Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Poor Grissom. You're right, C, he's going to be in a lot of pain without Catherine there to find his stuff for him!

As for promo pics, I haven't really seen anything of Season 7. I was talking with Erica about this the other day. It seems very strange we don't have the usual promo pics.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Nope. That's pretty telling, isn't it?

As for Hottie's question about why TMTB are too afraid to even put G and C together in pics, my guess: it would just rake up all the feelings of rage and betrayal in fans once again.

GC obviously sells: they've used split-second GC shots to promote almost GC-less episodes. You can do that once, you can do that twice. But beyond that, fans will just, well, "un-fan" themselves from the entire show. That's probably the story that the rating figures are telling us. What else would account for a loss of 3 million viewers in 3 weeks between BTK2 and Double Cross?

The sad thing for CSI is that the line they're taking is supposed to help them keep the younger viewers glued to the show, and maybe act as fly paper for others who would be tempted by Grey's.

Guess what? It isn't working. Their share of the coveted 18-49 market slid from a season high of 19% (BTK2) to a new low of 16% (Double Cross). Consider that in Season 6, CSI never got less than 21% of this demographic.

I suspect BTK2 had a slightly higher viewership than BTK1 (which is unusual for 2-parters in CSI history: even for ABRTI, part 2 drew fewer viewers than part 1 - don't know why) because given the dramatic Cath storyline, some people were expecting at least a dose of GC. And, if TMTB would care to look at the numbers, the "some people" cuts across the entire age spectrum.

Want to boost ratings? Put G and C back where they belong - together. That would bring the team dynamics back, and re-light the kind of spark that'd put an end to the decline.

But I'm not hopeful. With TMTB, their present line seems more like an ideology. Dratted commies!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Ren I totally agree with you. G/C definitely attracts viewers. The best examples are the ET episode (when Jan says 'which CSI says I do?' and shows the clip of them kissing. how evil), and all the promo pics. I mean..Season 6 promo pics...I think those are the hottest promo pics we've ever gotten, right? Look what happened.

The ratings dropping. I'm not sure if that's because CSI has just gone on for too long, or Grey's is just that good, but I doubt that those are the cases. The stories are getting boring, and the downplaying of the G/C chemistry definitely isn't going to solve the problem. I read on MSNBC that G/C should be put back together again, because the viewers seem to miss them solving cases together. Their dynamics were unparalleled. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Gravey, CSI hasn't gone on for too long. That's just a bad excuse. If you look at Season 6, the ratings started to drop end March, just when Gil and Cath stopped solving cases together. Grey's really isn't the issue. It wasn't then and it isn't now. CSI had a huge and loyal following. Had they not disappointed them, Grey's would be finding it tough beating them at the ratings game.

GC was that nugget of gold TMTB traded in for a lump of coal.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

gravey, linky pretty pwease :)

ren, your icon and location are totally on spot. i just wish they would realize that.

now, shall we spout extreme shippiness reasons for his looking for cath? remember the more outrageous the more fun.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

He's looking for Cath to apologise what an ass he's been for the past season and a bit...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

He's looking for Cath cuz his "stress release" has been choking the life out of him and he desperately needs to go take a stroll in the desert again with his 'wife'... with more wardrobe dysfunction to follow :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

ROFL Rissa! Erica and the cleavage? What kind of a title was that? :lol: I do love the cleavage, though. I'd even start a fan club for the cleavage if I could. :D

I agree on everyone's thoughts regarding the ratings. CSI might be getting old, but I don't think it's the main reason why its ratings had such a drastic drop within such a short time. I'm quite sure that the loss of C/G dynamic is a big part of it. I'm not saying that the majority of the CSI viewers are C/G shippers (I have said not only once that hardcore shippers are just a tiny part of total viewers that doesn't really matter, especially when you compare it to the viewers they have lost since mid-season 6), but a lot of them seem to like the dynamic between these two as good friends. Their interaction is one of the essential factors that made CSI and without it, CSI is just not the same no matter how good the cases are. That's one of the reasons why I don't like to have a canon ship on a show with so many characters. It just kills the team dynamic.

