Gil <3 Cath #24: Kissing Her Doesn't Require a Pay Raise

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Thanks for the pretsels, Rebec :p

Yes, Eddie himself commented on Cath and Gil ! if her husband believed that there was a thing between us, as he said so their co-workers believe it too ! it's so evident ! and your right, Kay , even Sam .
Actually, all their closest friends or family know or believe that there is someting between those two !!!
Except TMTB as I said in my previous post even if they give us a little C/G precious scene in each epi .

That's true, between C/G and the bathtubs, it's a long story :D Don't break our dream 1CSIMfan :lol:
don't forget butterflied...lots of bathroom time there
i'm sure there were others

And as for logic, that all goes out the window when I'm here. All Logic has also abandoned TMTB a long time ago.
And as for logic, that all goes out the window when I'm here. All Logic has also abandoned TMTB a long time ago.

True ! TPTB had a logic and continuity but not TMTB :mad:
But we also can see that like a good sign ; they're always changing their mind so maybe they'll understand that viewers want C/G . Who knows ?
We do have some logic. They've been out in the field the whole night and not processed anything, been in the elevator and came out with clothes rearranged, it's not too far fetched to think that they've had some fun in the bathtubs :D

At least GC logic makes more sense than TMTB logic (if you can even call that logic :rolleyes:) :lol:
Oh damn logic :lol: yeah I didn't get that it was about the boss thing until I got here. I was too ready to get into the GC bubble and assume that Cath looks like the type of woman who'd be in Gil's bathtub. :p

Well I still loved their tiny scene. At this point I'm gonna take as much as I can get. :D I also appreciate the effort to put in a slight GC insinuation into the mix.

GC + bathtubs =
That could be a reason.. but Gil is not Catherine's boss, is he? They have been both supervisors since Season 6 and Catherine hasn't been demoted or anything. If Doc was supposed to give the paralellism between that bodyguard and Catherine and their bosses, then Doc should've mentioned 'Ecklie's tub' instead, since Ecklie is Catherine's boss. Sorry for being nitpicky, lol!

And I agree kaylyne, glad to know that Doc probably has an idea how many bathrooms and tubs Gil and Cath have processed since Season 1, lol.

Catherine's expressions, and her meaningful smirk after Doc asked his question is something to think about.. But obviously its not enough to make me like the episode (and the whole season in general), lol. Some parts were pretty boring imo, I haven't even finished watching the ep.. I'd probably finish watching it when I like to bore myself or something.

Oh and RSM Texas Aggie gave her interpretation of the bath tub scene and although its not gc shippy, I agree with her. (yikes) Her post is on BTA.
rebec said:
They've been out in the field the whole night and not processed anything, been in the elevator and came out with clothes rearranged, it's not too far fetched to think that they've had some fun in the bathtubs :D

Oh, I've no problem whatsoever with Cath being in Gil's tub. Heck, that's how she knows where his big-screen TV is. It took Doc Robbins so many years to confirm for us this little detail of theirs! :rolleyes:

And Cath wasn't having a nap in Gil's tub, I don't think. She was 'otherwise occupied' I'm sure. Why else the little smirk?

You see, it's the smirk that gave it all away. An involuntary expression of an involuntary but pleasant memory.

DOC ROBBINS: She drowned alright. Slight petechial haemorrhaging in both eyes.
CATHERINE: Any chance it was an accident?
(Doc looks Cath squarely in the eyes.)
DOC ROBBINS: When was the last time you took a nap in Grissom's tub?
(Cath has a half smirk.)
DOC ROBBINS: Take a look.

Now, consider this (and I try to put myself in Cath's shoes). Cath raises the possibility of an accidental death. If by his question, Doc meant "You've never been in Grissom's tub, so why would she be? She had to have been forced into it..." and if Cath agreed because she had never been in Gil's tub, she would have reacted differently. She might have pursed her lips. She might have said, "Hmm" to mean "Good point there." She might have just nodded. But that half-smirk?

Of course, the question we could ask is why the reference to Grissom's tub at all? Not necessary. Doc Robbins could have delivered his conclusions in any fashion - without referencing Cath in Gil's tub. If you get my drift.

Not that these wee bones thrown obliquely to keep GC shippers guessing and hoping, will get me back to watching the show though. :lol: Me, I need much, much more meat on the bone, and plenty of BIG bones too!!!
Gosh, I'm in the deepest stage of depression.They just run Way To Go. i had already watched it, but it was a bad idea to think I could see it again.

I know we're not talking about that right now, but I hope u'll forgive me if I try to say what I'm feeling right now.

It's almost as if it's a nightmare, actually.
I mean, until I saw it in italian, IO could just think it wasn't going to happen. but the fact that it aired yesterday...Well'it hit me pretty hard.
It's like a slap.
The only thing I can say right now is "I'm not ready to say goodbye" quoting Sara...Only, I'm not ready to say goodbye to something different.
Only thinking that I'm hopelessly devoted to a pairing that is not going to have a chance makes me feel bad.
It's just unfair, to me.
It's's all wrong.

