Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Ouch. 56 seconds was really pathetic. What are TPTB trying to do to us? Fannysmackin' was just okay thanks to the lack of G/C, but I did rewind it like 5 times just to see K-Fed get owned by Nick. :)

I actually can't wait for Grissom's sabbatical because I really want to find out why he finally cracks, and I hope it will make him rethink his relationship with Cath before he just throws their friendship away.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

I, too, think the sabbatical is a good turning point for gil, a chance for him to think things through and realise what an a$$ he'd been. But I'm not sure if I want to put too much hope in that, as far as I know TMTB may just be giving him this sabbatical as an excuse for Billy's absence and when he comes back they'll put it off with a few short mentions like cath's short comment about Sam's death(?). I've already lost much faith in TMTB's ability for continuity.

*looks at post* Catherine, I think I'll need some of your optimism :lol:

CGF I love the cap, if only I can get the details of what gil did to cath after she put down the gun :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Um..Fannysmackin. I don't know about this episode. I was nice to see more Greg and all, but...the first scene was just pathetic. Really. Not because there was a lack of GC but because it didn't flow at all. They started out the case together but were nowhere near each other the rest of the ep. Continuity? Yeah right.

A sabbatical. If it provides an opportunity for him to look back on what he's done, how he's been through the season, then I say hell yeah. However, I have lost faith in TMTB (as rebec said above) and I don't think they can make the sabbatical worth our wait.

And also, about the comment someone made up there about the spontaneity that was lost from actually having a "ship"...I totally agree. There is no Grissom/Sofia contact all! Like...has he said a word to her this past season? I mean...he was getting all friendly with her in Season 5 but wherever did that go? I think TMTB are sacrificing a little too much and it's not worth losing viewers over.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^^ITA, I miss the gil/sofia interactions too, I don't ship them but those two do have chemistry, just like gil/LH. I see more chemistry in these two pairings then the current one :rolleyes:

Now we still get some (I say some because I think the interactions between characters are still lagging as compared to the earlier seasons) gil/greg or gil/another guy but gil/another person of the opposite sex...nada, makes me think T_TB (new name, got it from BTA ;)) knows somehow that another other pairing with not as much chemistry as GC is sufficient to overshadow cringe :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

TMTB are indeed making bone-head decisions and lack continuity where it matters. Their primary focus is their ship, which is hurting their ratings, even if they can't figure out the problem.

However, if TPTB play their cards right, they could just win viewers back. Grissom's sabbatical opens a whole range of possibilities, and if TPTB choose the right course, there is a chance they could give their slowly dying show a reprieve. If Gil does some serious thinking and reflecting on his life and relationships with Catherine and his team, he will undoubtedly come to some sort of conclusion. That's classic Grissom. This is where it gets sticky. He could realize that his relationship is getting in the way of his work (and we all know how he likes to draw the line). This would be the best case senario for TMTB to play on.

But as I said, it gets sticky. Like everyone else on this tread, I wouldn't bet my life that TMTB will do the logical thing. There are several very detrimental things TMTB could do with this sabbatical (Many things only GSR shippers would enjoy).

In short, TMTB could make the most of the sabbatical and repair the show (maybe not to the glory it once had, but repaired nontheless), but I'm not holding my breath.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

This is not the place to talk about GSR. There is a thread for that. There is also a thread where you can talk about any of the ships and that is The Great Ship Debate thread for Vegas which is pinned near the top of the forum.

Please refrain from talking about any other ship. This thread is for Gil/Catherine.

ETA: There are multi-shippers and some may consider it offensive to talk negatively about other ships in this thread.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^^Oops, sorry, I think I'm one of the main culprits :eek: My apologies to the multishippers too, I got carried away, next time I'll go rant somewhere else ;)

Now, I have no idea who gets to post the next quote so I'll just pick off where we stopped at for the case discussions. According to Erica's list, after Evaluation Day it's Strip Strangler ! I loved this epi, great case great team work and most importantly, great GC :D

So, anyone wants to start the ball rolling?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

grissom complained to catherine about her ethics when she told him about the money from sam braun. so how come he has forgotten about ethics now, it just doesnt make sense. the writers should be made to watch all of the previous seasons then they could see why so many people think this gsr stuff is just not right, morally or ethically. grissom and catherine all the way!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

So we're discussing about the Strip Strangler, now?
Well, because I could write an essay about tha shooting scene.

She did save his life...But why did she shoot three times?
I mean, that guy didn't have a gun, so one shoot was probably enough to prevent him from hurting Gil. But she firde THREE times. Not once, not twice...THREE times.
It's all in those three shoots. The first one, probably, was to save Gil's life...But the other two probably were because the man (can't remember his name, sorry) had even THOUGHT about killing Gil, and she couldn't let him get away with it.

"Where's the love?" It's right THERE, Warrick, back in season one :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^ you're right, liz19 ! he complained too to her in Weeping Willows . But, you know, it's always the same problem : continuity !!! TMTB apparently don't know that word .
It's the same thing with Sam . He's dead, not dead ?
About the C/G scenes, it's this lack of continuity who harms the show and who start to be felt in the ratings . That they want it or not , viewers like this couple not only the C/G shippers :mad:

Strip Strangler ? I love this epi ! and yes, she just needed one shot to neutralize the man ! but hey, nobody must touch her Gil :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

OMG Cath shoots to save Gil? I cant believe i dont remember that bit :( All i can remember is all the CSI's being in a restaurant somewhere and Cath going "Never doubt never look back, thats how i live my life" and Gil going "I admire that" :D

Obviously i think Fannysmakin is a great episode, but for lack of G/C, which would have made it even better. What did they say in their 56s together?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Yes, Catherine saves his life, and that's why, later, he goes like "I should have never put you in that position".

Oh, well...For as far as we're concerned, he could have meant also something else :D But T_TP (i love the new name!) didn't go further on THAT. So, he says it because she had to shot that man. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Thanks Dardeile and thanks for the pic catherine :D

Oh I do remember that scene now thanks :)I remember Cath running down the stairs looking pertrified and some guys trying to hit Gil and then she stands on the stairs and shoots at him. And the look of relief on both their faces looked so real and like they obviously mean so much more to each other than just colleagues. And then i think she goes to his house to talk to him :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Honey, that happens before :D
She goes at his townhouse after he gets suspended, to say that she refused to take his place ;)
The "If you're a civilian, we're all civilians" line.
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