie movie reference, ok?)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

ITA with both of you. It's just So sad to see such a completely different person, especialy because I can hardly imagine a person SO closed.

BTW, I have a request. I really need the pics from the Fromalities "Behind The scene". You know, the BowTie laughing scene... I looked in Graveyard, but I couldn't find them...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Wonderful performance by Billy, though. I think most Billy/Girssom fans would like it.
I love the Grissom clips you gave me, lol.. Billy was wonderful but Alan/Carl got my sympathy in that ep. hehe. I really think that from all the Gil-centric eps, Jackpot was the best, not only because Billy showed his acting range in that ep but also because Gil, his character, was so adorable and charming, you root for him and you sympathize with him in Jackpot. And I think the viewers adore that kind of Gil too.. cuz even if 90% of the ep was all Gil, Jackpot was the highest rated ep of season four.

Yeah coolc from what I have seen he is a music lover he knows rock (Led Zep,etc) to classical music.

I was asked to spread this around, lol.. :D so here it is, this is an article where Billy Petersen was asked about his views on the women on CSI, and this is what he said about Catherine:

"This is from an interview with Billy Petersen that someone found over at TWOP before

E Catherine?
Catherine è sicuramente per Grissom più di ogni altra cosa una sorella, una madre, una fidanzata... hanno una relazione abbastanza unica sia per la TV che per il luogo di lavoro. Catherine è una donna matura, intelligente e con un buon cuore che non riveste un ruolo secondario e la relazione che sta portando avanti con Grissom è per entrambi estremamente salutare.

And Catherine?
Catherine is surely for Grissom more than anything else a sister, a mother, a fiancée,... They have a relationship that is quite unique, either on TV or in the workplace. Catherine is a mature woman, intelligent, with a good heart, who does not play a secondary role, and the relationship that she carries on with Grissom is for both of them extremely healthy..."

Complete interview here
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

TRust me, I was jumping when I read that interview. I nearly wanted to kiss Billy!
Thanx Rissa ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Fra, The Formalities Dailies:

Can be found here on the WPAP Gallery.

Do you understand the article Fra? The translation of the interview is accurate, dead-on, and precise right? :D LOL. It was cool to read what Billy had to say about GC before. It soooo similar to my perception about the relationship of Gil and Catherine.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

i love that interview. amazing. glad you found it.

oh the formalities dailies. those were great. poor marg had such trouble with that bowtie. and she kept forgetting her line (what was it? like 2-3 words, lol). ah, i miss that.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Lmao, yeah she only needed to say "you need a woman".
And I love the part where Marg had an impromptu line.. she added "you look handsome" or something like that after she finished Gil's bowtie.. but the damn editor cut it out. :eek: (Probably because that one line would make the scene porn-ish, I mean, too HOOOOTTT.. or because the camera angle was crappy while she was saying that line :D )
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Rissa, you need to ask Catherine (bobo) when it comes to French. She's the real French here. LOL. I think ren can help, too. I know she's fluent in French. Anyone of you ladies would like to make sure the translation is accurate for the rest of us? :D

Btw thanks for sharing the Q&A. You know I absolutely love Billy's answer although the interview isn't new.

Anne? We need a new quote from you. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Oh I forgot Fra is Italian, lol. But anyways, aha! I found the direct link to that article! Thanks to the French and Italian GC forums. :D

Citing the source of that long lost article:
They talk about Grissom's relationships with his subordinates, specifically Nick, Sara and Catherine.

And I found out that the translation from TWOP was an understated translation lmao! :lol: An English translation was posted in the CSI French forum and they actually posted "lover" instead of "fiancee".
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

i need a new cap. i'm sure anne does too. and a few others (hint, hint).

i certainly hope gil's sabbatical clears his head (hey, maybe he gets treatment for a head trauma while he's gone) and he comes back as our old gil.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Since Gil's migraine popped up again.. Im posting these caps from Strip Strangler.



cap away! :D

(and we also need to think about the thread title for the next thread btw)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Wow. I love that interview. Lover and Fiancee, eh? I think those two words spell our ship. :lol: YAY for the French. That's why I'm taking French at school. I love them. :D
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