Oh the reason why Gil's looking for Cath? How about he just needs to see her? I'm so lame. lol.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

EricaSJ said:
ROFL Rissa! Erica and the cleavage? What kind of a title was that? :lol: I do love the cleavage, though. I'd even start a fan club for the cleavage if I could. :D

I agree on everyone's thoughts regarding the ratings. CSI might be getting old, but I don't think it's the main reason why its ratings had such a drastic drop within such a short time. I'm quite sure that the loss of C/G dynamic is a big part of it. I'm not saying that the majority of the CSI viewers are C/G shippers (I have said not only once that hardcore shippers are just a tiny part of total viewers that doesn't really matter, especially when you compare it to the viewers they have lost since mid-season 6), but a lot of them seem to like the dynamic between these two as good friends. Their interaction is one of the essential factors that made CSI and without it, CSI is just not the same no matter how good the cases are. That's one of the reasons why I don't like to have a canon ship on a show with so many characters. It just kills the team dynamic.

Oh the reason why Gil's looking for Cath? How about he just needs to see her? I'm so lame. lol.

Of course he needs to see her. She's the only one that can take care of his needs ;) :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

lol coolcatz, you don't know why they need a big name actor to fill in for WP? Its for the same reason as the reasons for John Mayer and Mr. Britney Spears: Ratings!

can't they see it will never work?? Who cares who the big name stars are? Did they use holloywood in the begining seasons? look at how well they did without k-fed. There are two reaosns for that: GC and team dynamics.

TMTB have already sunk themselves into a hole and by trying to get themselves out of it, they just keep digging deeper and deeper.

As Nick Stokes said in Fight Night: "Look, if
you find yourself in a hole, the best thing to do is stop digging."

So Gil is looking for Cath and Novak is back. Huh. I could deal with it. You know, Gil can't go anywhere without Catherine knowing, why should this be any different? But you watch, Catherine will get held up at the scene and we won't get our GC scenes. It will be like one of those chick flicks where he tries to find her, but can't and then he leaves, and then she finds out and tries to stop him, but she's too late...yadayada. I'm a pessimist today. BTW, I think Leaving Las Vegas was also the title of a fanfic I read quite some time ago.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Love all the theories :)I'm in pessimist land too, in this way maybe even a few minutes of proper GC can lift a little of my spirits ;)

ITA that T_TB only have themselves to blame for the dropping ratings. IMO, character interaction makes up a big part of the show even for the non-shippers. When the cases are not that captivating the friendly banters between characters keep up the quality of the show. When T_TB started killing off the team dynamics and GC chemistry they were also killing the show.

If cath does the cleavage experiment on gil it'll woek so well that she'll end up showing him more :devil:

Why gil looks for cath? Because he hates it when they're apart ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

It just struck me as funny right now (OK, so I had to get up really early and work today, so my brain goes goofy with lack of sleep) Novack is on the scene just as Gil leaves ---- would that mean he's been stalking Cath and waiting to pounce on her once her support is conveniently gone? Does anyone else think that having Novack back, along with the addition of Liev Schrieber's character is a bit much?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

LOL that's a very interesting theory, Novak stalking cath, it could happen, he does know where she lives. IMO, bringing back Novak is entirely fine with me since that means cath drama :D but I'd like it to be at a better timing like when gil's in town and when there's a higher chance of getting a GC scene when they have a convo about Novak. As for bringing in someone to replace gil, I think that's totally unecessary because cath is obviously the most suited person for the supervising role. She knows how things work in the lab, she knows her co-workers well and most important of all she has gil's total trust. I think it'll be easier for the others (except maybe one particular person *grins*) to deal with cath being their supervisor than a total stranger, they'll have to rebuild the team dynamics all over again and deal with a new set of politics with the arrival of the new supervisor and that totally sucks.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

coolc, i'm not sure where I read it. :p I would link you, and will let you know if I find it again. But I think it might have been the CSI section at MSNBC. Not sure if that was the case. :p :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

so stalking cath once gil goes away? interesting theory. but without gil any novak follow up is not sticking with continuity which really sucks
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