Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Good god, please don't start the i know thing again. I'll NEVER get it out of my head.

I have my own theories why he's looking for Catherine...but I really can't state them on a PG-13 board....
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Well, I have a few different thoughts on why Gil is looking for Cath. 1. He needs to talk her into feeding his bugs when he's gone. 2. He needs Cath to rescue him from Sara as her constant hovering is driving him (and the rest of us) nuts. 3. The obvious reason (to a PureJoy shipper, anyway) - which is rated R and can't be posted here.

Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

kaylyne said:
Well, I have a few different thoughts on why Gil is looking for Cath. 1. He needs to talk her into feeding his bugs when he's gone. 2. He needs Cath to rescue him from Sara as her constant hovering is driving him (and the rest of us) nuts. 3. The obvious reason (to a PureJoy shipper, anyway) - which is rated R and can't be posted here.


Ahh! *blocks ears* No!!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

i know, anne, i know. i know exactly what you mean.

ok, so that is possibly promising but i 'm not getting my hopes up.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

*ignores C's baiting*

It's not there because Catherine doesn't like it watching when she and Gil make love in the office.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

LMAO Angie! You appeared just when I was thinking that I shall "fade out" from this thread. You're just like Brass, you know, always have bad timing. :lol:

Juicy meaty spoilers huh?

Well, it seems that Catherine's cleavage is going to get some screentime of its own. Apparently one of the suspect she is going to interrogate likes it and she decides to use that to help her solve the case. Well, I'm not holding my hopes for C/G scenes, but I don't really care about it when I get Cath/Novak and teh cleavage. According to the spiolers, the Cath/Novak scene in the court is going to be intense because obviously Novak is still bitter about their last encounter. Hmm I wonder whether there's going to be another Cath/Novak scene apart from the court one. As for Gil looking for Catherine, at least we know he still thinks about her when he's leaving. That sort of makes me feel better. Alas Cath is still at the crime scene far away from the lab. Sigh.
Anne, that was a great theory. LOL.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I really should stop thinking about things like this but what about the CSIs undercover at a monastery and a nunnery. A la Sister Act. You'd have Sister Mary Catherine crawling into Brother Grissom's room..*ahem* and some other amusing moments...

Finally, Tom and Bob get their moment to shine...more than usual...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^ You do know that once you say it, you'll have to write it, too, don't you? :D I swear I can see a supervisor-rated fic coming. :devil:

It was funny reading about the cleavage show, you know. The suspect stares at Catherine's cleavage, she notices it and unbottons a botton to get him give her a straight answer. If he doesn't comply, she buttons back. Interesting interrogating skill/technique, I must say. :lol: Gil is so going to want to be interrogated by Catherine when he hears about that. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Bad Anne! :devil: That will be a fun read though, so I hope you will write a fic about that.
About Cath and Novak: There will be tension between them in 7x11 Leaving Las Vegas alright, but it won't be romantic.. at least not yet. By Erica: "As for Gil looking for Catherine, at least we know he still thinks about her when he's leaving. That sort of makes me feel better. Alas Cath is still at the crime scene far away from the lab. Sigh." Yeah Erica.. I'm thinking there will be something that will happen in the crime scene that would require her to stay there for a longer time and then Gil won't see Cath before he leaves. :( What? Its nice to think of awful things that could happen sometimes hehe

And coolcatz, well lets hope Sheryl Crow's song will have a spot in that episode.

Question:Could it be that Sara is pregnant with Grissom's child on CSI?— Kathrin Ausiello: Um, no. Speaking of CSI, anyone wanna hear my big news about who's stepping in for the exiting Bill Petersen? It's Liev Schreiber! The film/stage vet will debut in January when Grissom decides to step away from blood and guts and (temporarily) take up teaching. So, for the near future, that's Professor Grissom to you.
Uhm Grissom has a competition lol.. that's what you get for letting your midlife crisis out of control.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

i love how the suspect is robert (bob). that is too funny. i somehow doubt they'll have gil/cath together. that would not fit in with the distorted show that is now airing.

oh anne's writing a new fic!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Anne's writing a fic?
Yeah, thank God!

And...I can't look forward to see HER reaction to what the spoiler about Grissom said. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Ahh have so many pages to catch up on.

Yeay newf ic!

So leaving las vegas is when grissom leaves then? Well its good to know that he looks for Cath, means he still cares and wants her to do well while hes gone which is sweet. Am glad that Novak is coming back, will hopefully boost the ratings for Gils return from his sabbatical when hopefully TPTB would have realised that more G/C is whats needed. And im sure GIl will have something to say about Novak to Cath be it bad or good, he cant have such a strong reaction last time and in s7 opener about Caths safety and things and then say nothing to her. And as for Gil going to teach during William Petersons sabbatical, i think its actually a good idea, cos at least its in character and it means that he should come back refreshed from a change of scenery, but on the downside it could be a precursor to how TPTB want Gil to maybe leave if WP decides to leave ie going back to teaching.

But on a plus note, have been in France for a week and watched Down The Drain in French with the cute little 'arent we going to draw straws first scene' and when Gil gets evryone out of the house because of explosives and calls to Cath to get out first. Catherine you're v lucky to see csi in french, the G/C scenes sound so much better :) IMO :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Dardeile said:
Anne's writing a fic?
Yeah, thank God!

And...I can't look forward to see HER reaction to what the spoiler about Grissom said. :D

Oh, I'm sure we can all guess the reason he's looking for Catherine - and it's probably not to tell her that he's going.... :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

But on a plus note, have been in France for a week and watched Down The Drain in French with the cute little 'arent we going to draw straws first scene' and when Gil gets evryone out of the house because of explosives and calls to Cath to get out first. Catherine you're v lucky to see csi in french, the G/C scenes sound so much better :) IMO :)

Really Nicki ? well, personnaly I prefer with their real voices but I have to say that the translation is really good done and that the C/G scenes are often better and hotter too :D
About your theory for the WP's departure, I think you're totally right !
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

New spoilers, yay!

Cheers to cath drama, at least T_TB have enough sense to know that they'll need that when gil is not around but I think now there are less people looking out for gil in the show because of the infamous change in the character.

Gil looking for cath before he leaves *swoons* that's what I'm talking about. :D Hope we'll get well over a minute of GC this time round but I'm not getting my hopes up too much ;) I kind of hope gil will look for cath before he has that conversation with ecklie. If it happens the other way round I have a sinking feeling that T_TB may make it seem like he only looked for cath because ecklie told him to.
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