Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require


cath: gil? yeah, i got it...umhm, the keys're sure nicky won't notice?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hey guys! Congrats on the new thread! :D *throws confetti*

I was just recently thinking about the episode in the fifth season where Grissom comes into Cath's office with his fetal pig as an 'office warming' gift. I loved the bit where she says 'When I was your left hand... and your right, I always knew that if it hit the fan you'd be the one to get dirty' or something along the lines of that. I bet Gil uses both of his hands :D :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^^ Wait...what did she get? Their video tape? LOL.

I think Gentle, Gentle is a rather sad episode. Well, there's no gross scene in this episode, but it's sad. I think I understand why the mother was willing to go to the jail for the little boy. Although she can't look at him or hold him at the ending scene, she loves him after all. It's sad to see a happy family broken like that. :(

Another cap:


ETA: Oh hey welcome greenplastic and quoth. :) I love the way you think, quoth. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require


Gil (offscreen): Cath...what are you doing?
Catherine: This is where those mind numbing idiots say they last saw the tape. I'm trying to find it before we both get fired.
Gil: You know...we haven't christened this car yet...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^ LOL that was cute. Thanks, Anne. :) I think almost all of the regulars here have talked about their opinions on Gentle, Gentle? If we want to start the next case, it would be the head in Evaluation Day. LOL. By the way, where has rebec been?

Oh Anne, you didn't cap the last pic I posted?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

So, we're evaluating Evaluation Day?

The "head-topsy" was cute. (Jeez, am I stuck on "cute" today, or what? --never mind)

So...Cath doesn't fall for Nick's "silk, silk, silk" riddle, which I'm sure Gil has tried on her a time or two and she hasn't fallen for it, either.

The lusty PureJoy convo:
CATH: Definitely a crime of passion.
GIL: You think a female could do this?
CATH: I could have.
GIL: Scared of you.

Then Cath makes a hasty retreat as Gil & Doc are going to boil the head (yeesh!)

Cath's evaluation:
CATH: By the way, what about my evaluation?
GIL: Keep up the good work, Catherine.
(How many times now has he told her "good job"? It's been a few that I remember.)

She's keeping secrets from him?
GIL: Well, maybe he was shot somewhere else.
CATH: That would explain the plastic.
GIL: What plastic? You never told me about any plastic.
CATH: I didn't? Oh.

As far as the case itself - BLAH!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Ev Day was boring, i must say.
Except for the "Crime-Of-Passion" line, of course.
SOmetimes I can almost imagine Cath saying, after that "Yes, i could kill you Gil. just like this man".
:lol: LOL.

I loved all of your caps,'re too good to be true :D


Gil: Look, I told you I'm SORRY for the tape, Cath! I won't do it again! Now...Kiss me here?
Cath: Keep dreaming...You don't find the tape? You don't hace ANYTHING else. Find the tape first, then I'll kiss you there...And wherever you'll point to.

*Slaps herself and reminds to herself to remain pg-13*:D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Great cap Fra !!! sometimes, Gil is really the Cath's slave :lol:
Evaluation Days ? well, not a great epi except the "scared of you" . A really C/G scene and a really Cath's line :D

About "Fannysmacking", 56 seconds ! it's a new record . And they don't even talk or look at each other :rolleyes:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

And THAT's what we call chemistry.
Ah-a, no matter how they try to avoid the thing, we're always right! :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Oh I remember the Victoria Secret girls were in Evaluation Day and they appeared again in S6's Spellbound. :D And of course the scared of you comment was cool, Gil smirked in that scene cuz he found her funny and not cuz she's a psycho chainsaw killer.

