Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Yes coolc, it's called "mo qi". I love that everyone remembers it. Makes me proud. :D And I love that cap hahaha. Didn't Billy say something like everyone needs a spank every now and then when he was talking about Gil in a recent interview? I guess it's time for him to get aspank from Cath. LOL.

I see you're in a mood for capping. So here we go:

Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Still waiting. :D Just kidding.

ROFLMAO. :lol: You guys are too funny to be true. These caps are just the comic relief I needed from my school-work which is getting to be overloading by the minute.

Challenging Gil. That's a very very good point. Catherine is really Grissom's only "equal", you know what I mean? She can see eye to eye with him (not on some matters, but still) on most things, and if she doesn't agree, she comes right out says it, but some of the other members of the team really just..can't talk openly to their supervisor. I don't think Grissom's shown his...thoughtful side (should I say?), or the fact that he's open to challenges, he's open to new ideas (which Catherine provides most of the time anyways :D). that's a different issue altogether :devil:. Hehe. But they really do compliment each other, like Erica (who needs to comment on my LJ) said in the previous post. It's not just us that sees this, I mean...even TMTB see it, as they added in that line about Yin and Yang (although that wasn't actually the line, I think they tried to mean something by that.)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require


Cath: That's right Gil...Mmm. A little to the left...

I love how when Gil is wrong, it seems that Catherine is the only one willing to call him on it. She has no qualms whatsoever about standing up to him, telling him he's an idiot, or he's wrong. It's great :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require


exactly. she calls him on it when he's wrong. she calls him on it when he's overworking (and takes care of him at the same time). <---very wifey of her.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

coolcatz said:

exactly. she calls him on it when he's wrong. she calls him on it when he's overworking (and takes care of him at the same time). <---very wifey of her.

She's so wifey that Gil never corrects anyone when they call her the wife!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Oh I love that last comment, Anne. That's just so true. Gil never corrects anyone when they call Catherine his wife. Hehe. Kudos to the folks in Jackpot! Man, those were the days. LOL. And Gravy, I'm too lazy to go back a dozen pages of my flist. Care to post a link? :D

Nice cap, Anne. I knew you'd make good use of it. :lol: Next one!

Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

she's right though. when has he ever even flinched at her being referred to as his wife? or when people have assumed they were together? when?

he likes her nearby. he doesn't like her going out. he remembers things about their past, her daughter (something men don't generally do).

sorry e, can't cap that if you want me to be able to keep posting.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require


Sara: Okay, let's see...Oh my god!
Catherine: Oh crap. GRISSOM! You brought the wrong negatives into work again!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Dang. I KNEW you'd have a great idea for that one, coolc. :devil: How about you take it to your playground? Hehe. Anne's cap was good, though. Hehe, I love Snuff. We've got Cath in curls and we've got Cath and Gil watching porn together. :D

Okay where was our case discussion? Face Lift? Is it okay that we start with Gentle, Gentle now? It's another great episode with perfect team work, and we see an emo Gil in this one, too. :)

While still waiting for ren to post her quote, here's another pic for you to cap:

Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require


Gil: Catherine Willows.
Catherine: What?
Gil: You left an extra button undone today.
Catherine: Well you know me, Gil. I like to keep you occupied
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

:lol: ^Anne, you're brilliant. I love cap time. It's just so much fun. :D

Wifey. He does correct her sometimes, doesn't he? Or is he just "scared of her" to quote Gil, actually. So I guess he's careful around her. :D siggie's a link. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

A quickie here (no, I don't mean it that way!). Got to be running, but here's my quote:

GRISSOM: Can I keep it?

CATHERINE: Sorry. It's evidence.

GRISSOM: Don't forget to feed him.

CATHERINE: I know-- wood.

So where's that from... and post a cap of that scene if possible. It's one of my favourites :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Ah-a, that's from...Oh gosh, Paul Newsome...Ok, that was 1x18 "$35K O.B.O"...
Paul Newsome, I so LOVE that man. He's gorgeous.

Here's the cap :D

Thanx to

Next quote would be:

GRISSOM: Well, he had a million dollars in his checking account.

CATHERINE: Who doesn't?

one of my favourite ep, actually :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

^ is it from season 2, The Finger?

Oh Gentle, Gentle that was a great episode. I think its the episode where Gil gets hit in the head and Cath gives him an icepack? They looked so much like a couple in that, especially when he protests tying to be tough and she persists and then he gives in to her :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require

Ah Gentle, Gentle, my favrouite bit has to be when Gil loses his temper with everyone. Didnt like when he was mean to Greg, but when he and Sarah where arguing and Cath just stood there waching not bothered by it at all. The look Cath gave Sarah when Gil says you better drive, makes me laugh every time. :)
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