Sorry for these words, but I'm trying to xcape from it...But i'm finding it difficult. :(

CAPS could bring some happiness, btw :D
Dardeile said:
CAPS could bring some happiness, btw :D
Hear that coolcatz? Make Fra happy before the boyfriend, lol! :D

And Fra I hear you, and you are not alone, a lot of people were disgusted when the season six finale was aired. TMTB (oops typo, lol) may deny it but the ratings (both in s6 and s7) say it all. Aww and its really sad because I know that the Italians are hardcore parental.
While waiting for coolcatz's caps, I suggest you write TPTB and tell them what you feel. :D Its really therapeutic I tell you. And then watch Inside the Box, it'll make you feel better. The GC hug never fails to make the viewers warm and fuzzy inside. :D
Oh and also try to watch the Doc/Cath bathtub scene in Toe Tags, it was short but really cute.
^ LMAO. Fra you really are desperate for caps, aren't ya? :lol: Since my new caps are online now, I'll give you one:


Catherine: Gil, hands off the remote control.

Hehe I love coming back to the tread and seeing lots of discussion going on. So, are we going to the exciting case in Table Stakes anytime soon? :D

I wonder if anyone else has noticed that in the A/V lab scene in Toe Tags, Catherine didn't turn around and look at who's coming in. She knew it was Gil even before he started talking. Was it just coincidence? Nah I don't think so. That was the "mo qi" between these two. <3

ETA: LMAO Rissa! Typo my gluteus maximus. :lol:
Tnx Rissa ;) I could use some comfort.
And yes, I can assure u in Italy the greatest part of us is a PureJoy Shipper, and there's a lot of disappointment in the whole comunity. Yet, there are some people who r glad, but that's the other side of us.

Anyway, I think I'll follow your advice and I'll have a PureJoy-Ep marathon...While waiting for coolc's caps :D

E, you do know that I TOTALLY love you, don't you?

Caps are baaaack! :lol:
Oh Dardelle! I know how you feel. And trust me, you're not alone in thinking it was like a slap in the face. They did many of their viewers violence with that scene.

But now that we're into S7, despite TMTB still trying to hawk their "wares", like a bunch of snake oil doctors, I'm beginning to think that it may not altogether be a done deal. Let me explain: I don't expect much. But I am getting some inkling that all is not well on the set in CSI. Besides the lying, the scripted statements which were a second slap to a lot of long-time viewers (pulling a fast one on us indeed! :mad:), the contradictory statements, the wavering percentages put out for the number of fans supporting TMTB's choice of ship, the one line that clued me in to the idea that all is not well in CBS/CSI land was Billy's quip about "tongue costs more". THAT was unscripted. And it jarred. Where's the enthusiasm?

Sure, they're to stuff the unmentionable down our throats and trying to do so in ways that make me throw up: like certain promo shots.

TMTB are hell-bent on pushing the Counterfeit and stamping out the Real Stuff. The thing is: the Counterfeit will never ever be able to pass for the Real Stuff. The chemistry between Catherine and Grissom has everything to do with the chemistry between Marg and Billy. That comes from the interplay of their personalities. It's unique to them. I think TMTB are flogging a lame horse with the Unmentionable.

If WTG sickened you, do like me: don't be curious, don't watch the show live. Cut out any bit that could make you ill. And don't get curious about promo shots till you know for sure who is on them - and who isn't. That way, you can still enjoy your favourite pairing ;)

~~ Edit ~~

And you're absolutely right, Erica. She never turned to see who it was walking in on her. An unbreakable bond, wouldn't you say? What was it, "mo qi"?
Ren I started doing that right after Way to Go :D
Thanx God there are fanfictions, that sometimes are better than the real show.

Ouch, did I say sometimes? I meant always.

And I agree with you saying that things don't look good on the set...Who knows, maybe they just pushed the wrong buttons, and they're realizing it now.
Another thing, Dardelle, there were the TVGuide's fan questions. When Billy finally answered them, he touched on Grissom's relationship with every other character mentioned, including Lady Heather (whom he demoted from soul mate to spanking partner! :rolleyes:)... except Catherine. There were so many questions about GC, but none were put to him.

So that got some of us curious. Why was GC off-limits when G-anyone else wasn't?
Glad I helped Fra. :D


Catherine: Gil! Didn't I just tell you...mmm okay you're forgiven.

ren, I thought you'd have learned a little Chinese by now. :D "mo qi" is a Chinese word. It's quite like an unbreakable bond that is very hard to describe like you just said. But really, it's much deeper than that. I can't fine an equivalent for it in English. Anne like the word "mo qi" and even said she'd add it to our dictionary. :lol:
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