LMAO! I love your kiss cap Fra! :D

bobo said:
About "Fannysmacking", 56 seconds ! it's a new record . And they don't even talk or look at each other :rolleyes:
Oh I burst out laughing when I watched their "56-sec" scene.. They were really talking through Brass! How ridiculous can CSI get?!?! :rolleyes: Probably next time we would see an interpreter in between them or something. The episode had a good case, I love the pacing of the ep and Greg was awesome unfortunately Fannysmackin' still ended in number two spot..tsk.. until theyre giving us these sub-par GC scenes, they won't get the top spot. :p

This is kinda hard to cap, cuz the camera didn't focus on their face.. I hope somebody could cap this..
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Hottie_Cath said:
This is kinda hard to cap, cuz the camera didn't focus on their face.. I hope somebody could cap this..

Cath: Gil, if you don't remove your hand then I'm going to remove it for you.
Gil: But -
Cath: Did you find the tapes? *he removes his hand as she smirks*

Okay that probably sucks but hey I tried. Plus I studied the picture and couldn't find his hand so I had to do something. It might be at his side. *goes to study photo some more.*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

ROFLMAO ! I love your pic, Hottie ! next time, we'll just have their feet :lol: god, I prefer to laugh ! it's so ridiculous . And you're right, soon, they gonna need a translator or something :rolleyes: or just 15 seconds together ...

Good cap CGF :D the Gil's hand are often hidden behind Catherine !!! (btw, I love your icon) . You're on BTA ? there is the same icon :p
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Thanks! I love your icon. Actually I love like all yalls icons.

Yes I said yalls .... I love that word.

I'm not a fan of the whole '15 second GC scenes' but CSI has become more interresting recently. Why you ask? I get to debate about it with my dad, who denies he cares about who gets with who but he did tell me this ....

If he figured anyone would have gotten together on the show it would have been Greg and Sara so in a way he supports GSR just not what we have going on now =).

I think he secretly supports GC as well because I just know it. During Fannysmackin' (which is when he said the Greg/Sara thing) the topic of friendships between males and females came up and he said its very rare for a male and female to have a completely platonic(sp) relationship together. Which is why I think he supports GC, or at least would rather see that then GSR. After all the two, GC, have been friends for a long time and I, from experience, can testify to the fact that a friendship with someone from the other sex over a long time causes other feelings to emerge. It's impossible, IMO, for Grissom and Catherine to not have more then just friendship feelings.

Enough ranting .... or was that ranting?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

It's always great to come back here, the caps really had me LMAO :lol: I have to say, Fra you're getting really good at the caps ;)

Erica , missed me much? *wiggles eyebrows* :D

Just a little comment about Gentle Gentle because I have to say that I loved that ice pack scene :D He lets her hug him, he lets her touch his arm, he lets her put an ice pack on his forehead, he can't keep his hands and eyes off her...platonic my gluteus maximus (sp?) :D I also though it was a nice change to see gil show more emotion for once, he's human after all.

Evaluation Day, I can't remember details for the case but the "scared of you" scene is one of my many favourites, cath's expression when gil and doc were talking about boiling the head always makes me laugh :lol: Btw, I loved this scene too:

CATHERINE: Well, maybe we should be evaluating you.
GRISSOM: You're a riot, Alice. You and I are going to work the head case.
Only cath dares to make such a comment to him :lol:

Oh, I'd like to back track abit to the comment about Jorja and Billy earlier on. In an old interview that I came across Jorja commented that she loved working with Billy, didn't know that they weren't really on very good terms with each other. Just wanted to say thanks to whoever posted that info (I'm too lazy to go all the back to find out who) :D

Btw, no talking and eye contact in a 56sec GC scene? :eek: I have to go see for myself. *runs over to BTA*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

In 56 seconds you have at least time to say "Gosh, i hate them SO much". :lol:
Rebec, glad u liked the caps. It's a good way to have them at least TALKING to each other, since they will soon talk through doors, tnx to TPTB.

And yes, she's the only one who could make such comments to him, because she's the only one he lets in his little world.

And u know what? I don't care what they say or do, she's stil the only one who really knows him. Even not talking to him.
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